XMens Excalibur Team Just Set Up the New Knights of X

X-Men’s Excalibur Team Just Set Up the New Knights of X

At the climax of Excalibur’s war with Merlyn, a major sacrifice is made to save Otherworld, leading to Excalibur eventually becoming the Knights of X.

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XMens Excalibur Team Just Set Up the New Knights of X

WARNING: Major spoilers for Excalibur #26 ahead!

Fan’s of the Arthurian X-Men team Excalibur are in for a pleasant surprise at the end of Excalibur #26 with the official confirmation that the upcoming Knights of X series, part of Marvel’s Destiny of X relaunch, will be an Excalibur-focused Otherworld tale. The fate of Captain Britain and the Kingdom of Avalon have been unknown, as many current X-Men series are wrapping up before Destiny of X begins, making this latest development all the more exciting, promising grand new adventures for the Excalibur team and Betsy Braddock.

Excalibur has played a central role in the establishment of the new mutant nation of Krakoa, as well as their political expansion throughout the countries of Earth. They were a major part of the first Krakoan event, X of Swords, and have continued to be pivotal to the formation of Krakoa because of the United Kingdom’s recent rejection of Krakoan statehood. The Excalibur team was also host to the former super villain Apocalypse, who used his magical talents to strengthen the team, eventually sacrificing his future to ensure the fate of Krakoa and Arakko. Lately, Excalibur has been facing their foes – namely Merlyn, Arthur, Morgan Le Fay, and Coven Akkaba – on multiple fronts, being forced to serve as both warriors and politicians for Otherworld, Krakoa, and Britain.

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In Excalibur #26 – illustrated by Marcus To and Erick Arciniega and written by Tini Howard – Betsy Braddock is leading Avalon’s final battle against Arthur and Merlyn’s forces, attempting to defend Castle Avalon and the gateway within, which allows Krakoan mutants access to Otherworld. By the end of the battle it seems as though Merlyn has emerged victorious, with Captain Britain and Excalibur traveling through the gate to escape Arthur’s army before the gate collapsed. However, in the last moment, Betsy makes the ultimate sacrifice and uses the magic of her Citadel-empowered sword to transport herself back to Otherworld to fight alongside the rest of the Captain Britain Corps, making the first step towards the debut of the Knights of X.

The final page of the latest issue of Excalibur serves as a huge advertisement for the upcoming Knights of X series with the tagline, “A world of magic and adventure awaits… unless you’re a mutant.” Clearly, in the fantasy world of Otherworld the Sorcerer Supreme of that dimension, Merlyn, has “won” his battle against Avalon and “the witchbreed,” and mutants are now being actively hunted throughout the kingdom. An important detail to note is that canonically Otherworld is home to “Ten Realms,” and in the small print at the top of the Knights of X advertisement, the words “Ten Realms” can be seen. This is an indication that “Knights of X” could also stand for “Knights of Ten,” similar to how the X-Men relaunch event “House of X” also stood for “House of Ten,” as an allusion to Moira MacTaggert’s ten lives.

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If there truly are going to be “Ten Knights,” as the bottom text of the teaser teases, there is a chance the new Excalibur team will include: Captain Britain, Rictor, Shatterstar, Gambit, Rogue, Meggan, Jubilee, Bei the Blood Moon, and new-comer Rachel Summers (not that Shogo the Dragon can be ignored). The big question lingering over this new series is, “How will Excalibur get back to Otherworld and reunite with Captain Britain?”

With Betsy’s last major sacrifice, it seems like there is no established way for mutants to travel to Otherworld anymore. Fans will have to wait for those answers and more until Excalibur #26 releases in April for X-Men’s newest Otherworld relaunch.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/excalibur-26-new-knights-x-merlyn-marvel-comics/

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