What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7


Agents of SHIELD season 7 wrapped up every character’s story – so where did it leave Coulson, Quake, Mack, and the rest of the team?

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What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Here’s where every major Agents of SHIELD character is after the dramatic end of season 7. Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD launched in 2013, and it’s been a wild ride — but sadly every journey must come to an end. Season 7 was advertised as the final mission, with the SHIELD team working to save Earth from an alien race called the Chronicoms — not just once, but twice over, courtesy of alternate timelines.

Agents of SHIELD season 7 was essentially Marvel Television’s Avengers: Endgame, complete with a time travel plot that allowed the show to celebrate the rich mythology it’s built up over the last seven years. With the Earth saved, the show’s final scenes jumped forward one year to wrap up every lead character’s story, showing what had happened now they had moved on. It was a bittersweet conclusion; although Agents of SHIELD has come to an end, almost every character’s new status quo seemed to be absolutely overflowing with potential. Chloe Bennet, who plays Quake, wants to continue in the MCU, and viewers can only hope she’s right — and that she won’t be the only one to return.

So where does Agents of SHIELD season 7 leave its starring characters, and what future stories could be told featuring them?

Mack Is The New Nick Fury

What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Mack made an unlikely SHIELD director, his ethics and sense of morality frequently conflicting with his need to get the job done. That had led many viewers to believe he would ultimately step down, but instead it seems he’s become comfortable with the role. In fact, the glimpse of the future shows he has successfully revitalized SHIELD, and essentially become the new Nick Fury. He’s shown standing on the deck of one of several SHIELD Helicarriers, wearing a traditional Nick Fury trench coat. But Mack will be a very different kind of director, clearly giving his agents a lot more leeway and room to maneuver than Nick Fury. Mack is no control freak, and that shows.

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Quake Is A SHIELD Galactic Ambassador

What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Quake has always been focused on her need for a family, and she was shaken by Enoch’s prophecy the team was going to break up. But, one year on, she’s found herself a new family as leader of an elite SHIELD unit on Zephyr Three, traveling the cosmos and serving as an ambassador for Earth. She’s well-suited for the role, having previously spent months traveling in space and earning a fearsome reputation across the galaxy. Daisy’s crew include her new-found sister Kora and her lover Sousa, both of whom are apparently acclimatizing well to the new timeline they’ve found themselves in.

Yo-Yo Is Marvel’s Version Of The Flash

Mack and Yo-Yo are still together, and Yo-Yo has risen through SHIELD’s ranks, now leading her own squad. Yo-Yo’s powers were radically expanded in Agents of SHIELD season 7, transforming her into a more traditional super-speedster. The Agents of SHIELD season 7 finale riffed on this in an amusing way, implying Yo-Yo is now Marvel’s answer to the Flash: she was wearing a red jacket and the music playing in that scene was evocative of The CW’s DCTV series. Meanwhile, it’s interesting to see Yo-Yo actually leading a squad, because that suggests Mack has completely rewritten the rule book as regards SHIELD’s old “Gifted Index.” Old rules required every enhanced asset to be overseen by a normal SHIELD agent, but instead, Yo-Yo is in charge. She’s working with Piper and an LMD of Davis, a fan-favorite character who was killed in Agents of SHIELD season 6.

May Runs The Coulson Academy

What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Agent May was originally assigned to Coulson’s team to monitor him, and she initially disagreed with many of his decisions. She mellowed as time went by, however, and became a mother-figure and mentor to Daisy. Now it seems Agent May has accepted that role, becoming head of the new SHIELD Academy — appropriately named the Coulson Academy. There, she trains the next generation of SHIELD agents, including enhanced assets such as the time-lost Flint. No doubt Agent May’s empathic abilities come in tremendously useful, helping her to evaluate her students and protect against any further incursions from groups such as Hydra, who would attempt to infiltrate SHIELD to their own ends.

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The Coulson LMD Is Still Active — And Has A New Lola

What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Phil Coulson is no stranger to death, and in Agents of SHIELD season 7 he was resurrected as an advanced Life Model Decoy using Chronicom technology. Coulson himself was never entirely sure what to make of this new existence; it ran counter to his own desires, but he came to accept it, and apparently he’s been traveling the world as an independent operative. Dialogue in the Agents of SHIELD season 7 finale suggested he still serves as something of a freelance troubleshooter for Mack, though, and the SHIELD Director decided to gift Coulson a souped-up version of Lola as a present. May made it clear Coulson would be welcome to teach at the Academy, and the two seemed set to pick up their old relationship.

Fitz & Simmons Have Retired To Bring Up Their Daughter

What Happens To Every Character After Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Fitz and Simmons have officially left SHIELD, although they still seem to be helping out as scientific advisers every now and again. The couple were the beating heart of Agents of SHIELD, originally comedy relief but gradually becoming the MCU’s best love story, and they get their Happily Ever After. FitzSimmons’ focus now is on bringing up their daughter Ayla. No doubt Ayla is something of a handful, not least because her social development will have suffered a little due to spending the first few years of her life on board the Zephyr in space. Still, Fitz and Simmons have always loved the joy of discovery, and they will surely have communicated this to Ayla; she’s sure to turn out all right, just because she’ll be so excited to explore Earth.

Deke Runs SHIELD — In A Different Timeline

Finally, Deke’s story came to a conclusion in the most amusing way possible. Deke was always a man out of time, and he chose to remain in the alternate timeline, sacrificing himself so SHIELD could get back home. Amusingly, in the wake of the Chronicom attack Fitz found himself asked to lead the surviving handful of SHIELD agents, meaning he’ll get to build his own version of SHIELD in that timeline. This is easily the most entertaining idea of the Agents of SHIELD season 7 finale; in that timeline Fitz is already a rock-‘n’-roll legend, meaning he’s the most unlikely SHIELD Director ever.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/agents-shield-characters-team-after-season-7-explained/

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