Why GTA 5 Fans Think Trevor Is A Demon

Why GTA 5 Fans Think Trevor Is A Demon


Some GTA fans believe that Trevor, one of the protagonists in Grand Theft Auto 5, is actually a demon, and the theory paints an incrementing picture.

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Why GTA 5 Fans Think Trevor Is A Demon

There is a theory that Trevor from Grand Theft Auto 5 is a demon. Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, GTA 5 follows three protagonists as they attempt to commit heists and get the government off their backs. There’s Michael De Santa, a retired bank robber, Franklin Clinton, a young gangster, and, of course, Trevor Phillips, the drug dealer and arms smuggler. Although neither Michael nor Franklin reach Trevor’s level of depravity, each character has his own moral failings.

Throughout the events of GTA 5, Michael and Franklin show signs of empathy. Sure, they may be shooting people, but it’s always clear to the player what motivates them. Franklin strives to be something more than just a lowly street thug, and is driven by a desire to make something of himself. Michael is driven by the need to protect his family. Trevor, however, seems to delight in acts of violence. Of course, he wouldn’t be the first protagonist in GTA history to enjoy the sight of blood. So why do fans believe Trevor is actual hellspawn?

In GTA 5, Trevor’s mother is portrayed as having yellow eyes. Theorists point out that evil entities in pop culture, such as Sith lords in Star Wars, tend to have yellow eyes. In fact, it’s a common trope in fiction for yellow eyes to denote that a character is untrustworthy. The GTA 5 theory, which was originally posted on Reddit, also points out how strange it is when Trevor’s mother shows up at his trailer, where she convinces him to steal meds. Oddly enough, when Trevor returns to the trailer after completing the mission, his mother is gone.

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Is GTA 5’s Trevor Really A Demon?

The other factor which contributes to the Grand Theft Auto 5 demon theory is Trevor’s special ability. In GTA 5, each protagonist has a special ability. Michael and Franklin’s special ability make sense within the context of the game, allowing them to slow down time when shooting or driving, respectively. Trevor’s Red Mist ability, however, is less grounded in reality. Activating it halves incoming damage while increasing the damage he deals – and those who believe the theory point to the Red Mist Ability as proof of Trevor’s demonic nature.

Despite this particular GTA 5 theory’s popularity, many players find it to be too far-fetched. For starters, Rockstar doesn’t shy away from the fact that Trevor is meant to be a psychopath. In GTA 5, Trevor is known to produce meth. Methamphetamine can cause its users to become insanely violent. This could be the intent behind the Red Mist ability. As for his mother’s yellow eyes, the developers behind Grand Theft Auto 5 may have been using the trope mentioned above. There are also Grand Theft Auto 5 fans who suggest Trevor is actually hallucinating his mother’s appearance, and she was never there at all.

Another theory suggests that the three protagonists represent the three main types of players of Grand Theft Auto 5. According to this theory, Franklin represents players new to the franchise, who are in it for the story. Michael represents players who know their way around GTA and want to play the game by their own rules. And Trevor? He represents the players who just want to go around killing and causing mayhem. Whether Rockstar meant for Grand Theft Auto 5’s Trevor to be a demon, or whether he is representative of chaotic players, it’s certainly an intriguing theory.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/grand-theft-auto-5-trevor-demon-fan-theory/

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