Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You, Based On Your MBTI® Type?


The characters in Attack on Titan run the gamut of MBTI personality types. There’s a character for everyone to relate to.

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Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

Attack On Titan is one of the most popular anime of all time. Through the story, viewers are immersed in Eren Yeager’s journey to annihilate the man-eating Titans who terrorize humanity. Attack On Titan has an extensive cast of characters with distinctive personalities. Almost all sixteen Myers-Briggs personality types can be found represented by the cast.

Since the manga has recently wrapped up, it’s certainly interesting to revisit the story to see how each character aligns with the unique MBTI types. It is precisely because there are many different personalities within the Survey Corps that the team can function effectively to achieve their goals.

10 Mikasa Ackerman Is An ISTJ

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

As “Logisticians,” ISTJs face life with reservation and healthy skepticism. Every move they make is calculated, and they never act without thinking. ISTJs are diligent in handling their responsibilities, and they value integrity above all else. ISTJs are knowledgeable and apply their intelligence to various skill sets.

Mikasa Ackerman is known for her stoicism. She seldom expresses her emotions and is steadfast in her dedication to protecting her loved ones. Mikasa easily intimidates those around her. Despite her cold demeanor, she’s pretty perceptive and heavily feels her emotions.

9 Jean Kirstein Is An ESTJ

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

As “Executives,” ESTJs are determined, honest, and skilled in reigning in all of the chaos around them. Often, ESTJs tend to be the voice of reason during dire circumstances. Sometimes, ESTJs adhere to a “my way or the highway” mentality. ESTJs also feel such immense responsibility that they find it hard to relax.

Jean Kirstein never holds back when he expresses his opinions. Sometimes, he realizes that expressing his opinion isn’t in his best interest, but regardless, he doesn’t keep it to himself. He can be cynical at times and is easily enraged. Of course, people recognize his inherent leadership skills and his knack for analyzing every situation before getting involved with it.

8 Falco Grice Is An ENFJ

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ENFJs are aptly called “Protagonists.” Rightfully deserving of this title, ENFJs are idealists whose primary goal is to impact the world around them positively. ENFJs are opinionated and have clear ideals and philosophies about making the world a better place. They are passionate individuals whose charisma makes it easy to amass supporters.

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Falco Grice is recognized for his pacificism. His strength does not lie on the battlefield; rather, it lies in his compassion. While he isn’t a coward, he prefers to avoid conflict. He will willingly throw his life on the line to protect his friends. Falco is so compassionate that he took an enemy soldier in to tend to his ailments. Falco is also not one to hold grudges.

7 Yelena Is An INTJ

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

As “Architects,” INTJs are tactical in their approach to life. They are prone to experiencing immense mental turmoil despite their rational demeanor. INTJs refuse to conform and prefer to pave their way through life. Sometimes, this results in conceitedness and volatile behavior. Sometimes, it can be hard to determine what an INTJ is thinking.

Yelena is a complex character. She seems to be a sycophant for Zeke Yeager. She keeps her cool all the time, even during situations where others wouldn’t. Yelena has sparked debate among fans of Attack On Titan about her morality. When others in the organization start to waver in their belief, Yelena doesn’t think twice before assassinating them.

6 Zeke Yeager Is An INTP

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

As “Logicians,” INTPs are imaginative and tend to have grandiose ambitions. They are always curious about the world and what they could do to change it. INTPs tend to be quite intelligent but lack social connections. Sometimes, they can come off as insensitive, and they tend to be sticklers for the small details.

Zeke Yeager is intelligent, and he is skilled in leadership. Albeit, he tends to lead with an iron fist and threatens physical force if his orders are not obeyed. He views the goals of the people who live in Paradis as pointless. Sometimes, his cynicism towards them is expressed through rage. Zeke’s grand desire is that he wants everyone to stop fearing the Titans.

5 Hange Zoë Is An ENTP

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

As “Debaters,” ENTPs enjoy their healthy share of mind games with others. They are quick-witted and bold in the way they communicate with others. ENTPs are always curious about the world, but they take special interests in the “what if?” of it all. They’re quick on their feet, and they are also pretty bombastic.

Hange Zoë is a free spirit whose self-expression tends to be eccentric. Despite their goofy demeanor, Hange is quite observant and prefers to get to the truth of every matter. Hange is lighthearted, but they are still sensitive to the emotions of others. They are also undeniably intelligent. Hange can brainstorm an idea for a weapon and then create it.

4 Armin Arlert Is An INFJ

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

INFJs are “Advocates,” meaning that they have humanistic philosophies that guide them through life. They stick to their moral code and always stand up for justice. INFJs are wise enough to cut through the smoke and mirrors to see someone’s true intentions immediately. Sometimes, they can be rather tricky to get close to, but they are friends for life once someone gets them out of their shells.

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Armin Arlert has always been immensely curious about the world, especially the world beyond the Walls. Though his curiosity was uncommon amongst the other kids, he never stopped researching. Though massive amounts of bullying led to his deteriorating sense of self-esteem, Armin eventually became confident in his abilities again because of his intelligence. Armin always thinks about deep issues and never hesitates to suggest ideas that provoke others to think outside of the box.

3 Erwin Smith Is An ENTJ

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

As “Commanders,” ENTJs are decisive and confident in their abilities. They think on their feet and don’t waste a second before deciding. ENTJs have authoritarian personalities, yet they are charismatic and are natural leaders. Sometimes, they can be stubborn and insensitive, but they still inspire others as leaders.

Erwin Smith is an interesting character. He’s composed and calculating, and his mind never stops thinking about what the next move should be. He’s charismatic and has excellent public speaking skills. Though he is stoic, he cares about humanity profoundly and will do anything to save it from Titans. Despite his bravado, it seems like Erwin may struggle with impostor syndrome.

2 Levi Ackerman Is An ISTP

Which Attack On Titan Character Are You Based On Your MBTI® Type

ISTPs are “Virtuosos,” meaning that they are nonconformists who pursue their aspirations, regardless of what others think of them. They tend to be jacks-of-all-trades, applying their intellect and talent to everything they do. They are assertive and optimistic when completing a goal. Arguably, ISTPs are the best people to gravitate towards during times of crisis because they can maintain a level head and use their problem-solving skills to escape safely.

Levi Ackerman isn’t the friendliest person around, and he doesn’t censor himself. Sometimes, he can be insulting and vulgar during the most inappropriate times. He only obeys the orders of people he deems worthy of his respect and has no qualms about blatantly disrespecting anyone else. Despite this, Levi does care a lot about his closest friends – he’s even empathetic towards them.

1 Eren Yeager Is An ISFP

As “Adventurers,” ISFPs are excited to experience new things. Sometimes, they partake in risky behavior solely because they want to feel the excitement. Regardless, ISFPs are passionate in everything they do, and they are always unpredictable. Others may find ISFPs hard to deal with because they can be competitive and stubborn at times.

Eren Yeager is generally described in paradoxes. He’s hard-headed, but passionate in his pursuits. Eren is protective over those he cares about, but his impulsivity tends to put them in danger. Eren has always been interested in life outside of the Walls, and he tends to look down upon those who see no issue with staying inside them. Despite all of his perseverance, he tends to achieve his goals through unethical, atrocious means.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/attack-on-titan-characters-mbti-type/

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