Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain, Answered


Negan is one of The Walking Dead’s biggest bads… but that doesn’t mean that fans don’t have questions about the character.

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Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Depending on who you ask, Negan was the fiercest, cruelest villain to have appeared on AMC series The Walking Dead. Some might say that The Governor beats him – he did, after all, chop Hershel’s head clear off right in front of his daughters. Others believe Alpha has him beat, thanks to her homemade heads-on-a-stick fence and other seriously demented deeds.

Whatever the opinion on him, Negan is a character on the show with one of the most compelling arcs. He has seemingly changed after being stripped of all of his power and being kept captive for years.

But how much do fans really know about Negan? Many questions still remain about some of his quirks, attributes, and intentions.

10 Why Does He Wear Only One Glove?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Negan’s outfit is very distinct, including his jeans, black leather jacket, red scarf, and, of course, his one glove. He’s likely not paying homage to the late pop star Michael Jackson with this fashion choice: it isn’t white and sparkly, after all. So why just one?

Showrunner Scott Gimple has confirmed that the reason is so Negan can easily handle his barbed wire bat Lucille without getting blisters on his hand. It’s the same logic behind why golfers and baseball players wear only one glove, though for much more sinister reasons.

9 What’s The Deal With The Red Scarf?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Observant superfans have pointed out that Negan used to only wear his signature red scarf when he was about to kill someone, or knew he was about to do some serious damage to a person.

Their case in point is that he was wearing it when he killed Abraham and Glenn, he was wearing it for the big fight in the season 7 finale, yet when Carl snuck into the sanctuary, he ended up taking it off. This isn’t a confirmed quirk, but nonetheless, it seems like that part of his outfit might just be a “kill scarf,” much like how Dexter Morgan on Dexter had his dark green “kill shirt.”

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8 What Did He Do Pre-Apocalypse?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

The fact that Negan gets along so well with children and appears to want to protect them at all costs, is understandable when you realize what he did prior to the apocalypse: he was a high school gym teacher.

This explains why he not only has a knack for talking to kids but also why he is very much against harming them. It also explains his athletic abilities, and possibly some of his sarcasm and wit, which would definitely have come in handy when working with kids at school.

7 Why Is His Bat Named Lucille?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Loyal fans of the show know very well that the reason Negan’s bat is named Lucille is because it is named after his real-world wife, who died prior to the apocalypse. He had even developed an attachment to the bat as if it were a real person.

He refers to Lucille as a “she,” acts like it actually has feelings, and went ballistic when he lost “her.” Negan said the bat was the last thing he had left of the real Lucille, and likely also hung on to it so tightly to help deal with the guilt of treating Lucille badly prior to her getting sick, including cheating on her.

6 How Did The Real Lucille Die?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

While it’s logical to assume that Lucille was taken out by walkers, which is what made Negan such an angry brute, it seems his real-life wife actually died before the apocalypse had fully taken shape. She was suffering from pancreatic cancer, and sadly, lost her battle with the disease.

“If the disease wasn’t eating her up from the inside,” he said in one episode, “then the chemo was kicking the ever-loving s*** out of her.” He admitted that her death was a turning point for him. Once she was gone, he says he stopped feeling much of anything.

5 Has Negan Really Changed?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Negan had the chance to escape from Alexandria several times and he didn’t, or he did but ended up willingly coming back. He literally went out of his way, and risked his own life to save Judith, not to mention Dog. And he went undercover with the Whisperers, working behind the scenes with Carol, to take down Alpha.

Is there anything else he could possibly do to show he has changed? There have been so many instances of redemption for the character, but many still wonder if a switch could be flipped for the old Negan to one day return.

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4 Did He Believe His Killing Of Abraham Was Justified?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

Sure, bashing Glenn’s head in might have been overkill, literally. But Negan legitimately believed that he was totally in the right in killing Abraham. He was protective of his people, just like Rick was. And when he learned that the group from Alexandria killed many of his soldiers in their sleep, he needed a sacrificial lamb as payback.

While there are plenty of examples of times when Negan did the right thing, was killing Abraham one of those times? It depends on the perspective. Negan didn’t view himself as a cruel man. He believed he was bringing justice to his people and order to communities.

3 Did He Respect Rick?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

While Negan clearly had a feud with Rick, and they had very different leadership styles, Negan actually respected the leader of Alexandria. He even admitted as much to Spencer, telling him that he respected the fact that Rick was acquiescing to Negan’s demands, even if he didn’t want to, in order to spare the lives of his people.

He also respected Rick as a father to Carl and how protective he was of the boy. Not only did Negan have respect for Rick, but he also respected Carl, even after (and arguably because of) the young boy tricking him in order to help the people of Alexandria escape from his clutches.

2 What Is The One Thing He Would Not Tolerate?

Why Negan Wears One Glove & 9 Other Questions We Have About The Walking Dead Villain Answered

As cruel, heartless, and torturous as Negan could be, rarely ever showing a hint of remorse for his actions, he had a few rules and lines he would not cross, nor would he let his people. He would never kill a child and would rarely kill a woman unless it was absolutely necessary.

But he also had a clear “no rape” rule that suggested that if any Savior was ever caught sexually assaulting another person, they would be instantly killed. He acted on this promise by killing David after he attempted to rape Sasha.

1 Who Almost Played The Character?

It’s difficult to imagine Negan without the stylings of Jeffrey Dean Morgan behind him, and his signature way of delivering some of the most bone-chilling lines on the show. He brought the charismatic, brilliant, yet also cunning, sarcastic, and sociopathic leader to life. But Morgan almost didn’t get the part.

The design of the character of Negan, aside from being modeled after the comic book version, of course, was actually partly inspired by actor Henry Rollins, who even auditioned for the role. Another actor who auditioned for the part, and says he was one of the final candidates, was Matthew Lillard.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/why-negan-wears-one-glove-walking-dead-villain-questions-answers/

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