XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

X-Men: Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership


The X-Men have gone through different leaders over the years, and each of them brought new tactics to the team. Here are the best of the leaders.

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XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

The X-Men debuted in 1963 in X-Men #1 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. At the time, the X-Men were teenagers, students brought together by Professor Charles Xavier. He taught them how to control and utilize their powers and then sent them out as heroes to defend the world and help show that humans and mutants could live in peace.

Through the years, things have changed drastically. The mutant heroes learned that nothing they could do seemed to change public perception of mutants. This meant their leaders had to be tactical geniuses, heroes they would follow into sometimes unwinnable battles, and often ruthless warriors who would do anything to win.

10 Emma Frost

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

When Emma Frost first appeared in X-Men comics, she was a dangerous villain and a member of the Hellfire Club as the imposing White Queen. She was one of the reasons Jean Grey lost control of the Phoenix Force and died in The Dark Phoenix Saga, a Marvel story that still holds up. However, she ended up aligning her views with the X-Men and eventually became a leader.

Emma led the team alongside Cyclops as the two developed a romantic relationship at the same time. While she made several bad decisions as a leader, including her part in Inhumans vs. X-Men, she was also a strong leader concerning the younger students, who Emma took a strong interest in protecting. Of all the team’s leaders, Emma is perhaps the most empathetic to its youngest members since she failed to prevent the deaths of the young superhero group the Hellions years prior to her leadership.

9 Havok

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

After the Avengers vs. X-Men comic book event saw several long-time mutant heroes villainized, it was time to rehabilitate the X-Men. Captain America set out to find a way to get humans to look differently at the mutant heroes and he created a team that consisted of both mutants and Avengers veterans.

Captain America then chose Havok as the leader. This was both controversial and strategic as Havok is Cyclops’ brother, but he is also an honorable hero. Havok has had moments where he lapsed but as the leader, he was unburdened with his brother’s angst and Xavier’s ego. Alex had no agenda except to make sure his fellow mutants were safe, a goal he accomplished successfully.

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8 Cable

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

When Cable first showed up in the mainstream Marvel timeline, he was trying to prevent the apocalyptic future that destroyed the world he came from. However, the son of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor that was sent to that future was a violent and angry mutant who trusted no one.

That made him a strong leader, as he worked hard to ensure that those in his charge were prepared and equipped to deal with a harsh future. The first charges were the mutant teams, New Mutants and X-Force, and he has also served as a morally ambiguous X-Men leader who was able to sacrifice his own teammates for the greater good.

7 Magneto

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

The first villain the X-Men fought in comics was Magneto. He ended up as their deadliest villain, and he was also a big reason the world fears mutants. However, his friendship with Professor Charles Xavier ren deeper than his evil nature at times.

When Xavier had to leave Earth, he left Magneto in charge of his X-Men. While some refused to follow him, including the New Mutants, he became a strong leader for the X-Men and finally redeemed himself. He currently serves on the Quiet Council of Krakoa where he helps govern mutantkind with Xavier and Apocalypse.

6 Kate Pryde

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

Kate Pryde joined the X-Men as the youngest member of the team and readers watched her grow up alongside her older teammates. By the time that Pryde became an X-Men leader, she was one of the most respected and beloved members of the team.

Unlike people like Magneto and Cable, Pryde was someone who followed her moral compass at all times. She has become a bit more ruthless in recent years, but when she led the X-Men, she was someone that everyone loved and trusted, and one who could do no wrong.

5 Jean Grey

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

Jean Grey was the last of the first X-Men members to join the team, but she ended up becoming one of the best. After coming back from her first death, Jean began to become a more involved leader and eventually took over as one of the main teachers at the school.

Jean not only took over as the leader of the X-Men more than once, but she was a member that the entire team trusted and followed. She had more experience on the battlefield than someone like Kitty Pryde, who was younger and more naive. At one point, the X-men even changed the name of Xavier’s school to the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, which shows her considerable influence as both a member and a leader of the X-Men.

4 Wolverine

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

When Wolverine was an early member of the X-Men, no one really pictured him as a leader. He was someone who didn’t play well with others. He was also someone who did what he wanted to do regardless of the backlash.

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After Cyclops became more destructive with his leadership, it divided the X-Men. Cyclops led one team and Wolverine led a second to pursue different ideological purposes. Unlike Cyclops, Wolverine was someone who put the lives and safety of his charges first, making him a leader both by example and by a sense of caring that he rarely showed previously.

3 Cyclops

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

Cyclops was the first field leader for the X-Men. He was also the first mutant that Charles Xavier brought in to join his school. Scott took the beliefs and teaching of Xavier and believed in them completely. This made him a strong leader that successfully preserved Xavier’s dream of existing peacefully with humans.

Over time, Cyclops changed as hate crimes against mutants rose. While he became more violent, he was still the greatest tactical leader the X-Men ever had in the field of battle. Despite a period of living as a martyr, Cyclops is once again the man who stands for the X-Men doing the right thing.

2 Storm

XMen Ranking All The Team Leaders By Leadership

When Charles Xavier created a new X-Men team, he brought in new mutants from all over the world. One of these was Storm, who eventually became a leader on her own. There was even a point where Cyclops and Storm battled over who should lead the team and she beat the more experienced X-Man in battle, making her the better leader for the team.

Storm proved herself when she lost her powers, which forced her to be more strategic and thoughtful about her decisions. Even without her weather-controlling abilities, Storm led the X-Men into battle against such foes as the Sentinels and the Maruaduers and fought alongside them. She also won the leadership role with the Morlocks and has always proven to be the most honorable and powerful field leader the X-Men always had.

1 Charles Xavier

Professor Charles Xavier has made many questionable decisions in his life. As the first leader of the X-Men, he sent inexperienced teenagers into battle. He tried to force mutants to join his team and mindwiped anyone who rejected his invitation. He altered Wolverine’s mind to force him to join and hid the death of an entire team.

Despite these choices , Charles Xavier always had strong dreams of saving mutants from those who hate them. The second that he worked to build Krakoa into a new mutant home, he proved his value and worth as the greatest X-Men team leader in history.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/x-men-team-leaders-ranked-by-leadership/

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