Why Scarlet Witch Could Become MCU Phase 4s Second Sorcerer Supreme

Why Scarlet Witch Could Become MCU Phase 4’s Second Sorcerer Supreme


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness could be setting up Scarlet Witch to become the second Sorcerer Supreme in Phase 4 of the MCU.

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Why Scarlet Witch Could Become MCU Phase 4s Second Sorcerer Supreme

Meanwhile, the MCU’s first Sorcerer Supreme is highly likely to be Doctor Strange, whom the title refers to in the comics. But while Strange proved his prowess in the first Doctor Strange movie, the sorcerer Wong rightly told him that he still has much to learn – although the ending did tease him taking up the mantle. As Wong explained, “Word of the Ancient One’s death will spread through the Multiverse. Earth has no Sorcerer Supreme to defend it. We must be ready.” Moreover, episode 4 of Marvel’s What If…? reveals that Strange has all the potential to become the Sorcerer Supreme – albeit with a warning that he could also take a darker path and become Strange Supreme instead.

In short, both Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch have the potential to become Sorcerers Supreme. According to the comics (via Fandom), the title refers to the “practitioner of the mystic or magic arts who has greater skills than all others or commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other organism on a given world or “dimension.” Doctor Strange’s affinity for learning and using magic – his innate magical skills – are unequaled. Strange proved this during his training at Kamar Taj, and in Avengers: Endgame, the Ancient One remarked that “Strange was meant to be the best of us,” before handing over the Time Stone to the Hulk at Strange’s behest. Meanwhile, Scarlet Witch’s raw power over chaos magic – her natural command of ambient magical energies – is undisputed. Before she even knew about the Darkhold, she tore into Ultron’s vibranium body and even stood toe-to-toe alone with Thanos. In short, both heroes are prime candidates for the title of Sorcerer Supreme. And considering what Marvel has already revealed about Phase 4, it’s possible that the MCU could soon have two Sorcerers Supreme defending the world.

Can There Be Two Sorcerers Supreme At Once?

Why Scarlet Witch Could Become MCU Phase 4s Second Sorcerer Supreme

Marvel comic book lore does set a precedent for two Sorcerers Supreme to exist in one world or dimension at a time. There are two key conditions for this to happen. First, one of the Sorcerers Supreme must have the greatest skill for wielding magic – but not the most raw power. Second, the other must be the most powerful magic user – but not the most skilled. WandaVision through Agatha Harkness’ prophecy reveals that Scarlet Witch’s power “exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme” – which has long been teased to be Doctor Strange, based on his comic book history and his unmatched magical skill and knowledge in the MCU. In Phase 4, Doctor Strange could finally take on the title of Sorcerer Supreme based on being the most skilled, while Scarlet Witch could become the second Sorcerer Supreme based on raw power.

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Doctor Strange Must Become The Sorcerer Supreme

Why Scarlet Witch Could Become MCU Phase 4s Second Sorcerer Supreme

In order for this to happen, Strange first needs to prove himself worthy of the title in the MCU. While Strange was able to defeat the Dark Dimension ruler Dormammu in Doctor Strange, albeit at a great cost to himself, this wasn’t enough for him to become the MCU’s Sorcerer Supreme. And considering how the sequel to his first film is called Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the process will likely involve overcoming an even greater multiversal or multi-dimensional threat. In the comics, there were two different paths for Strange to earn the title. Originally, he had to defeat the omnipotent demon Shuma-Gorath after it bonded with the Ancient One. Strange did this by destroying the Ancient One’s ego, which bonded the Ancient One with the universe, rendering Shuma-Gorath powerless and leading the Ancient One to appoint Strange as his successor. In another version, Strange had to defeat Doctor Doom in the final rounds of a trial that pitted the world’s most powerful mystics against each other.

Now, it’s up to the MCU to do justice to the Sorcerer Supreme’s origins on film, which will likely involve Scarlet Witch and the Darkhold. After the events of WandaVision, Wanda, who just assumed the mantle of the Scarlet Witch, never answered for her crimes against the town of Westview. She was also shown to be intently studying the Darkhold, which isn’t the best idea – experienced magic users like Doctor Strange and the Ancient One are barely able to contain the power of lesser tomes such as the Book of Cagliostro. Considering how the Darkhold is Wanda’s first real exposure to magical books, and the fact that it’s the most dangerous one in the comics, things are unlikely to turn out well for Scarlet Witch. In fact, the end of WandaVision could suggest that Scarlet Witch will be possessed by Chthon, a demonic elder god that, in the comics, has deep ties to both Scarlet Witch and the Darkhold. Not only would this be a great nod to Scarlet Witch’s origins, it would also turn her into the perfect multiversal threat for Doctor Strange to overcome and finally earn the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

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How Wanda Can Become The Second Sorcerer Supreme

Why Scarlet Witch Could Become MCU Phase 4s Second Sorcerer Supreme

If Scarlet Witch – under Chthon’s control – is the villain in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the likely outcome is that Doctor Strange will win and Wanda will survive, both of which would be in the MCU’s best interest. This would give Scarlet Witch an actual opportunity to study magic with the Sorcerer Supreme, affording her greater control over her immense power. And in turn, this would give Doctor Strange access to the world’s most powerful conduit of raw chaos magic. Scarlet Witch isn’t just the villain that Doctor Strange needs in order to become worthy of becoming the Sorcerer Supreme, she could potentially also become Strange’s new partner in facing the increasingly dangerous threats in the MCU multiverse. And while both have misused magic in the past, their respective experiences could help counterbalance each other’s future decisions as Sorcerers Supreme. Although Scarlet Witch becoming the second Sorcerer Supreme is unlikely to happen in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, there are plenty of other opportunities for it to occur in Phase 4 of the MCU.

What Having Two Sorcerers Supreme Would Mean For The MCU

It’s clear that in Phase 4, the MCU is looking to further explore stranger, wilder, and more complex storylines, which was impossible to do within the previous MCU Phases. Apart from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, this can be observed in many of the upcoming MCU movies. In Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, the villain is believed to be Kang: The Conqueror, which, in the Loki series, was revealed to be potentially the multiverse’s most dangerous villain. Meanwhile, with the Fantastic Four movie just around the corner, the world could be threatened by Galactus or a similar entity with world-ending powers. In this increasingly dangerous world where both the Avengers and the Ancient One are nowhere to be found, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch could be the perfect tandem for filling the power vacuum they left behind. Moreover, two of the MCU’s most popular characters working together as Sorcerers Supreme might just be what the MCU needs to build up to an event that could top the success of Avengers: Endgame.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/scarlet-witch-sorcerer-supreme-mcu-second-setup/

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