Xbox VP Criticizes Destiny 2 for Everyone Gets a Trophy Approach

Xbox VP Criticizes Destiny 2 for ‘Everyone Gets a Trophy’ Approach

Xbox Corporate VP Mike Ybarra criticizes Bungie’s decision to offer a better version of Redrix’s Claymore in Season 4 of Destiny 2, invalidating player effort.

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Xbox VP Criticizes Destiny 2 for Everyone Gets a Trophy Approach

Xbox Corporate VP Mike Ybarra is known as a major gamer. Ybarra regularly tweets about his love for various games, but one of his favorites is Destiny (and its sequel, Destiny 2). And Ybarra is not just a casual fan either; he regularly shows off achievements that prove he’s as dedicated as anyone, like completing a full set of Solstice of Heroes armor for every class.

However, though Ybarra is clearly a fan of Destiny 2, he is not against criticizing or poking fun at developer Bungie’s decisions. Just this week, for example, he criticized Bungie for its decision to offer future Crucible unique rewards – namely the Redrix’s Claymore and its Season 4 follow-up, Redrix’s Broadsword – to all players that want to acquire it.

In a surprisingly critical tweet, Ybarra said that Bungie is taking the “everyone gets a trophy approach with Claymore.” He then went on to question the point of chasing unique items when Bungie eventually ends up handing them out to all Destiny 2 players.

Ybarra has a point. The Redrix’s Claymore was meant to be a Crucible reward that not every player could acquire. It was also a weapon whose primary utility was based in PvP, so those who were good in the Crucible would have it and those that were not as skilled would not. And for the record, Ybarra did grind out enough ranks in the competitive playlist to acquire the Redrix’s Claymore for himself.

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In essence, those that got Claymore felt accomplished and proud, but, of course, those that did not get it or had no chance of getting it were critical of Bungie’s decision. Without question, the ranking system for Glory in Destiny 2 needs work – even Bungie acknowledged that – but invalidating that effort is a poor choice.

For those that haven’t heard the latest news, Destiny 2 Year 2 will feature a crucible reward for Season 4 called Redrix’s Broadsword. It will be the exact same weapon as Claymore (a slow rate of fire pulse rifle) with the same perks, but it will also have a randomly rolled third perk. Basically, any Broadsword will be instantly better than the Claymore simply by virtue of the fact it has a third weapon perk.

Bungie has made it so those players who earned Redrix’s Claymore in Season 3 won’t need to grind out the quest to acquire Redrix’s Broadsword – it will start dropping immediately – but that is still not the point. Ybarra and other players feel as though their effort, which in some case requires tons of hours of playtime, is now wasted.

Hopefully, the backlash will make Bungie think more carefully about its decisions in Destiny 2 and improve its communication. Had players known Claymore was going to be replaced by a better weapon in Year 2, most of those 9,000 players that actually got the weapon, probably would have spent their time elsewhere.

Destiny 2: Forsaken releases September 4, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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