Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

Twilight: 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)


The Twilight series is one of the most successful young adult franchises of all time. It had many relationships, but not all of them were beloved.

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Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

The Twilight series is one of the most successful young adult franchises of all time. It’s partially a fantasy series, but it’s mostly a romance. The relationship between Edward and Bella is the core of the series, but there are other couples in the series that are important, too.

While fans always have their favorites, and each person will feel differently, there were some couples that fans generally loved and others that fans generally hated.

10 Hated: Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

This couple was one of the worst in the series as they both were jealous people who wished they were with someone else. Mike still wanted to be with Bella, and Jessica was jealous that Bella ended up with Edward and she didn’t.

They had an on and off-again relationship that very likely wouldn’t last, and they weren’t very lovable characters.

9 Loved: Charlie Swan and Sue Clearwater

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

Charlie and Sue have a rather endearing relationship. After Sue was widowed, it was nice to see her find happiness again, and Charlie had been alone for a long while before dating Sue.

While we don’t see many details of their relationship, they seem to make one another happy. It’s also sweet because these two were friends and knew each other quite well before they started dating.

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8 Hated: Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

Emmett and Rosalie might not be the worst relationship in the series, but they were the worst of the Cullen family couples. While both of these characters were interesting in their own right, they seemed like a weird match.

Emmett was rather easy-going and fun-loving while Rosalie was rather uptight and judgemental. Fans weren’t as drawn to them as some of the other couples.

7 Loved: Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

Alice is one of the most-loved characters from the Twilight franchise because of her outgoing, bubbly personality and how much she cares about other people. This couple was well-loved by many fans because these two were opposites who seemed to complement each other well.

Alice helped Jasper find a good life, and Jasper was always happy to support Alice in her personality.

6 Hated: Sam Uley and Emily Young

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

This couple is one that could have been cute if it wasn’t for their backstory. While they did seem to be truly happy and in love, the imprinting element to the relationship was rather uncomfortable.

Sam ended up breaking Leah’s heart in the process, and the entire relationship with Emily just seemed tainted because of this. The entire series could have done better without imprinting.

5 Loved: Carlisle and Esme Cullen

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

Carlisle and Esme are the parental figures of the Cullen family, and fans loved them. Carlisle especially was a fan favorite as he was so altruistic and compassionate.

Esme wasn’t as important to the plot, but she was also a loving, caring person. These two were both calm, good people, and this made them a great match for one another. They seemed to have a very happy and healthy relationship.

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4 Hated: James and Victoria

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

James and Victoria are a couple that could be considered really sexy, but this doesn’t mean most fans loved them. While fans who enjoy villains did like them together, most fans didn’t like them because they were protagonists in the series.

Both James and Victoria put the lives of the other characters at risk and were villains, so even their attractive allure didn’t win fans over.

3 Loved: Bella Swan and Jacob Black

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

Bella and Jacob might be a somewhat controversial pick for this list, but the truth is that a lot of and loved them together. When the books and films were coming out, there was a big divide between people who wanted Bella with Jacob and those who wanted her to be with Edward.

While Jacob made some mistakes, there were many points in the series where he was the better option for Bella and did make more sense.

2 Hated: Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen

Twilight 5 Couples Fans Loved (& 5 They Hated)

While there is a good argument to be made for Bella and Jacob working out together, it’s hard to argue for this couple. Most fans were disturbed and confused by this weird relationship.

The fact that Jacob imprinted on a baby was strange, and the entire improving concept had many fans upset. This relationship made no sense, and it is one thing that most fans make fun of to this day.

1 Loved: Bella Swan and Edward Cullen

While there have been many critiques made about this couple, and they undeniably have some unhealthy dynamics at times, many fans loved them together.

Their relationship drove the entire story, and a lot of fans wanted them to end up together. While in some cases Edward could be controlling, in the end, Bella became a powerful vampire, and they were finally able to be equals.

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