What’s in Cyclops’ Pouches Revealed in Hilarious Fan Art

What’s in Cyclops’ Pouches Revealed in Hilarious Fan Art

Humorous fan art by Sergei Titov shows a lighter side to X-Men leader Cyclops, showing both practical and impractical items in his costume’s pouches.

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It’s no secret that the X-Men have a thing for pouches. Though they aren’t always present nowadays, ever since the visual aesthetic of a superhero costume lined with countless patches became popularized in the 1990s, large pouches have practically become a staple of the X-Men uniforms. One fan artist pokes fun at this trope with a drawing that shows what’s really inside all the pouches team leader Cyclops wears on his suit.

There are certainly examples of comics where heroes like Cable explain what’s in their pouches or use a specific pouch to hold an important item. But most of the time, what’s in a hero’s pouch is left a mystery. While the X-Men in general often have tons of pouches on their costumes, it isn’t as if they all have a vast array of gadgets that they use all the time, like Batman with his classic tool belt. And it does make logical sense that superheroes in skin-tight outfits would need something to carry their stuff. But more often than not the pouches end up being somewhat arbitrary. They theoretically hold things, but it hardly matters what those things are.

Artist Sergei Titov gets to the bottom of what’s in Cyclops’ pouches in a drawing tweeted on October 18, 2021 in honor of #pouchtober. This hashtag is a collection of fan art works commemorating, as the name would suggest, the fantastic array of superhero costumes sporting pouches galore. In his post, Titov says that his goal is to answer, “What the hell is in Cyclops’s pouches?”

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I’ve only had the time for one #pouchtober drawing, so it had to be a good one. This answers the popular question of “What the hell is in Cyclops’s pouches? ” #xmen #xtwitter #cyclops #marvel #fanart pic.twitter.com/IgAd4Wx8k5

In Titov’s image however, the truth finally comes out. In Titov’s head-canon, Cyclops has a pretty eclectic array of stuff somehow packed inside his pouches. Some of them are pretty functional: some of his famous ruby quartz visors, a BLT (because, remember, superheroes get hungry too), a first-aid kit, a flashlight. However, then there are the personal touches. Cyclops, being a big softie, has pictures of some fellow X-Men in his pouches, including friends/lovers/rivals Jean and Logan. He also has his keys and phone, a set of dice almost certainly for a table-top role-playing game, his wedding ring, and (possibly funniest of all) a set of contacts and contact-cleaning solution. Cyclops, it turns out, doesn’t leave anything to chance. If there’s a single chance he needs his ruby quartz contacts while out on patrol or misses Jean just a little too much, he’s got the solution handy!

Titov’s Cyclops fan art is great as a piece that shows a lighter side of an X-Men leader who isn’t typically known for having a sense of humor. It offers a cute and funny answer to a question that has plagued fans for years while providing a touch of realistic context to how superheroes manage their inventory. And maybe this Pouchtober, the X-Men can help Cyclops reorganize his pouches so that they don’t hold the necessary dice for a Dungeons and Dragons session.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/xmen-cyclops-costume-pouches-contents-fan-art/

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