Xboxs Infamous Red Ring of Death Poster Mocks Players For $25

Xbox’s Infamous Red Ring of Death Poster Mocks Players For $25

In celebration of its new four-hour, six-part docuseries, Microsoft is selling $25 USD posters of the Xbox 360’s notorious Red Ring of Death.

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Microsoft is selling a Red Ring of Death poster for $25, though many Xbox 360 owners are seeing it as mockery. The posters were released in tandem with Microsoft’s official six-part Xbox documentary, Power On: The Story of Xbox. Xbox’s YouTube channel uploaded the massive six-part docuseries on December 13 and it recounts the brand’s 20-year history. The free-to-watch, four-hour-long documentary dives into Microsoft’s transformative consoles, the Xbox 360’s checkered history, and other major events in Xbox’s lengthy timeline. A likely unforgettable moment in Xbox’s lifespan is the Red Ring of Death – which appeared on many Xbox 360s, nearly dooming the console.

Xbox 360 owners may remember the fear of getting a Red Ring of Death – three flashing red lights on the power button that signaled the console was unusable. Some warning signs included sporadic console freezes, graphical stuttering, and frequent sound errors. With no identifiable cause or known solutions, however, the Red Ring of Death signaled major trouble for Xbox 360 owners. The issue ultimately cost Microsoft over $1 billion in returns, refunds, and troubleshooting, and many console owners were left with a broken system. Though Xbox 360’s Red Ring of Death was a major issue back in 2008, the problem didn’t sink Microsoft, and Xbox’s legacy continued.

According to The Verge, Microsoft is selling Xbox Red Ring of Death posters to commemorate Xbox’s 20-year history. The poster is a close-up shot of the Red Ring of Death with the Xbox logo in the center, along with the phrase “Red Ring of Death” printed at the bottom in Xbox’s signature green lettering. Microsoft is selling the poster for $24.99 USD alongside the release of its docuseries.

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Microsoft is now selling an Xbox Red Ring of Death poster for $24.99

The $25 Red Ring of Death poster likely won’t make up for the $1.15 billion Microsoft lost due to the Xbox 360’s internal firmware errors. However, the posters do prove that the company is now embracing its checkered past in lieu of turning away. This kind of attitude isn’t sitting well with many Xbox 360 players, however, with many believing the Red Ring of Death poster is mocking those affected by the console-breaking issue. Adding insult to injury, Microsoft is charging a hefty price for a painful memory, with some expressing resentment toward the tech company’s decision to sell the Red Ring of Death posters.

Though some may frown upon Microsoft’s attitude toward the Red Ring of Death, the positive, jokey spin to the issue likely spawned amid a successful few years for Microsoft. The popularity of its game streaming service, Xbox Game Pass, and the positive reception of many of its 2021 game releases have done well for the Xbox brand. From the award-winning Forza Horizon 5 and free-to-play and critically acclaimed Halo Infinite, Xbox and Microsoft have had a good year. This likely made it easier to relive the console’s difficult past. For Xbox 360 owners, however, the $25 post seems like a slap in the face.

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