When Did Commissioner Gordon Learn Batmans Secret Identity

When Did Commissioner Gordon Learn Batman’s Secret Identity?

Gordon and Batman have been working together since The Dark Knight’s debut. In all that time, has he ever figured out who Batman really is?

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When Did Commissioner Gordon Learn Batmans Secret Identity

Batman has had plenty of crime-fighting partners over the years – Superman, Batgirl, multiple Robins, even Marvel’s Bucky Barnes – but few have been as consistent as Commissioner Gordon. After so many years of working with the World’s Greatest Detective, and the fact that Gordon was once a detective himself, the question arises: does Gordon know who Batman really is?

Because Gordon and Batman are on the same side, the commissioner has never made much of an effort to unmask or expose the Dark Knight, but Gordon is far from a fool. He’s had suspicions, and there have even been times where it seems Gordon has figured out that Bruce Wayne is the one behind the cowl.

Such was the case in Batman: Blind Justice, published in 1989. The story follows Batman’s efforts to stop the villain Kenneth Harbinger, who uses a kind of mind-control technology made by WayneTech to transmit his consciousness into the bodies of different people, making him especially hard to track down. Things get worse when Mitchell Riordan, a member of a secret military organization, threatens to expose Bruce as Batman. He even brings in Henri Ducard, one of the men who trained Bruce, to testify. If the name sounds familiar, that’s because Henri Ducard was the alias used by Liam Neeson’s Ra’s Al Ghul in Batman Begins.

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Bruce refuses to submit to the blackmail, and is arrested shortly after under the accusation of being a communist. When Gordon is called as a witness, he tells Bruce privately that he’s always had “suspicions” about him, but knows he’s no traitor. Bruce plays dumb and leaves, but is shot before he can stand trial. He survives, but is confined to a wheelchair, which means no escapades as Batman. Fortunately, Bruce has access to the technology used by Harbinger, and Roy Kane, the brother of Bruce’s girlfriend, Jeannie Bowen, offers to let Bruce transfer his consciousness into his body and use him as Batman (this was before Bruce had a robot for that). However, Roy’s body is nowhere near the physical level of Bruce’s, and he dies on the job, leading the whole world to believe Batman is dead. The whole world… except for Gordon.

You see, Gordon had previously seen Roy Kane and Batman in the same room, so when the corpse of Batman is unmasked to reveal Roy’s face, Gordon knows something is up. He talks to Bruce Wayne and reveals what he knows. The injured Bruce asks where Gordon thinks the real Batman is, and Gordon replies “I don’t know. Injured, maybe,” then says, “If [Batman] wanted to hang it all up…I wouldn’t stand in his way…I think he’s earned a rest if he wants it. We owe him that much.”

While Gordon doesn’t explicitly say he thinks Bruce is Batman, the implication in their exchanges is pretty clear. After all, Batman’s absence right after Bruce’s injury, and his subsequent death and unmasking as Roy Kane (when Gordon already knew Roy wasn’t Batman) is only explicable if Bruce Wayne is really Batman and Roy was just filling in. But Gordon proves his loyalty by not saying it outright and allowing Bruce to decide what the future of Batman will be. We see something similar in The Dark Knight Rises. When Blake asks Gordon if he ever wanted to know who Batman really was, Gordon just smiles and says, “I know exactly who he was. He was the Batman.”

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/commissioner-gordon-knows-bruce-wayne-batman/

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