WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Wreck-It Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability


Wreck-It Ralph’s cast of characters are as colorful and dramatic as the virtual world they occupy, but who are the most and least likable of the lot?

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WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Wreck-It Ralph was an interesting Disney movie, as it took a villain from a videogame and showed that he wasn’t a bad guy at all. However, when it comes to Ralph, he was also a lonely guy. After all, when the arcades were closed, he had no one who wanted to hang out with him because he was the “bad guy.”

However, soon Ralph met Vanellope, a “glitch” from a race car game called Sugar Rush, and the two finally found the friend they had been missing their entire lives. However, not everyone in the game was as nice as these two, and some of the Wreck-It-Ralph characters were just downright jerks.

10 Gene

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

The Nicelanders only lived up to their name when they were spending time together. However, the way they treated Ralph was atrocious, and the worst of them all was the Mayor, Gene.

While the bad guy in the first movie is King Candy, Mayor Gene is also a minor antagonist, as he leads the mob in attacking Ralph when he just wants to spend time with everyone. It is clear from his actions that Gene hates Ralph for no real reason outside of the fact that Ralph is different.

9 Taffyta Muttonfudge

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

If Gene is the bully in Ralph’s world, that person would be Taffyta Muttonfudge in the world of Vanellope. Taffyta was one of the racers in Sugar Rush who felt the game belonged to them.

She was the classic Mean Girl and had her group of followers who joined her in making fun of Vanellope every chance they got. While it was sad to see Vanellope lose her game in the sequel, these girls got what was coming to them.

8 J.P. Spamley

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

J.P. Spamley was from the world of the Internet in Ralph Breaks the Internet. He was the living embodiment of spam messages online, from the annoying pop-up ads to the spammy commercials offering everything from testosterone boosters to “no-strings-attached” vacations.

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However, he at least served a positive purpose by helping Ralph, although his connections were in the Internet’s seedy dark world. While he was annoying and slightly criminal, at least he helped as much as he could.

7 Mr. Litwak

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Mr. Litwak was the only person from the real-world that had a major role in the two Wreck-It Ralph movies. He was the man who owned the arcade that the games resided in, making him the reason they were still able to give children joy.

Although he couldn’t help save Sugar Rush when the steering wheel broke off, he was helpful. He did seem sad about it, and that was nice. Arcades are rare in today’s world, so it is nice to see someone still interested in keeping them alive.

6 Yesss

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Yesss was definitely someone who was out for her own well-being, and she almost passed off Ralph and Vanellope until she realized what they could do for her.

However, once she started helping Ralph increase his Internet cred with his quirky videos, she revealed herself to be more than just someone who wanted to jump on the next trend and leave the old ones behind. The moment she tried to save Ralph from the message boards was when she proved that she had a heart and was looking out for Ralph when it was all said and done.

5 Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun is a gruff and blunt action hero in a world where most of the other characters are old-school gaming figures.

However, while she seemed a little rough and mean when she first appeared in her game, Hero’s Duty, she developed quite a soft-spot for Fix-It-Felix Jr., and the two actually ended up together by the end of the first movie and were adopting kids by the second. She was a loyal ally and was someone who looked out for those in her unit.

4 Fix-It-Felix Jr.

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Fix-It-Felix was the hero of his own game and seemed to be the only person in it that actually seemed to realize that Ralph was more than just a two-bit villain. While the Nicelanders only seemed to think about themselves, Felix was more like a real boy.

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He was also willing to go out of his way to try to save Ralph when he realized he had disappeared, and risked his life in Calhoun’s game to do so. By the time the second movie came around, he was still someone Ralph could trust to lean on.

3 Shank

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

Shank is proof that you can’t judge a character by their appearance or the violence of their game. While Vanellope was part of a basic racing game in Sugar Rush, Shank was part of a next-gen racing game called Slaughter Race, where the losers were destroyed.

Even when Ralph and Vanellope tried to steal her car, she remained civil and helped them, and became someone that Vanellope could trust to give her good advice, even if it wasn’t what she expected to hear.

2 Vanellope von Schweetz

WreckIt Ralph Main Characters Ranked By Likability

In the first Wreck-It Ralph movie, Vanellope was a little too much at times. She was almost overboard when it came to her sarcasm and backtalk, but when looking at how the other girls treated her, it was easy to see why.

She had never had a real friend, and when she finally connected with Ralph, she let her real self out, including proving she was a Disney princess. In the second movie, she was still struggling to find her calling, but she was a marked improvement.

1 Wreck-It Ralph

The nicest person in the Wreck-It Ralph movies is easily Ralph himself. He is the villain of the videogame, but he is someone who just wants to do his job and then hang out with his friends. The problem is that he doesn’t have any friends.

By the end of the first movie, he has a best friend in Vanellope, and in the second movie, he does everything he can to help save her game while proving that he has a lot of growing to do thanks to years of insecurity. Despite that, he’s the best friend anyone could have.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/wreck-it-ralph-main-characters-ranked-by-likability/

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