WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

WandaVision: Every Member of Wanda’s Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)


With more and more of Wanda’s family being introduced into the series, fans are hoping that a few more members may appear in Westview.

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WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

The Scarlet Witch has a very complicated history in the comics. Her character has undergone several retcons, with her background and the nature of her abilities also suffering considerable change. Depending on the writer, she’s either Magneto’s mutant daughter or a human child who received her powers from a demonic entity.

WandaVision is clearly following its own story. The MCU isn’t afraid to deviate from the comics and carve its own path and so far, much of Wanda’s past has remained a secret. The show is expanding on the witch’s powers and even her backstory, so fans expect to learn more about her origins. And with her twins finally introduced, the show has the perfect opportunity to dig deeper into her family relationships, exploring her connection with Pietro and Vision, and setting the stage to finally introduce the “House of M.”

8 The High Evolutionary

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

While not exactly a blood relative, the man known as the High Evolutionary is indirectly responsible for Wanda and Pietro’s powers. Born Herbert Edgar Wyndham, High Evolutionary is obsessed with genetic manipulation, which he conducts in his “citadel of science.” As Wyndham battles the malevolent Elder God Chthon, a woman named Magda seeks refuge at the citadel, eventually giving birth to Wanda and Pietro. The god’s dark magic eventually touches Wanda, granting her the chaos magic she eventually grows up to wield.

While fans believe Agatha is working with either Mephisto or Nightmare, there is a possibility that she could also be working for Chthon. After all, the book in her basement is possibly the Darkhold, which was primarily written by Chthon. In this situation, the High Evolutionary could appear as an ally of Agatha and could also go on to have a more prominent role in the larger MCU.

7 Luminous

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

Created by the High Evolutionary using the genetic material of the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, Luminous has been deemed by many fans as the twins’ “sister.” She’s a minor character in the comics, albeit an incredibly powerful one, and mainly appears as the High Evolutionary’s assistant.

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Luminous could be introduced in WandaVision as one of Agatha’s minor helpers, an average inhabitant of Westview corrupted by Agatha’s magic. If the High Evolutionary indeed appears in the show, then Luminous could have a direct link to him, thus fulfilling the same role she has in the comics.

6 Crystalia Amequelin

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

An Inhuman, the first character to be identified as such, actually, Crystal has the ability to psionically control the four elements and related materials and phenomena. After being romantically involved with the Human Torch, Crystal then enters a relationship with Pietro, whom she marries and has a child with, named Luna.

Crystal already was a character in the much-derided TV series Inhumans. However, the overwhelmingly negative reception to the show meant that it was quickly canceled and forgotten about (so the character could be recast if they wanted). If Pietro returns, he could do so as a married man to better fit Wanda’s Westview narrative. Should he stay dead, then Crystal would most likely appear again if and when the Inhumans make their proper debut within the MCU, perhaps in the upcoming Secret Invasion.

5 Django & Marya Maximoff

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

In the comics, the High Evolutionary places Wanda and Pietro in the care of Django and Marya Maximoff, a Romani couple. They grow up in extremely hard conditions, and when Django steals bread to feed his starving family, the villagers burn down his house, killing Marya. The twins escape thanks to Pietro’s speed and wander around Europe for the next couple of years.

The MCU states that the twins are Sokovian, and their parents got killed by a Stark mortar shell, provoking their initial animosity towards Tony. While it’s unlikely that Wanda will bring her parents back to life, the Maximoffs can appear in a flashback or perhaps as a vision of Wanda’s.

4 Tommy Shepherd & Billy Kaplan

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

Wanda’s twins have a story as complicated as their mother’s. In the comics, Wanda creates them from two of the five scattered fragments of the soul of Mephisto. Once Mephisto reabsorbed the fragments, the power that Scarlet Witch put into them destroyed the demon and released the twin’s souls, which were then reincarnated as human children, Tommy Shepherd, and Billy Kaplan.

WandaVision already introduced the twins, although they went missing at the end of the last episode. Many theorize that Agatha’s true intentions were to manipulate Wanda into creating the twins to use them, perhaps, as a vessel for the demonic entity she’s working with/for. If this is the case, then the twins will be absorbed, like in the comics, and WandaVision could end with them “dying,” leading to Wanda’s emotional breakdown.

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3 Polaris

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

Magneto’s other daughter, Polaris, was Wanda and Pietro’s half-sister, until the 2010 retcon. A mutant who can control magnetism, like her father, Polaris is mostly depicted as a superheroine, a member of either the X-Men or one of the other adjacent groups, like X-Force.

Polaris already made her live-action debut in the short-lived Fox series The Gifted. If the character does appear in WandaVision, it would probably be as a member of some organization, perhaps S.W.O.R.D. or an entirely new one. She could also be the perfect way to introduce more X-Men into the MCU, although it wouldn’t happen immediately.

2 Quicksilver

WandaVision Every Member of Wandas Immediate Comic Family (& How They Could Appear In The MCU)

Quicksilver has already been introduced in the MCU and even played a prominent role in Avengers: Age of Ultron. His untimely death seemed permanent for a while, but WandaVision gave fans a reason to believe the character might just come back.

He seemingly did at the end of episode five. While it did look like Peters may have been reprising his role as the speedster from Fox’s X-Men movies, it now looks as if he is playing someone else entirely. That opens the door for Taylor-Johnson to actually return, perhaps brought back to life by Wanda. She could also “break” the multiverse and bring another version of the character into her main reality. With a character as powerful as Wanda, the possibilities truly are endless.

1 Magneto

One of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel universe and a key figure in any X-Men storyline, Magneto is a character that fans can’t wait to see in the MCU. Having already played a large part in the Fox X-Men movies, his arrival to WandaVision has long been theorized and expected.

If Michael Fassbender’s version of the character is used, then the most likely explanation would be that Wanda breaks the multiverse, causing multiple worlds to collide. If, however, the MCU chooses to create their own version, then the character might appear at the end of the show as a friendly figure to care for Wanda, or perhaps as a real-life leader who’s secretly a mutant. Countless theories exist but fans will have to wait only a little longer because WandaVision’s highly expected finale comes in just two weeks.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wandavision-wanda-maximoff-immediate-family-possible-appearances-future-mcu-magneto

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