Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


From Max and Dani to the Sanderson sisters, Disney’s Hocus Pocus is full of memorable characters. Which Halloween favorite matches your star sign?

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Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

For over 25 years Hocus Pocus has been a family viewing staple for Halloween. Those who saw it for the first time as kids when it landed in theaters in 1993 still hold viewing parties as adults — and now share it with their own children. The movie has become a huge part of pop culture.

Plenty of fans have likely decided if they’re more of a Max or a Dani on an adventure — or which Sanderson sisters’ personality is most like their own. Now those same fans can see which character lines up with their zodiac sign based on the personality traits exhibited in the movie. It’s a fun thing to do while fans wait for Disney+ to move forward with their Hocus Pocus sequel.

12 Aries: Max

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Max absolutely hates that he moves from his beloved California to Massachusetts. He also absolutely hates that he has to take his little sister Dani out on Halloween. Max doesn’t care who knows how unhappy he is. He goes with his gut, allowing his emotions to make him stand out. He’s got that impulsive Aries nature.

Aries can be volatile as a result of their impulsivity, which the audience sees a bit of in Max’s relationship with his parents and his blowing up at Dani. They can also make decisions without thinking about the possibility of their downfall, like Max giving his number to Allison in front of their entire class.

11 Taurus: Binx

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Thackery Binx just wants to save his little sister, Emily. Instead, he witnesses her death and spends 300 years trapped in the body of a cat until he has a chance to get justice. Binx then spends those 300 years keeping an eye on the house where her killers lived. That’s commitment.

Taurus has a reputation for being stubborn, but the truth is, their main quality is patience. Binx exhibits supreme resolve when it comes to his perceived duty to guard against the Sanderson sisters. He’s also incredibly patient with the immature Max and excitable Dani when they learn the truth.

10 Gemini: Mrs. Dennison

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The Dennison parents aren’t in the movie much. After all, the focus is on the adventure of their kids. But what fans do see of Mrs. Dennison proves that she’s a bit of a chameleon.

Mrs. Dennison is able to effortlessly shift her persona to be appropriate to the given situation. She goes from responsible mom to party mode and back again in the blink of an eye. Like her, Geminis can wear many hats. They adapt to their situation and blend in with the crowd.

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9 Cancer: Dani

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Dani is wise beyond her years. She pretty quickly accepts things like talking cats and resurrected witches. She also handles herself appropriately for the gravity of the situation — like trying to make the witches believe she summoned them because she is one of them. Dani is also, however, incredibly sensitive, easily hurt by those she admires most, like her brother.

Dani is a trademark Cancer. Cancers easily connect with new friends, finding the good in everyone. But when people betray them or make them angry, look out. Once the sadness passes, they can be vengeful. Dani’s spite in describing Winifred’s soul is a perfect example.

8 Leo: Billy

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The audience doesn’t get to know Billy Butcherson very well, but there are a few details that make an impression. He’s ready to defend Dani against the witches, and has no problem mouthing off to Winifred despite the fact that she killed him. Billy also romanced two of the sisters when he was alive — Winifred and Sarah — despite the rumors about their involvement in witchcraft.

This is all to say that Billy has more in common with Max than fans might think. He follows his gut and does what he wants. While that’s a very Aries trait, combined with his chasing the kids through old sewer systems and standing his ground in the middle of the graveyard, it’s safe to say Billy also likes the attention, just like a Leo.

7 Virgo: Allison

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Of the main trio in Hocus Pocus, Allison is hands down the one with the best head on her shoulders. She’s practical, knows her history, and is able to formulate a plan when the group needs it most. Max might have given her his number because he thought she was pretty and challenged him in class, but by the end of the movie, he has to know she’ll be running things.

While adult fans have debated for years whether or not Allison’s head for witchy history means she’s one herself, in reality, she’s more likely a Virgo. Allison comes prepared for in-class debates and getting rid of witches. Only a Virgo plans for everything.

6 Libra: Mary

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Mary appears to be little more than Winifred’s lackey, but she’s really got the middle sister role down pat. Though she spends a lot of her time supporting Winifred’s schemes, Mary is also adept at calming her two sisters. She often ends up in the role of peacemaker between Sarah and Winifred.

Libras tend to find themselves as the diplomat in their friend group because they’re able to see everyone’s point of view when others can’t.

5 Scorpio: Jay

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Jay is largely a follower in the movie as he simply follows the lead of his friend Ernie. That’s not typically a very Scorpio thing to do, but for fans who have also read the novels inspired by Hocus Pocus, there’s more of a chance to get into Jay’s head since he’s also a parent in the sequel.

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Scorpios can be aggressive when it comes to things they want. As a kid, that translates to bullying for Jay. As an adult in the Hocus Pocus sequel novel, that translates to keeping a very tight leash on his kid and refusing to talk about his memories of Halloween. He keeps everything that happened to him a complete secret, not letting anyone get too close.

4 Sagittarius: Mr. Dennison

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Mr. Dennison isn’t a regular dad; he’s a cool dad. He tries hard to get on Max’s level and give him advice. It’s a very sitcom-dad thing to do, but also shows he’s a bit of an armchair philosopher.

The sign most often referenced as a philosopher is Sagittarius. Not only does they love to acquire new knowledge, but they love to share it with others. Sometimes that can result in them not allowing another person to get a word into a conversation, which happens frequently when Mr. Dennison talks with his son.

3 Capricorn: Winifred

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Winifred is the most devious of the Sanderson sisters; all the schemes come from her and the spell book belongs to her. Winifred Sanderson wants nothing less than to be young and beautiful forever. While that seems relatively small in the scheme of things (she could want to rule the world), her ambitions still leave a wake of destruction behind her.

When ambition and planning meet, a Capricorn is born. Winifred might not have the same sense of duty to family (though she expect its from her sisters) as most Capricorns, but she’s certainly got the ambition covered.

2 Aquarius: Emily

Which Hocus Pocus Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Much like Jay, the movie doesn’t paint a whole picture of Emily. What the audience knows is she has no problem running off at dawn to play with the Sandersons — despite undoubtedly being warned that they are witches.

Emily seems like a bit of a rebel. Her dancing and laughing as she follows Sarah don’t necessarily indicate that she’s under Sarah’s singing spell. Emily wanting to go her own way and figure things out for herself is very Aquarius of her.

1 Pisces: Sarah

Winifred is the strong one, Mary is her support system, and Sarah Sanderson is the sister most likely to have her head lost in a daydream. She brings her vocal magic to the trio, but she’s not always privy to their plans. That’s a shame because she actually has a better head on her shoulders than her sisters give her credit for.

The Pisces in Sarah accounts for her fun in daydreaming, but it also means she’s more intuitive than people might think. There are several points in the movie in which she pauses and senses something’s amiss, but her sisters hurry her along.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/hocus-pocus-character-best-matches-astrology-sign/

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