Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Westworld: 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)


From The Man in Black to Caleb Nichols, here are 5 Westworld characters who were criminally underused and 5 who overstayed their welcome.

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Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Westworld has had three intriguing seasons so far, in which humans and robotic hosts have interacted both in the theme parks designed by Delos Destinations and in the real world run by a predictive AI entity called Rehoboam. The HBO series has had great success due to its nuanced storytelling and memorable characters, many of whom fans feel deserved more screen time.

Certain characters who have become front running heroes and villains have done so because of a narrative imperative, not because they’re the most interesting protagonists or antagonists. Other characters have spent the series waiting for their moment to shine, only to be cast aside before their stories were resolved. Here are 5 characters who were criminally underused, and 5 who overstayed their welcome.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

The Man In Black has consistently been one of the most intriguing and charismatic characters in the Westworld franchise. Despite his moniker, he’s defined by his morally gray principles, which have created a complex and complicated man who can’t be classified as a villain or a hero.

In the third season, much of his time is spent being psychoanalyzed, only for the ends to neither justify the means nor progress his character. Viewers learn no more about The Man In Black at the end of the season than they did at the beginning, and Ed Harris is given very few scenes to demonstrate his smoldering talents.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Dolores has been an integral part of the Westworld narrative for the entire series, but after she became hellbent on vengeance in Season 2 and occupied a violent messianic role in Season 3, her personal arc stagnated.

Dolores may be a key player in the series, but it doesn’t mean she’s the most compelling. Unlike in Season 1, her scenes in Season 3 rarely provide thought-provoking material. Even with her relentless drive, she became less charismatic than a Terminator.

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Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Bernard was one of the most fascinating characters of Season 2, especially considering his fragmented memories were utilized as the kaleidoscopic framework for the season’s narrative structure.

In Season 3, he spends most of his time dogmatically tracking Dolores and not much else, with his scenes revealing very little about his modus operandi. Bernard’s core drive is vaguely attributed to “stopping Dolores”, which doesn’t provide any deeper insight into his character.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Charlotte Hale began Westworld as a supporting character in Season 1 before maneuvering into a main character in Season 2, characterized by mustache-twirling villainy that brought a certain melodramatic flair to the plot.

In Season 3, much of what made Charlotte Hale so provocative is scrapped in favor of a twisted hybrid plot involving her and Dolores, which doesn’t really pay off because none of the compassionate character development she did in Season 3 will carry over to Season 4 now that she’s a sociopath again.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Maeve has emerged over the last two seasons as a dynamite protagonist, with a clear objective derived from a complicated backstory. Everything about Maeve’s mission felt fully realized in prior seasons, and the thought of her hunting Dolores Abernathy excited fans for their eventual showdown.

Maeve gets precious little screen time devoted to her in Season 3 despite being one of the most interesting people to watch. She once again seems merely a pawn in the machinations of another god-like figure (in this case Serac), with little of the free will she worked so hard to achieve.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Engerraund Serac became the replacement for Robert Ford in Season 3 – a charismatic but callous visionary who wanted to re-imagine humanity’s potential with the incredibly efficient predictive AI Rehoboam.

Serac began Season 3 as an enigmatic villain, but the more that was known about his character, the more one dimensional he became. Unlike Ford, his character didn’t have an ace up his sleeve and a final world-shattering secret to make him engaging.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Hector Escaton was already underused in the previous seasons of Westworld, but fans had hope in Season 3 that he would be one of the hosts that escaped the park with Maeve and went into the real world to cause his usual chaos and mayhem.

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Hector is effectively neutered in Season 3 very early on, and removed from any of the action of Season 3’s plot to make room for new characters like Caleb, Liam, and Serac. As with the loss of Teddy, Hector’s departure makes the new season have fewer ties to the rustic world of the first season.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

The new character of Liam Dempsey Jr served a specific purpose in the mission of Dolores in the real world – to help her get access to Incite and Serac, and further her methods of taking over the world.

As the son of the founder of Incite, he has a character very similar to Logan Delos, but he doesn’t come across nearly as complex as Delos. In so many scenes, his security detail (led by McConnell) is much more interesting than he is.


Westworld 5 Characters Who Were Criminally Underused (& 5 Who Overstayed Their Welcome)

Ashley Stubbs emerged as a fan favorite in Season 2, and the cliffhanger question of whether or not the head of Westworld park security was inf act a host promised interesting developments for his character in Season 3.

Fans came to find out that Stubbs was a host very early in Season 3, and that was where his narrative seemed to end. He was reprogrammed by Bernard to help him hunt down Dolores, but the pair didn’t even get to share any scenes that coaxed a rapport. The Adventures of Bernard and Stubbs were largely uneventful.


Caleb is the newest main character to Westworld and one of the stars of Season 3, and he manages to suffer from the same problem World Domination Dolores does; he’s placed front and center despite not having a compelling narrative. He’s generic on a series that prides itself on multi-faceted, layered characters.

His “core drive” is to assist a mysterious woman whom he meets “accidentally” because she knows about his past. This is apparently enough for him to want to join on her crusade to start a revolution. Dolores leaves the fate of humanity in his hands, yet viewers have no connection to him.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/westworld-characters-criminally-underused-overstayed-welcome/

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