Xbox Encourages Users To Get Vaccinated

Xbox Encourages Users To Get Vaccinated

Xbox encourages players to get vaccinated on social media and works with CDC experts to help dispel rumors and conspiracies about COVID-19.

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Xbox is encouraging players to get their COVID-19 vaccinations and working to help dispel rumors and myths about the pandemic and the various vaccines that have been developed to combat it. Currently, the United States is facing a surge of new cases of the Coronavirus, with roughly 99.5 percent of hospitalizations consisting of people who haven’t received the vaccine. The raising of lockdowns has had other notable effects, such as a decline in subscribers for PS Plus.

There are many different reasons that people are hesitating to get vaccinated, ranging from none of the three available COVID-19 vaccines being fully approved by the FDA until recently to even more outlandish and unfounded rumors that the vaccines alter a patient’s DNA, can be used to implant a 5G microchip for the government to spy on them, could prevent them from having children, or even that it causes COVID-19. Despite the overwhelming lack of evidence for these conspiracy theories, combating them and encouraging people to get the COVID-19 vaccine has been an uphill battle in the effort to get the virus under control enough to resume everyday life around the world, with tech and gaming companies doing their part in trying to encourage vaccination in addition to their efforts to donate money and supplies to COVID-19 first responders over the past two years.

Xbox recently took to social media to help promote the COVID-19 vaccine and dispel anti-vaccine conspiracies, as reported by VGC. On Twitter, Xbox urged players to get the vaccine, and the company hosted a Twitch Q&A session with the Centers For Disease Control’s President & CEO Dr. Judy Monroe and Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases Dr. Jay Butler yesterday. During this interview, the doctors reiterated that the vaccines that have been authorized against COVID-19 are safe and highly effective at preventing severe hospitalization and death – including those from the current Delta variant. They also took the time to reassure viewers that the vaccines don’t alter a patient’s DNA or impact fertility, and pointed anyone who wished to learn more to the online resource.

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Here are some key takeaways from our COVID-19 Q&A with Dr. Jay Butler, @CDCgov Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases, and Dr. Judy Monroe, @CDCFound President & CEO. All of the information in the following thread is based on the most current CDC data.

See Xbox’s post about COVID-19 on Twitter here.

As with virtually every other kind of business, the video game industry suffered many setbacks and cancellations during the COVID-19 pandemic, with several noted gaming conventions either switching to an all-virtual format or being canceled outright last year to prevent the spread of the virus. Even now, as more people start to get the vaccine and immunity to COVID grows, outlets like E3 2021 and Gamescom have continued to operate under a livestream format in 2021, though insiders remain hopeful that these showcases could return to a live stage in the future – starting with this year’s PAX West in September.

This will only be possible if more people get the COVID-19 vaccine, making the efforts of companies like Xbox to help dispel the various myths and conspiracies around said vaccines all the more helpful as medical experts work to finally get the COVID-19 pandemic under control.

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