Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)


Based on IMDb scores, we take a look at the famous filmography of none other than Gene Kelly.

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Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

Gene Kelly was an actor, dancer, and singer who was active in the 1940s and on and specialized in the movie musical. Although most of his films were musicals, he also forrayed into action-adventure and dramatic acting.

Kelly will always be remembered fondly for his movie musicals, but it’s impressive that he took the time to star in other types of films as well and test his acting outside of the movie musical world. Let’s revisit his top-rated films according to IMDb!

10 It’s Always Fair Weather (1955) – 7.0

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

It’s Always Fair Weather is a musical that Gene Kelly starred in and co-directed with Stanley Donen. It begins with three World War II vets celebrating the end of the war and making a plan to meet up ten years later. Ten years later they find that they’re completely different men and now have nothing in common. They have a rocky reunion with singing, dancing, and with a highlight of Gene Kelly’s iconic and impressive roller skating choreography.

9 Anchors Aweigh (1945) – 7.1

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

Anchors Aweigh is a musical that follows two sailors on leave in Hollywood. Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra star as the two sailors who sing, dance, and meet new people. Sinatra’s character asks Kelly to teach him how to interact with women because he’d like to, but finds himself too shy. They meet a young kid who wants to join the Navy and take him home from a police station to meet his mother, who Kelly and Sinatra both fall for. It’s a fun film with some great dancing and singing throughout.

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8 For Me And My Gal (1942) – 7.1

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

For Me and My Gal follows a pair of vaudeville performers (Gene Kelly and Judy Garland) as they near their big break performing at a famous theater. Right before the performance, Harry (Kelly) gets a draft notice as America enters the first World War. Desperate to delay his deployment, he purposefully injures his hand, which Jo (Garland) breaks up their act and future wedding over. Harry tries to prove himself to her and win her back as a partner and future wife.

7 The Three Musketeers (1948) – 7.2

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

This film tells the familiar story of The Three Musketeers. Gene Kelly plays newcomer d’Artagnan who runs into the three skilled swordfighters and joins their ranks after he helps them avoid capture. The film follows the adventures of the four men and introduces potential romantic figures throughout. A different film for Kelly as he typically stuck to musicals, it’s a change of pace seeing him star in an action-adventure film.

6 Summer Stock (1950) – 7.2

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

The musical Summer Stock follows Judy Garland and Gene Kelly as they cross paths on Garland’s farm. Kelly plays a theater director who is engaged to Garland’s sister at the beginning of the film, Garland is engaged to another man as well. They become close as the theater group stays on the farm to rehearse and eventually fall in love.

5 An American In Paris (1951) – 7.2

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

This musical stars Gene Kelly as a World War II veteran who decides to move to France after the war to pursue his painting. He runs into an heiress (Nina Foch) who is interested in his work, and most likely more than just his work, and he starts a friendship with her.

He also meets and immediately falls for another woman (Leslie Caron) but finds out that she is engaged to be married. There are twists and turns for the characters in their lives as they try to navigate their relationships. A completely engaging and lovely film with fantastic and magical dancing and singing throughout.

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4 On The Town (1949) – 7.4

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

This musical follows three Navy men on their one day of leave in New York City. Gabey (Gene Kelly) and Ozzie (Jules Munshin) are more interested in finding ladies in New York, while Chip (Frank Sinatra) is determined to see as many of the city’s sights as he can. Gabey spots a poster for Miss Turnstiles and falls in love with her, determined to find her, he and his buddies go on a quest. There’s singing, dancing, and quick-witted hilarity throughout this delightful film.

3 The Young Girls Of Rochefort (1967) – 7.7

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

This film follows two twin sisters who work as a dance and music instructor in the small town, but both sisters want to find the love of their life and leave the town of Rochefort. The two try to find partners as a fair comes to town, Solange finds love in Gene Kelly’s character and Delphine leaves the town to pursue a career with the traveling caravan. It’s a fun film and although Gene Kelly doesn’t appear in it as much as others on this list it’s worth the watch.

2 Inherit The Wind (1960) – 8.1

Top 10 Gene Kelly Movies (According To IMDb)

In a more dramatic role for Gene Kelly, he co-stars in this courtroom drama that uses the true story of the Scopes “Monkey” Trial of the 1920s when a teacher was put on trial for teaching evolution to discuss the current events of the McCarthy trials. The film follows the two big-name lawyers (Spencer Tracy and Fredric March) as they go head to head in court over evolution vs creationism in schools. Gene Kelly plays a reporter who is covering the case.

1 Singin’ In The Rain (1952) – 8.3

Singin’ in the Rain is a classic movie musical that stars Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. Kelly also co-directed (with Stanley Donen) and choreographed the project.

The film follows Kelly as a silent movie star who tries to make the difficult change to talkies with the help of his best friend (O’Connor) and new love interest (Reynolds). With stunning visuals, catchy tunes, and mesmerizing dance choreography it’s no surprise this is Kelly’s top-rated film!

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