Why a Third Fighter’s Pass Make So Much Sense for Smash

Why a Third Fighter’s Pass Make So Much Sense for Smash


Although it’s been dismissed by the game’s director, a third Fighter’s Pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate just makes too much sense for Nintendo.

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Why a Third Fighter’s Pass Make So Much Sense for Smash

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s second Fighter’s Pass is nearly at its completion. This second pack of DLC fighters has seen iconic characters like Steve and Sephiroth make their way onto Smash’s already expansive roster. With the addition of Pyra and Mythra, there are only two more characters yet to be announced for Smash Ultimate’s second Fighter’s Pass. Many fans of the hit fighting game are wondering what Nintendo might be planning next for Smash, and a third Fighter’s Pass just seems to make so much sense it’s hard not to expect another wave of DLC fighters.

Smash Bros. is by far one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises. It’s currently listed as the third-most purchased Switch title on Nintendo’s official website and maintains one of the largest online communities of any game on the console. There is a clear desire among fans for more DLC fighters, but it’s all a matter of whether or not Nintendo will actually provide further content. Smash Ultimate’s Director, Masahiro Sakurai, stated back in February 2020 that there weren’t any plans for future DLC content after Smash’s second Fighter’s Pass. While this may seem like it puts any hopes of a third Fighter’s Pass to rest, this could be posturing on the part of Sakurai in order to keep Smash Ultimate’s Fighter’s Pass three a surprise.

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One of Nintendo’s top priorities moving forward should be maintaining Smash’s popularity. It’s very unlikely another game in the series will be releasing any time soon, so it would be beneficial for Nintendo to keep fans as interested in the Smash Bros’ current entry as possible. The easiest way to accomplish this would be adding further DLC content to the game. Whenever a new character is announced for Smash it’s major, headline-grabbing news, and always gets lots of fans excited about the game all over again. It’s gotten to the point where many consider it to be the best cross-over game currently available. While Smash is one of the most popular Switch titles to play online, a lack of future DLC content could result in some fans losing interest in the game sooner rather than later, which would be unfortunate with the Switch Pro supposedly around the corner.

Smash’s Third Fighter’s Pass Could Help The Nintendo Switch Pro

Details about the new Switch Pro remain scarce, but it seems more likely than not that the console will be releasing some time in the near future. If Nintendo does have plans to release the Switch Pro this year, it may be available just as Smash’s second Fighter’s Pass is finishing up. While this wouldn’t necessarily hurt sales of the Switch Pro or Smash Ultimate, it certainly wouldn’t help them. The announcement of a third Fighter’s Pass in coordination with the Switch Pro’s release, on the other hand, could help drive the sale of both the console and Smash Ultimate while helping maintain the game’s popularity and online community.

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Dataminers have already found information that has led some to believe a third Smash Bros. Fighter’s Pass is all but confirmed. 16 placeholder slots were found in the code of Smash Ultimate’s World of Light, which implies there are still more DLC character to be announced after Fighter’s Pass 2. There are also more empty slots remaining in the game’s stage selection screen than fighters currently planned for announcement, adding even more gas to the Smash Fighter’s Pass three fire.

It’s already been announced that Nintendo will be presenting at this year’s E3 convention, but there’s no telling what could be revealed. While information on the Switch Pro and Breath of the Wild 2’s development seem obvious, the announcement of a third Fighter’s Pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate could be the type of unexpected announcement that gets fans really excited and potentially steals the show.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/smash-fighters-pass-3-dlc-rumors-leaks-likely/

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