What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

What We Do In The Shadows: One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality


The hilarious vampires in What We Do In The Shadows have given fans some unforgettable lines – here are the quotes that capture their personalities.

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What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

FX’s hit mockumentary, What We Do In The Shadows, gave fans hilarious moments and unforgettable undead characters. The clueless vampires and their unwitting victims on the show have said some memorable lines throughout the years.

The best quotes that live rent-free in fans’ minds are those that perfectly capture the main characters’ personalities. These short quotes say a lot about how out of touch, insensitive, and ridiculous the vampires can be. Side characters like Jeff and Jenna have also said some funny lines that remind viewers about their absurd struggles on the show.

9 Jeff: “Again, You Know, It, Uh… It’s Jeff.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Gregor and Nadja’s chaotic on and off relationship is one of the best running gags in What We Do in the Shadows. They’ve been dating for centuries, with Nadja always finding ways to locate Gregor’s reincarnated versions. She manages to find his latest identity and is disappointed by his new name, Jeff Suckler.

In the fifth episode of season 1, Nadja tries to reconcile the security guard with the brave soldier she once knew, mistaking the parking lot he guards for “a vast empire.” Jeff is confused by Nadja’s nonsensical stories about his past life and her insistence on calling him Gregor but is too shy to firmly correct her. Fans know him best as the unassuming and simple Jeff who just wanted to go on a date with the mysterious woman who started flirting with him out of nowhere. He could’ve peacefully lived out the rest of his life as Jeff had Laszlo not accidentally decapitated him again.

8 Baron: “I Want To Walk Amongst The Commoners Unnoticed.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

In the season 1 episode “Baron’s Night Out,” viewers see exactly how much Baron Afanas has missed out on during his long slumber. The ancient vampire asks Nadja, Laszlo, Nandor, and Guillermo to take him out on a “grand evening on the town.”

Since he’s almost a thousand years old, the Baron has no idea how to blend in with regular people. He still refers to them as “commoners” and says he wants to be “a prince among paupers.” This line is emblematic of his old age and outdated ideas, which are often troublesome for the vampire who wants nothing more than to fit in so he can see what life is like in the current world.

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7 Jenna: “I’m sorry, yeah, I always talk too much.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

When Nadja decides to turn Jenna into a vampire in the second episode of season 1, the young character has no idea what’s happening. She thinks that Nadja is taking her on “a sexual adventure” so she allows the vampire to bite her neck and even drinks from her vial of blood.

Jenna manages to apologize in the middle of this process, making a self-deprecating comment and criticizing her talkativeness. It’s not the first time the insecure character has done this and her transformation into a strong creature of the night does little to boost her self-esteem. She’s just gotten too used to unnecessarily apologizing for her actions – it’s a habit she can hopefully shake off as she matures as a vampire.

6 Colin: “I Don’t Live To Drain, I Drain To Live.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

One of Colin Robinson’s funniest quotes in What We Do in the Shadows is stated after he gets a significant promotion at work. In the season 2 episode “Colin’s Promotion,” fans see how powerful the energy vampire really is. It also shows that he’s not interested in his real abilities, as he’s satisfied with draining just enough energy to have fun with his roommates.

This line perfectly captures his philosophy about life as a psychic vampire. He feeds off of awkward interactions and emotional outbursts, which can be draining for his victims. For Colin, though, every menial and tiresome conversation is an enjoyable activity that allows him to live his life to the fullest.

5 The Guide: “That’s Above My Pay Grade.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

The Guide (also known as the Floating Woman) has quickly become a fan favorite after taking on a bigger role in season 3. She’s now in charge of guiding the new heads of the Vampiric Council, Nadja, and Nandor, through their daily activities and responsibilities.

She’s not happy about her job but refuses to probe the decisions of her higher-ups, saying that’s above her pay grade. It has become the character’s new catchphrase, who can barely contain her thinly-veiled annoyance at the group’s antics. Not only does she have to attend to boring tasks like dealing with the water company, but she also has to babysit the inexperienced vampires to make sure things keep running smoothly.

4 Guillermo: “I Will Always Be Just A Familiar To Them. Just A Schlub, Driving Around Brooklyn, With A Bunch Of Jars Full Of Semen.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

The roommates are in trouble again in the ninth episode of season 2, after Laszlo and Nandor are abducted by a group of witches. As usual, What We Do in the Shadows’ most likable character Guillermo comes to their rescue. Colin takes credit for the familiar’s brilliant escape plan, however, and Guillermo gets no recognition for his hard work.

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When the situation is resolved, Guillermo unsurprisingly gets the short end of the stick, as he’s tasked with permanently helping the witches gather semen. He laments about how difficult it is to be a familiar, telling the camera crew that he’s just “a schlub” to his masters. The fact that the timid and caring familiar may never actually be turned into a vampire is a running gag on the show, as he’s been serving Nandor and his roommates for over ten years at this point.

3 Nadja: “Be Strong, Sweet Little One. Some Day They Will All Be Dead And You Will Do A S**t On All Of Their Graves.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

Nadja has some of the funniest lines in What We Do in the Shadows, including this quote that she says in the second episode of season 1. She feels bad for the human Jenna, who is often bullied and overlooked by her friends.

Nadja can be kindhearted at times, but her kindness is often undercut by violence. This line is emblematic of her two clashing traits that often manifest in hilarious ways. To her credit, she does try to help the mortal by turning her into a vampire. Of course, she predictably forgets about this whole event and abandons Jenna during the most difficult parts of her transformation.

2 Nandor: “They Would Call Me Nandor The Relentless. Because I Just Never Relent.”

What We Do In The Shadows One Quote From Each Character That Perfectly Sums Up Their Personality

In the season 1 episode “Pilot,” fans are introduced to the rowdy cast of vampires who are all excited to tell the camera crew about their lives. Nandor is having a particularly great time detailing his several exploits and adventures.

Despite how serious Nandor tries to be most of the time, his statements often come off as ridiculous in a humorous way. It’s true that he was “a very ferocious soldier in the Ottoman Empire,” but much like the other vampires around him, he never really changed to fit into the modern age. He tends to overexplain and repeat himself to get his silly points across – it’s a trait Guillermo has thankfully become used to and can tolerate on a daily basis.

1 Laszlo: “I Became A Vampire To Suck Blood, And To F***k Forever.”

After the vampires learn that they are finally taking over Staten Island through the Vampiric Council, there’s a short-lived fight about who gets to be the ruler. Laszlo is immediately uninterested in this idea and is firm in his belief that he wasn’t turned into a powerful creature to become a pencil pusher.

In the first episode of season 3, he simply leaves the throne to Nadja and Nandor. Laszlo is undoubtedly the most hedonistic vampire among the four roommates, closely followed by Nadja. Unlike his wife, though, Laszlo has little to no restraints when it comes to anything concerning murder and sex – the guy just wants to have fun for eternity.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/what-we-do-in-the-shadows-best-quotes-summarize-personality/

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