Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Umbrella Academy: 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons He’s The Worst)


In a world of strange characters, Five is one of the strangest. Here’s why he’s the best, or worst, character on Umbrella Academy.

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Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Five. The Hargreeves sibling who went missing, but whose story was revealed to viewers before the mystery of Ben’s death. Five’s appearance at the end of the first episode of The Umbrella Academy was a compelling incentive to keep watching, and he quickly became a fan favorite.

His quest to save the world from the impending apocalypse and his involvement with The Handler, as well as the Temps Commission, meant Five’s actions became central plot points and affected the other characters. He was sometimes the best character, but at times seemed to be the worst too.

10 BEST: Devoted To His Family

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Five didn’t listen to his controlling, manipulative, and apathetic father about the consequences of time travel. This, unfortunately, resulted in Five rage traveling into the future and getting stuck there.

Five saw the bodies of his family members strewn among the rubble of an apocalyptic world. He was devastated and spent all his time trying to get back to the future to warn his family and save them from their impending doom.

9 WORST: Works Alone

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Five’s fighting scenes with Hazel and Cha-Cha were surprising and epic, to say the least. But if it wasn’t for Five being the target, they never would have been a threat to everyone else. Detective Patch wouldn’t have been murdered, becoming part of the crime scenes she investigated, and Klaus’s kidnapping and torture only a thing of nightmares.

Had Five revealed his dicey history, these things could have been prevented. He also wasted precious time trailing a glass eye alone, when Klaus helped him solve the mystery in a matter of hours.

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8 BEST: His Character

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Five’s character and story are one of the most interesting storylines of the series. His 58-year-old mentality trapped inside the body of a 13-year-old makes for entertaining interactions and action sequences. The old souled assassin is going through puberty twice. The effect is jarring yet brilliant, from Five’s quirks like not having a given name, eating fluffernutter sandwiches, carrying affections for a mannequin, and sarcastic mannerisms.

For viewers watching the series for the first time, it’s easy to be fooled into thinking everything is normal when Five falls out of the time portal. But every episode continues to provide more fascinating truths.

7 WORST: Full Of Himself

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Confidence goes a long way in the battle to save the world from an apocalypse, but Five has let his confidence become pride and his mission his addiction.

He doesn’t take Klaus’s advice seriously, rather pointing out how unstable his brother is. He goes and does dangerous things on his own without telling others or thinking of the implications. Being a little more humble wouldn’t hurt him.

6 BEST: Protecting Vanya

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

It was Five’s final word that saved Vanya from the fate of a fiery death. But their relationship goes deeper than that. Five is bitter and frank to most of the siblings, while loving them in his own way. But he seems to be closer to Vanya. He found her book in the future and read it, telling her it was pretty good.

His was the room Vanya didn’t destroy in her flashback of childhood trauma before making the Hagreeves mansion a pile of ruins. Five yelled Vanya’s name first, in his search of an apocalyptic wasteland. Vanya left the lights on for him so he could find his way back. Clearly they both mean a lot to each other.

5 WORST: His Carelessness

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Sass and sarcasm, Five had them both. But he was often disconnected. He was so busy becoming addicted to his mission that he forgot to care about the lives he was saving. Diego lost someone he was close to because of Five’s carelessness.

Klaus time-traveled to the past and came back with post-traumatic stress. Something Five would be able to relate to, but didn’t approach his brother about. He seeked help from Vanya but when it wasn’t given in his time frame, he left to do his own thing.

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4 BEST: Heard Out His Enemies

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

When Hazel came to the Hargreeves mansion, Diego wanted and tried to kill him. It was only through Five’s intervention that neither was seriously injured. Five understood Hazel’s desire to leave the commission and lead a life without constantly killing others.

It was because of Five that Hazel returned the gun that killed Detective Patch, clearing Diego’s name, and the reason Cha-Cha died on her way to finish her mission.

3 WORST: Rewind

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Five had to buy time. He needed to use his knowledge of the Temps Commission and his handle on The Handler. But had he not rewound time, Vanya might have solved the puzzle of Leonard on her own, Diego would have learned the truth about Reginald Hargreeves from Mom, Klaus would have reunited with Dave, and Allison might have avoided having her throat slashed by her sister.

It will always be a question of what if, and although Five did what he had to, did he realize the consequences?

2 BEST: He Time Traveled Everyone

Umbrella Academy 5 Reasons Five Is The Best Character (& 5 Reasons Hes The Worst)

Five can time travel and teleport. And when the time came, it was he who saved everyone’s lives. Five acknowledged that the apocalypse happened, that he couldn’t reverse the horrible future he saw. But he realized he could try and save the terror of losing his family.

The last scene of the series is memorable for its cliffhanger ending and the hope it gave the Hargreeves family, despite everything they have gone through.

1 WORST: Success In The Temps Commission

Number Five had to work for the Temps Commission to survive, or risk dying, trapped in the future. But he thrived while he worked for them.

He became apathetic towards his victims and although he didn’t like killing, he did what was necessary. Five is looked up to by the likes of Hazel and Cha-Cha for being a ruthless man and an amazing marksman.

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