Why the Glass Slippers in 2015’s Cinderella Didn’t Disappear

Why the Glass Slippers in 2015’s Cinderella Didn’t Disappear

It might be a crucial plot point, but Cinderella’s glass slippers also double as a plot hole in all adaptations but one.

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Why the Glass Slippers in 2015’s Cinderella Didn’t Disappear

Of the many classic fairy tales made famous by Disney, Cinderella continues to be a mainstay. Other adaptations come and go, from Ever After to the newer version by Amazon, but Disney’s visuals and simpler delivery of the story carried even through its live-action version, one that the fandom still enjoys after all this time.

As with any of these classics, certain tentpole moments need to be in the adaptation — the ball, the wicked stepfamily, the glow-up — but the main plot point of Cinderella is the slipper that gets left behind as she flees the ball. In every story involving magic, all the magic goes away at the stroke of midnight, yet the slipper stays, and there’s no explanation as to why.

The obvious answer is that, out of everything in the magical sequence, this needs to stay. With this slipper, the prince can find Cinderella and whisk her off to her happily ever after. In nearly every adaptation, the slipper fits Cinderella and only Cinderella — and in some darker versions, others trying the shoe on when it doesn’t fit ends with them cutting themselves on the glass. But the question remains: of all the magical items, why do the shoes get to stay?

The 2015 live-action Disney remake actually addresses this. During the Fairy Godmother sequence, Helena Bonham Carter’s character explains before Cinderella rushes off to the ball that the magic only lasts for a limited time — once the last stroke of midnight sounds, everything will become what it once was. And when midnight comes, everything does indeed go back to its original form during a hectic chase sequence. The coach goes back to a pumpkin, the dress goes back to rags and the various persons go back to the animals they once were. Only the slippers remain as a souvenir of the night.

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But unlike other versions of Cinderella, the reason why is made clear in a single scene. As the Fairy Godmother helps Cinderella prepare for the ball, she notices the girl’s shoes and stops her. While Cinderella claims that her regular shoes will be fine, the Fairy Godmother insists she takes them off, and they’ll “do something new for a change.” With that, she magics the glass slippers onto Cinderella’s feet.

This is why the glass slippers stay. Everything else reverts to their original forms at the stroke of midnight, but the glass slippers weren’t made from Cinderella’s shoes: they were made from pure magic. There was no other form for the glass slippers to revert to, so they remained as they were. This also explains how they were able to keep from fitting anyone else in the kingdom — they were magic and therefore remained magic. It’s a simple action right before a beautiful transformation sequence, but it ensures the glass slippers will survive past midnight and fills an unintentional plot hole in most Cinderella adaptations.

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/why-the-glass-slippers-in-2015s-cinderella-didnt-disappear/

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