Why Zuko Wasnt Fire Lord In Legend of Korra

Why Zuko Wasn’t Fire Lord In Legend of Korra

Zuko is crowned Fire Lord at the end of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but when he reappears in The Legend of Korra, his daughter has taken the throne.

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Why Zuko Wasnt Fire Lord In Legend of Korra

Zuko’s daughter Izumi is the Fire Lord in The Legend of Korra, despite Zuko still being alive after Avatar: The Last Airbender. The Fire Nation is one of the four primary countries in the world of Avatar, alongside the Earth Kingdom, the Water Tribe, and the nearly extinct Air Nomads. The Hundred Year War, which Zuko’s great-grandfather Sozin began in the name of conquest, saw the Fire Nation pitted against the other three nations in an unprecedented conflict, one that Zuko’s father, Fire Lord Ozai, sought to end by ascending to the tyrannical status of Phoenix King.

A running subplot throughout the original Avatar: The Last Airbender series details, in a roundabout way, how Zuko comes to claim his place on the throne of the Fire Nation. He initially seeks to do this by capturing Avatar Aang for the Fire Nation in order to restore his lost honor. However, after much internal conflict, he has a change of heart and decides to confront his father, who was responsible for both his banishment and his scar. After joining forces with Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph to defeat Ozai and bring an end to the Hundred Year War, Zuko defeats his sister Azula in a final Agni Kai and becomes Fire Lord, vowing to change the Fire Nation’s belligerent ways.

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Zuko ruled for 67 years, from 100 AG to 167 AG, which, while not without incident, was a period of relative tranquility across the four nations and saw the establishment, by the Fire Lord and the Avatar, of the United Republic of Nations in the former Fire Nation colonies. His reign ended when he opted to abdicate the throne, leaving it to his daughter Izumi and going to live in semi-retirement on Ember Island. Channeling the ways of his old friend Aang, Zuko became an advocate for peace and balance in the world, although this was an informal, unofficial position, the specifics of which have not yet been elaborated upon. He also took it upon himself to ensure the new Avatar’s safety, in which capacity he fights Zaheer and his followers in Book 3: Change, having faced them many years before when they came after a very young Korra. Druk, Zuko’s dragon companion and a descendant of Ran and Shaw, accompanied him during this time.

The reasons for Zuko’s abdication are not elaborated upon. However, from what little is seen of Izumi in Book 4: Balance, she seems not only very capable, but particularly well-suited to being Fire Lord in the time of peace that Zuko envisioned and fought to achieve, with a self-possessed determination to avoid unnecessary conflict. Being entrenched in national politics since his birth as the crown prince, Zuko would probably have been attuned to the fact that his daughter was more than capable of leading their country and that her time to do so had come. Additionally, being well aware of the patricidal/regicidal fashion in which his father Ozai claimed the title of Fire Lord from his grandfather Azulon, this amicable transition could be seen as another of Zuko’s steps in bringing the Fire Nation into an era of peace, from the top down.

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While it makes for an especially sad contrast when compared to Aang, whose life was ended before he reached his twilight years, the restful later life of the former Fire Lord optimistically shows that, in spite of the tumultuous adolescence depicted in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko, with the help of his friends, was eventually able to find personal peace lasting well into the time of The Legend of Korra.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-zuko-not-fire-lord-legend-korra-reason/

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