Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

Undertale: 10 Tips To Take On Undyne


In Undertale, the skills of the player will definitely be put to test when they fight Undyne for the first time. Here are some tips to beat her.

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Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

In an age when most games that become an integral part of modern culture tend to be AAA releases with a ton of marketing and hype behind them, it’s refreshing to see a game like Undertale break free from this mold and deliver one of the most unique, heartwarming, and brilliant video game experiences in the modern era. The game doesn’t look spectacular at all from a visual standpoint… but looking past this outer layer will reveal a ton of depth hidden in this seemingly innocuous RPG.

The fights in Undertale are basically a combination of a turn-based system coupled with bullet hell mechanics, and all the skills of the player will definitely be put to test when they fight Undyne for the first time. Regardless of what run the player might be trying to complete, there’s no denying that Undyne is going to pose a significant challenge regardless… although it’s true that people going for a genocide run will find this fight to be way harder.

So, for all the players who wish to take down Undyne without any shame, here are the ten tips that should be kept in mind for the same.

10 Be Prepared For A Change In Battle Systems

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

Undertale’s battle system is ingenious enough as is, but players who were expecting a fairly simple encounter with Undyne should adjust their expectations sooner than later.

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Undyne changes the SOUL of the player from red to green, forcing them to conform to Undyne’s attack patterns and deflect the attacks that are coming their way by moving the shield around their SOUL accordingly.

9 Keep An Eye On The Arrows And Their Color

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

The arrows that come towards the player when they’re converted into a green SOUL are highlighted on the basis of when they’ll reach the player first. Generally, the red ones will hit first, although the genocide run does end up fooling the player somewhat by intentionally reddening an arrow that would hit later.

Aside from this, there are yellow arrows as well that add a greater layer of confusion.

8 The Order Of The Arrows Can Change

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

For people who thought that deflecting Undyne’s projectiles was fairly easy, those people will be in for a rude awakening when the yellow arrows appear and switch up their positions to throw off the player.

The player should look at the direction the arrows are facing and deflect them accordingly, as opposed to the direction they initially appear from.

7 The Speed Of The Projectiles Varies As Well

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

Both phases of the fight — with both a red and green SOUL — have projectiles coming at varying speeds towards the player.

So, it’s only a given that the player needs to be alert at all times and track the projectiles as soon as possible — something that is very much required in a genocide run, where the arrows can be blindingly fast at times.

6 Stock Up On A Ton Of Healing Items

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

While this pretty much goes without saying, one should still ensure that they don’t run out of healing items during the fight.

Undyne’s attacks do substantial damage regardless of how much HP the player has, and healing up is of the essence if the player wishes to survive the encounter without facing too many setbacks.

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5 Run Away As Soon As The Opportunity Presents Itself

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

In the pacifist route, players who want to spare Undyne will have no other option than to run away from the battle as many times as possible.

While Undyne might catch up several times, the player just needs to be stubborn and constantly avoid her like the plague, until they manage to reach the Hotlands.

4 Memorize The Patterns And Respond Accordingly

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

Ultimately, Undyne’s attacks are all about memorizing her attack patterns and responding accordingly to minimize the total damage that a player receives throughout the battle.

This is especially true in the genocide route, where each and every one of Undyne’s attacks is both fast and deadly.

3 Treat Every Reset As A Learning Experience

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

While the normal Undyne fight isn’t a walk in the park either, it’s still way more manageable than the genocide fight against Undyne the Undying.

It’s only a given that the player would die numerous times in this fight… but instead of being frustrated, the player should treat every death like a learning experience and persevere until they succeed.

2 If Everything Fails, Just Take A Break

Undertale 10 Tips To Take On Undyne

That being said, multiple failures can prove to be quite the pain to deal with after a while, and the player would be tempted at that point to just give up and fight the battle at a later time.

This is actually not a bad idea — sometimes, a fresh perspective is all that’s required to best a foe that has been plaguing the player for quite some time.

1 Don’t Forget To Give Her A Glass Of Water To Keep The Pacifist Route Intact

In order to keep the pacifist route intact after running away from Undyne, the player needs to give her a glass of water after she passes out in the Hotlands during her pursuit.

Doing so will allow Undyne to tolerate the heat, unlocking her content in the later stages of the game and allowing for a rather entertaining experience indeed.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/undertale-undyne-tips/

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