Why The Matrix Online Should Be Rebooted Alongside The Matrix 4

Why The Matrix Online Should Be Rebooted Alongside The Matrix 4


Since fans are finally able to return to The Matrix’s universe with a new upcoming movie, WB should also consider bringing back The Matrix Online.

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Why The Matrix Online Should Be Rebooted Alongside The Matrix 4

Since The Matrix franchise is finally returning to theaters, now is the perfect time to bring back The Matrix Online. Although it never gained a massive player base, The Matrix Online was a unique experiment which not only branched out from the original films and allowed players to interact with some of the series’ most iconic characters but also allowed them build their own avatar in The Matrix universe.

This was a first for The Matrix series, as all of the previous video games had seen players taking on the role of characters who already were established in the franchise’s canon. Enter The Matrix allowed gamers to play as either Ghost or Niobe in a story which was tangential to the events of The Matrix: Reloaded, and The Matrix: The Path of Neo allowed players to step into the shoes of main series protagonist Neo himself. However, The Matrix Online was the first to allow players to simply be themselves, something which is integral to the themes of the franchise.

With the upcoming release of The Matrix 4, now is the perfect time to bring The Matrix Online out of retirement. While the game didn’t garner as much popularity as the publishers or developers wanted the first time around, advances in both computer technology and video game mentalities point towards a potential audience which is much, much larger than it was back when the game originally launched to all players in 2005.

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Why The Matrix Online Can Work So Much Better Now

Why The Matrix Online Should Be Rebooted Alongside The Matrix 4

There have been a lot of advances in massively multiplayer online games since 2005, and the rise of battle royale titles like Fortnite and PUBG along with the explosions of popularity accompanying less intense games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons means that there is a much, much larger market for all different kinds of online players than there used to be. The Matrix Online initially wanted to allow players to either choose the sides of the Machines, of Zion, or of the Merovingian, but the game should also simply allow players to choose to live out a normal daily life in The Matrix’s city, letting them get or create their own jobs or factions depending on their own whims. This would not only allow for greater immersion in the world of The Matrix but would also allow for more types of players to engage with the game besides just action and shooter fans.

The Matrix has exclusively stuck to third-person cameras in their video game iterations, but now that technology has allowed virtual reality to become an affordable option for many players, The Matrix Online could be posed to take full advantage of VR headsets. “Jacking in” to The Matrix has always been a violent analogy for virtual reality, and being able to put on a headset and zoom through the iconic green code before loading onto a rooftop or (more likely) into a Construct-themed loading screen would be incredibly perfect.

Of course, this would mean the game would likely be the first in the franchise to switch to a first-person perspective, but thankfully VR already has a proven track record for doing The Matrix-style gunplay fantastically well in first-person. Games like Pistol Whip and Superhot are clearly influenced by the action scenes in films like The Matrix, and being able to play with another user who is also diving across their living room floor avoiding slow-moving, virtual bullets would be both incredibly immersive and also very fun.

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Even though The Matrix Online didn’t take off like the developers and publishers hoped originally, now that The Matrix 4 has reignited interest in the franchise (and thanks to the incredible advancements in video game technology) now is the perfect time to bring it back, and it could even be in VR.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/matrix-4-online-game-mxo-mmo-virtual-reality/

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