Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

Which Anime Ninja Are You, Based On Your MBTI® Type?


Whether it’s Naruto or some other anime, fans love their ninja: traditional or otherwise. But which ones share the same personality traits?

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Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

Anime fans are always trying to identify with their favorite characters. There are many “Which character from X show are you?” quizzes that fans can take and see what characters are like them. A popular personality test that people use is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (or MBTI®). It contains 16 personality types based on answers to a series of questions.

Anime characters fall into an MBTI® type just like anyone else and fans want to see what type of character they are based on their personality traits. Ninja characters are a popular choice for fans. Whether it’s Naruto or some other anime, fans love their ninja: traditional or otherwise.

8 Kakashi Hatake Is An INTP (Naruto)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

INTP is the logician type. They love to analyze patterns and spend most of their time thinking. They are very curious and care about the truth. However, they don’t see the need for compassion and are often disconnected when it comes to people.

Kakashi from Naruto is obviously a logician. He has quite the analytical mind and tries to approach problems logically. He can appear to be uptight when it comes to his students, but he means well. Kakashi isn’t one to socialize much, either. He often says what he has to say and bounces. This personality perfectly matches his reputation as the Copy Ninja; he analyzes an opponent’s moves and copies them.

7 Black Star Is An ESFP (Soul Eater)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ESFP is the entertainer type. They are vibrant and spontaneous. ESFPs are quite the social creatures and encourage others to get in on the fun. They are often focused on instant gratification and have no patience for things that take time to grow.

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Black Star from Soul Eater is a true ESFP. He is the life of the party and always knows how to make an entrance. He’s extremely social and knows how to make a person feel welcome. Black Star will do anything to prove himself and show others that he is number one. He’s also observant and perceptive, he knows when his friends are upset and will do anything to cheer them up.

6 Sasuke Uchiha Is An INTJ (Naruto)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

INTJ is the architect type. They pride themselves in their logic, but also have a drive that few others can match. They are independent and don’t want others weighing them down. However, INTJs can be arrogant. They believe themselves to be the absolute best and aren’t afraid to let people know.

Sasuke Uchiha is definitely an INTJ. He dismisses his emotions as weakness and is a tad arrogant. His drive for revenge was insatiable and few could match his intensity. For much of the Naruto series, he tried to do things on his own. It didn’t always pan out for him as he had too much faith in his own power.

5 Soi Fon Is An ESTJ (Bleach)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ESTJ is the executive type. They are natural leaders and work harder than anyone else. ESTJs are known to uphold the law and follow orders from higher up. They often find it difficult to relax or express their own emotions and they’re also highly judgmental.

Soi Fon from Bleach is a good example of an ESTJ. She is strong-willed and follows authority (when she isn’t the authority, that is). She works harder than anyone else to maintain her strength and position as head of the Stealth Force. She doesn’t express her emotions very well and is often seen as abrasive and is always judging others, too.

4 Neji Hyuga Is An ISTJ (Naruto)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ISTJ is the logistician type. They are calm and practical. ISTJs stand their ground against hardship. They have knowledge of all sorts of subjects, as well. They can be stubborn and insensitive, though. They’re also judgmental and can very easily blame themselves for things that go wrong.

Neji is absolutely an ISTJ. He is reserved and doesn’t let things get to him. He prefers order because, without it, there is chaos. He is honest, direct, quite stubborn, and can also come across as insensitive.

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3 Sakura Haruno Is An ESFJ (Naruto)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ESFJ is the consul type. They have a strong sense of duty. They always try to meet their obligations. The loyalty of an ESFJ is unmatched. They are also sensitive and connect with others quite easily. They are very needy and a little too selfless, however. ESFJs don’t want to deal with conflict and won’t step out of their comfort zones.

Sakura is a true ESFJ. Through her medical training, she has gained a sense of duty and wishes to help others. She is also loyal to her friends, like Naruto. Sakura is sensitive almost to a fault. She is needy (especially when it comes to Sasuke) and doesn’t venture far from her comfort zone.

2 Hinata Hyuga Is An ISFJ (Naruto)

Which Anime Ninja Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ISFJ is the defender type. They are major supports for those around them. They observe their surroundings and make note of everything. ISFJs work hard and are meticulous about their work. They repress their feelings often, however. They often take things personally and give way too much.

Hinata is the perfect example of an ISFJ. She is often supporting those around her whether it’s her teammates or her family. She is observant and takes note of everything people do. She also tries to hide her emotions to not be a burden.

1 Yoruichi Shohoin Is An ENFP (Bleach)

ENFP is the campaigner type. They are excellent communicators and are often very perceptive. They are enthusiastic about any idea that catches their attention. ENFPs like to live off the cuff and do things spontaneously. However, they are disorganized. They can’t keep things clean for a moment. ENFPs are people pleasers that try to accommodate everyone. They are also optimistic to a fault. They try to see the good in everyone and are disappointed easily.

Yoruichi is quite the ENFP. She is a perceptive woman who can detect nonsense in what people say. Yoruichi is enthusiastic about people that catch her fancy, like Ichigo and Byakuya. She likes to keep moving, too. There’s a reason she perfected flash step.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/anime-ninja-characters-myers-briggs-types/

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