Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

Wes Anderson’s 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)


The openings that catch the imagination, and the endings that wrap movies up perfectly…

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Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

The first and last scenes of a movie are arguably the most important. The opening scene has to hook viewers into the story and get them invested enough in the characters to follow their journey for another two hours, while the final scene has to wrap everything up in a neat bow and conclude both the story and its larger themes.

Wes Anderson is a director who is known for his unique style – and so it should come as no surprise that his beautiful, iconic style finds its way into the opening and closing scenes of his films, too. In some cases, these scenes may even be perfect examples of what makes him so recognizable.

10 Opening Scene: Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

The opening scene of Moonrise Kingdom, Anderson’s coming-of-age romance about two volatile kids who are madly in love and run away to be together, introduces Suzy’s family’s quirky island home.

The movie interestingly contrasts Sam and Suzy’s budding young love with the fading marriage of Suzy’s parents, played by a bickering Bill Murray and Frances McDormand.

9 Ending: Bottle Rocket

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

The final heist in Anderson’s directorial debut Bottle Rocket is a hilarious disaster. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong, and wannabe criminal mastermind Dignan is arrested in the fallout.

In the closing scene of the movie, Anthony and Bob visit Dignan in prison. Despite the humiliating failure of their robbery, Dignan proudly tells his friends, “We really did it, didn’t we?”

8 Opening Scene: The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

The title character in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is a famed oceanographer in the mold of Jacques Cousteau, but when the movie begins, his best days are behind him and he’s considered to be something of a has-been.

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In the opening scene, Steve premieres his latest documentary and it’s a disaster. His friend Esteban is eaten by a “jaguar shark,” but the camera never captured the shark and the audience thinks it’s fake.

7 Ending: The Royal Tenenbaums

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

Royal isn’t necessarily redeemed by the end of The Royal Tenenbaums, but he does enough good in his old age to earn the forgiveness of his family. In the final scene, they all attend his solemn funeral service.

As Royal is lowered into his grave, the priest is baffled by the epitaph that Royal requested for his headstone: “Died tragically rescuing his family from the wreckage of a destroyed sinking battleship.”

6 Opening Scene: Rushmore

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

In the opening scene of Anderson’s sophomore feature Rushmore, Max Fischer is asleep in a school assembly, imagining himself saving his class from geometry by solving the most difficult equation his teacher can think of. He wakes up in time for Herman Blume’s speech, in which he passionately calls on the less privileged kids to target their wealthy classmates.

Dr. Guggenheim tells Blume that Max is one of the school’s worst students before The Creation’s “Making Time” kicks off the opening credits with a montage of all the extracurricular activities he neglects his studies to participate in.

5 Ending: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

At the end of Anderson’s stop-motion animated adaptation of the Roald Dahl classic Fantastic Mr. Fox, Ash finally proves himself to be a hero and saves his family from the gun-toting farmers Boggis, Bunce, and Bean by setting their own rabid dog on them. In the final scene, the animals are seen living in the sewers, having established a quaint little neighborhood down there.

Mr. Fox takes them all to a supermarket he’s found to gorge on snack foods. Mrs. Fox reveals that she’s pregnant again and the animals dance to “Let Her Dance” by the Bobby Fuller Four as the supermarket is revealed to belong to Boggis, Bunce, and Bean.

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4 Opening Scene: The Darjeeling Limited

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

Ever since he made his Anderson debut in Rushmore, Bill Murray has appeared in every single one of the director’s movies, with both leading roles like Steve Zissou in The Life Aquatic and supporting roles like Raleigh St. Clair in The Royal Tenenbaums.

In the opening scene of The Darjeeling Limited, Murray has his smallest role in Anderson’s filmography as a passenger who’s late to catch the titular train. As he runs to catch the train, the Kinks’ “This Time Tomorrow” plays. Adrien Brody races past him and manages to jump aboard. As the train departs the station, Murray is left looking defeated – he didn’t make it.

3 Ending: Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

Sam and Suzy’s romance is threatened all throughout Moonrise Kingdom, as Suzy’s parents want to keep her away from Sam and Social Services wants to send Sam to a distant foster home.

Their love story culminates in a fairy tale ending as Captain Sharp adopts Sam to keep him on the island, so he and Suzy get to keep seeing each other. The movie ends with Sam sneaking into Suzy’s house to see her.

2 Opening Scene: The Royal Tenenbaums

Wes Andersons 5 Best Opening Scenes (& 5 Best Endings)

There’s a lot of information to get through in the opening montage of The Royal Tenenbaums, but thanks to Anderson’s sharp writing and rhythmic editing, it’s still accessible.

The eponymous dysfunctional family and their closest associates are introduced to the audience through concise voiceover narration by Alec Baldwin set to The Mutato Muzika Orchestra’s cover of the Beatles’ “Hey Jude.”

1 Ending: Rushmore

At the end of Rushmore, Max Fischer makes amends with everybody he’s wronged throughout the movie by sending them tickets to see his ambitious new play about the Vietnam War. The show premieres to uproarious applause from the audience and Max schmoozes with his adoring fans and catches up with his friends.

The Faces’ “Ooh La La” plays as Max and Miss Cross take to the dancefloor in slow-motion and the on-screen curtains are drawn for the last time, taking us into the end credits.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wes-andersons-best-opening-ending-scenes/

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