Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogen’s Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)


In An American Pickle, Seth Rogen gives two strong performances. The film is deeper than Rogen’s past work, but is the HBO Max comedy really his best?

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Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

As movie fans look for the latest streaming release to enjoy this summer, HBO Max released a small and unexpected comedy, An American Pickle. The film stars Seth Rogen as Herschel Greenbaum, a Jewish immigrant working in a New York pickle factory who is accidentally pickled and wakes up in modern times. He then connects with his great-grandson Ben (also Rogen) and tries to get used to the new world.

Though smaller than some of Rogen’s other films, An American Pickle has many great qualities. But is it really his best? Looking at Rogen’s filmography, there are plenty of alternatives that deserve to be considered as well.

10 An American Pickle: Fish Out Of Water

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

The fish-out-of-water story has been a common concept in films for years. The idea of a person coming to a new place with a totally different culture and customs makes for some big laughs. Though the genre might seem played out, An America Pickle finds a fun new way to revisit it.

When Herschel went into the brine, life was bitter and tough. When he is awakened in the 21st Century, he is introduced to a new world that seems softer than the one he knew. It is a clever commentary on old values and young lifestyles clashing.

9 Alternative: 50/50

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

Rogen’s films had mostly raunchy and outrageous comedies, but 50/50 showed that he was able to tell a more mature and emotional story that could still make audiences laugh. 50/50 stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a young man diagnosed with spinal cancer and is given a fifty percent survival rate.

The film is based on the real-life health scare of writer Will Reiser, and Rogen helped him develop the story into a movie. Rogen also gives a touching performance as the best friend who struggles with this news but remains by his buddy’s side through all of it.

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8 An American Pickle: Embracing The Insanity

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

The movie wastes very little time introducing its insane premise. It immediately tells audiences what kind of story it is selling and doesn’t shy away from how ridiculous it sounds. So many movies would find it hard to overcome the premise alone, but An American Pickle refuses to be weighed down at all.

The premise is introduced, there is a clever joke about how impossible it is, and then the movie is ready to move on with the understanding that we are all on board with this idea. It’s a risky move but it works perfectly here.

7 Alternative: Superbad

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

According to Rogen, he and his writing partner Evan Goldberg had been working on the script for Superbad since they were young teenagers. It follows two friends (Jonah Hill and Michael Cera) who try to get noticed by girls at their last high school party.

Despite the familiar premise, Rogen and Goldberg’s script is hilarious for its no-holds-barred approach to a teen comedy. The film made stars out of Hill and Cera, but Rogen and Bill Hader steal the show as two deeply immature cops.

6 An American Pickle: American Dream

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

The title of the film is no mistake as this is an absurd and hilarious retelling of the classic story of the American dream. Herschel is an immigrant who came to America to build the kind of life he always wanted.

However, the movie is so fascinating because it takes a look at that classic American dream story and how it might play out now. From Herschel’s early successes to his epic downfall, the movie is a clever and hilarious take on modern America and what it takes to succeed.

5 Alternative: Knocked Up

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

Rogen got his start in show business when Judd Apatow cast in him the short-lived but much-beloved teen show Freaks and Geeks. Since then, the two have worked together several times and Apatow gave Rogen his first leading man role in Knocked Up.

Rogen plays an aimless slacker who impregnates a successful young woman (Katherine Heigl) after a one-night stand. The movie worked as a charming rom-com as well as a hilarious R-rated comedy. And Rogen proved to be a rather compelling leading man.

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4 An American Pickle: Heart And Humor

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

Who would have thought that a movie called An American Pickle would be a genuinely touching film? Despite the premise, the movie explores some deeper issues such as loss and family.

Herschel and his great-grandson Ben are alone in the world until they find each other. While they don’t see eye to eye most of the time, they soon realize that family is important to have in your life. The mix of humor and the heartfelt moments really makes the movie a surprisingly sweet and satisfying experience.

3 Alternative: Pineapple Express

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

Cannabis has been featured prominently in many of Rogen’s films, but he really embraced his love of pot in the off-the-wall stoner action-comedy, Pineapple Express. Rogen and James Franco play two stoner losers who witness a murder and find themselves hunted by gangsters.

Rogen and Franco made for a hilarious pair and their chemistry really elevated the film. The movie’s action sequences were also thrilling as they played off familiar action movie clichés with hilarious results.

2 An American Pickle: Rogen’s Performance

Why American Pickle Will Go Down As Seth Rogens Best Movie (& 5 Better Alternatives)

Rogen’s comedic acting abilities have often been praised, but he doesn’t often show off his dramatic side in films. An American Pickle really allows him to showcase his range as an actor, not least of all because he has to play two roles in the film.

While his performance as Ben feels similar to what we’ve seen him do before, his work as Herschel is truly impressive. He disappears into the part to the point where you might forget he is sharing the screen with himself. It is his best performance to date.

1 Alternative: This Is The End

Rogen and Even Goldberg made their directorial debuts with a hugely ambitious horror comedy, This is the End. Rogen is joined by famous friends like James Franco, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride and others, all playing elevated versions of themselves as they try to survive the apocalypse.

The concept of actors playing themselves might sound like a cheap gimmick, but it only adds to the hilarity of the film. The cast does not hold back in roasting each other’s careers for the sake of laughs. This is the End fully embraces its huge story and delivers perhaps the funniest “end of the world” movie of all time.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/american-pickle-seth-rogen-best-movie-better-choices/

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