Why Matthew Lillards Twin Peaks Character Was Important

Why Matthew Lillard’s Twin Peaks Character Was Important

Twin Peaks: The Return featured Matthew Lillard as new character William Hastings, and here’s why his role is important to the story.

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Why Matthew Lillards Twin Peaks Character Was Important

Here’s why Matthew Lillard’s Twin Peaks: The Return character was key to the mystery. There have been few shows as groundbreaking as the first season of Twin Peaks, which debuted in 1990. The setup saw FBI agent Dale Cooper come to the quiet little town to investigate the murder of teenager Laura Palmer – which in the process digs up some of the dark secrets of the townsfolk. The show’s cinematic sheen and blending of soap opera, horror, comedy and other genres saw it become one of the biggest series on TV.

Twin Peaks co-creators David Lynch and Mark Frost hadn’t planned on ever solving Laura’s murder, as that was the engine driving the story. Audience impatience saw the showrunners forced to reveal Laura’s killer early into season 2. Following this, Twin Peaks stumbled into often nonsensical and goofy storylines that turned many viewers off, and it was canceled by the end of the season. Lynch soon returned with the 1992 prequel film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, which was intended to start a trilogy. The movie received savage reviews for being way darker than the show, and it was a box-office letdown, killing plans for further films.

Lynch and Frost revived their series 25 years later with Twin Peak: The Return, an eighteen episode miniseries. David Lynch himself helmed every episode too, with the show being fascinating, horrifying, hilarious, and baffling – sometimes within the same scene. It also features an incredible supporting cast, with actors such as Tim Roth, Michael Cera, Jane Levy and many more so eager to work with Lynch they took on relatively small roles. Another actor who joined Twin Peaks: The Return was Matthew Lillard as luckless high school principal William Hastings.

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This isn’t the Senseless or Shaggy era Matthew Lillard either, with the actor turning in a layered turn as a normal man caught up in nightmarish circumstances. In Twin Peaks: The Return, Hastings is a sci-fi nerd who spent years seeking out, alongside his mistress Ruth, an alternate dimension known as “The Zone.” They finally succeed in 2016 before the first episode begins, where they visit this alternate reality and encounter Major Garland Briggs from the original show. The Major has spent years trapped in this space and asks them to bring him a set of coordinates, and once they do, the Major’s head floats from his body into the air to seek out Cooper.

Poor Hastings assumed this was just a nightmare, but later the decapitated head of Ruth is found in her apartment on top of the Major’s headless body, with Hastings fingerprints all over the place. In short order, his unfaithful wife leaves him and is murdered by Cooper’s doppelganger, he’s locked away and assumed to be insane, and the FBI later brings him back to the zone site to investigate his story. Hastings’ Twin Peaks: The Return story ends with the poor man’s head being graphically crushed by the Woodsmen while Cole (David Lynch) and his agents are distracted by a vortex leading to “The Zone.”

Matthew Lillard’s Hastings doesn’t have a great time on Twin Peaks: The Return but he at least helps the FBI confirm it’s a “Blue Rose” – AKA supernatural – case, and it sets Cole and Agents Albert (Miguel Ferrer) and Tammy (Chrysta Bell) on the right path. Also of note is the fact Hastings’ website The Search for the Zone – detailing his investigations into alternate dimensions – was actually created, and can still be visited in all its retro 1990s glory.

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Link Source : https://screenrant.com/twin-peaks-show-matthew-lillard-character/

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