Why Hulk Hates Bruce Banner In Age of Ultron

Why Hulk Hates Bruce Banner In Age of Ultron

The Hulk couldn’t even stand hearing the name “Bruce Banner” in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but why did he hate him so much? Let’s take a look.

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Why Hulk Hates Bruce Banner In Age of Ultron

Bruce Banner and the Hulk had a problematic relationship in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which was more evident in Avengers: Age of Ultron – but why exactly did Hulk hate Banner back then? The Hulk hasn’t exactly had the best adaptations to the big screen, the first one being Hulk in 2003, directed by Ang Lee and with Eric Bana as Bruce Banner, which even though was a box office hit, wasn’t well-received by critics. Then came The Incredible Hulk in 2008, now with Edward Norton as Banner, and though it was an improvement compared to the previous one, it’s still among the weakest MCU movies.

Banner went through a recast for The Avengers, which marked the debut of Mark Ruffalo as the scientist who can turn into a green and incredibly muscular being. Banner/Hulk went on to appear in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame, and is set to return in the MCU’s Phase 4 in the TV show She-Hulk. Sadly, and even with all these appearances, the character of the Hulk wasn’t fully developed, leaving fans wanting more and questioning many moments and details about the character that were never explained, such as Hulk’s hate for Banner in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

As mentioned above, these two have a very complicated relationship, with Banner trying to get rid of the Hulk many, many times, even trying to kill himself only to have the Hulk showing up to spit the bullet. The conflict between them was more evident in Avengers: Age of Ultron, specifically in the scene where Banner lets the Hulk come out after Scarlet Witch played with his mind, causing him to escape and create chaos in the streets of Johannesburg. Tony Stark then used the Hulkbuster to try to calm him down and bring Banner back, but as soon as the Hulk heard the name “Banner”, he reacted aggressively, with Tony reminding himself to not mention “puny Banner”.

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Age of Ultron doesn’t explain why the Hulk is so angry with Banner, instead focusing more on his relationship with Black Widow, but the comics offer an answer to the question. The Hulk hates Banner because he sees him as a pushover, and it’s actually a very understandable conflict as they are opposite personalities inhabiting one body: Bruce Banner is driven by reason and science, while the Hulk is all about emotions and his very bad temper, even showing a childlike personality in other versions (as happened in Thor: Ragnarok). In addition to that, Banner has worked hard to find a way to either get rid of the Hulk or at least lock him to have more control over him, so with that in mind, it’s understandable that the Hulk doesn’t like him.

Hulk getting angrier when hearing “Banner” in Avengers: Age of Ultron is a hint at the dichotomy between the two seen in the comics and which the MCU failed to explain. The Hulk is one of the least developed characters in the MCU and each appearance feels like a completely different character, and in the end, Banner and Hulk became one in Avengers: Endgame, making way for “Smart Hulk” and putting an end to their rivalry, but in a way, that also gave the audience the freedom to interpret the Banner/Hulk conflict in different ways.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/age-ultron-hulk-bruce-banner-hates-mention-why/

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