Wandavisions Agatha Harkness Is Trying To Destroy A Marvel Power Couple

Wandavision’s Agatha Harkness Is Trying To Destroy A Marvel Power Couple

Wiccan and Hulkling, Marvel’s latest power couple, are enjoying marital bliss until Billy is tricked by none other than Agatha Harkness.

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Wandavisions Agatha Harkness Is Trying To Destroy A Marvel Power Couple

Warning! Major spoilers for Hulkling & Wiccan #1 ahead!

Emperor Hulkling and his husband Wiccan are living in marital bliss in Hulkling & Wiccan #1, that is until someone from their family’s past threatens to destroy their future together. The beloved power couple have a complex family history. Teddy Kaplan-Altman is the secret child of the Kree’s Captain Mar-Vell and the Skrull’s Princess Anelle, while Billy Kaplan-Altman comes from the psychic soul-bonding of a distraught Scarlet Witch. The young couple have been through a lot the past few months, but nothing could have prepared them for what Agatha Harkness has in store.

Agatha, recently introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by Kathryn Hahn in WandaVision, has been a major part of the comics for years and is very rarely considered to be a “good guy.” Harkness is best known for being the Scarlet Witch’s magical mentor, but has also made some dubious, and downright wicked decisions in the past. With Teddy and Billy both being incredibly strong in their own rights, and with Agatha’s pattern of manipulating powerful magic users for her own ends, it might not come as a surprise that she is trying to mess with Wiccan and Hulkling’s relationship.

In the new Marvel Infinity comic Hulkling & Wiccan #1, written by Josh Trujillo, with art by Jodi Nishijima, and color by Matt Milla, the happy couple is enjoying some much-needed relaxation time after the disastrous events of Empyre and King in Black. They have invited Bobby Drake, Jean-Paul Beaubier, and Kyle Jinadu, all iconic queer Marvel men, to Emperor Hulkling’s palace for a dinner party. Everything is going smoothly until Kyle asks whether the couple is planning on settling down in space, to which Hulkling says yes, and Wiccan very quickly says no. This is one of the new couple’s first real disagreements, and this brief moment of mental vulnerability leaves Billy open to magical manipulation by Agatha Harkness.

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After the party ends Hulkling and Wiccan head to bed, where they don’t fight but do leave their disagreement hanging in the air before Teddy is called away for some royal duties. Billy is left alone in bed when magically, a Nintendo Switch-like gaming system appears on his bed, loaded with a game of Hulkling and Wiccan titled Possibilities. When Wiccan presses Start on the game, he and Hulkling’s lives are unknowingly upended, with both of them waking up to completely different partners, with apparently no memory of the other. Harkness’ gleefully devious grin is on full view as the two are magically transported to a world of new possibilities.

Agatha’s motivations for manipulating Hulkling and Wiccan remain unclear. Is she trying to access Wiccan’s vast magic powers as the near-omnipotent Demiurge? Or, is Harkness attempting to undermine the fragile Kree-Skrull Alliance for some unknown purpose? Billy and Teddy have been through so much together, and are clearly still deeply in love with and dedicated to each other.

Only time will tell what Harkness’ endgame is here. Hopefully future issues of Hulkling & Wiccan will shed more light on why Agatha is inserting herself into this power couple’s relationship, and if Wiccan and Hulkling’s love is strong enough to withstand Harkness’ dark magic.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hulkling-wiccan-1-agatha-harkness-marvel-infinity/

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