Top TikTokker Wanted HBO Max Will Pay You to Improve Its TikTok Game

Top TikTokker Wanted: HBO Max Will Pay You to Improve Its TikTok Game


HBO Max has a TikTok page that is somehow more depressing than the audience-free episodes of ‘Last Week Tonight’. Applications are very welcome.

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Top TikTokker Wanted HBO Max Will Pay You to Improve Its TikTok Game

HBO Max is desperately searching for some social media master to run its new account on TikTok. The company is very publicly offering a paid internship for anyone who can fill the role.

TikTok is undeniably huge but what often goes unmentioned is its enormous impact on brands. With a user base in the billions and an intentionally digestible format, content that goes viral on TikTok has great potential to spread much further than similar posts on other social platforms. In 2020 alone, we’ve seen examples of musical artists seeing major results because of success on TikTok, as well as major political movements swaying the opinions of centuries-old companies.

It’s no wonder HBO Max wants to get in on that action. It’s posted a colorful job listing on the HBO Max website explaining that the network needs someone who already has a firm grasp and love of TikTok. The position is currently posted as a paid internship with “a competitive hourly wage”. The potential employee will work alongside HBO Max’s marketing team, possibly gaining real work experience in the entertainment industry. Amusingly, the position also includes a free HBO Max subscription.

Why HBO Max Is So Aggressive in Its Search

It’s pretty clear from the job listing that HBO Max really wants to hire someone to run that account. However, the person running the account now also wants to ensure they get a replacement as evidenced by them posting “ISO: Somebody to help run this account” in the HBO Max TikTok page bio. The company has also posted actual videos to Tiktok itself to advertise the opening.

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The other thing that’s hard to miss about the page is how dead it is. The account has posted barely a dozen videos to date, and most of which are simply comprised of extremely short clips from HBO Max shows. It’s certainly not the kind of thing that tends to go viral on TikTok. This is especially surprising after noticing the account’s Followers number, which is barely above 6,000. For the average person new to TikTok, that would be acceptable. For a network with decades of marketing experience and numerous, record-breakingly-popular shows like Game of Thrones in its roster, those numbers are baffling.

Admittedly, brand accounts are often considered to be on the lame side of things but, when helmed by the right person, we occasionally get the gold mines that are the Arby’s and Wendy’s Twitter accounts. When marketing teams seem unable to connect on social media, it’s easy to assume they’re staffed by uppity, out-of-touch suits and that could be the case here. Or, maybe HBO Max is searching so desperately because it does want to be the next Wendy’s, sassing the internet with fun content and sick burns. Either way, someone should consider helping HBO Max out. This is getting sad.

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