XMens Warrior SuperMutant Comes to Life in Epic Body Paint Cosplay

X-Men’s Warrior Super-Mutant Comes to Life in Epic Body Paint Cosplay

X-Men’s Rasputin IV – a futuristic warrior with five different power sets – is brought to life in a body paint cosplay by Melissa Croft.

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Because Marvel’s X-Men includes such a huge, diverse line-up of heroes, even the most obscure mutants tend to have die-hard fans, and that’s certainly true for super-mutant chimera Rasputin, who inspired one body paint artist to create a cosplay so incredible, even the character’s creator had to take note.

Rasputin was introduced in Powers of X #1, and comes from a defunct timeline where mutants were successfully wiped out by the rise of artificial intelligence. The series depicted the ninth life of Moira X, a mutant whose power is to repeatedly relive her own timeline in the style of Groundhog Day. Having seen mutants wiped out in every iteration of her life so far, Moira dedicated herself to discovering how they might survive, conscious of a prophecy that she was closing in on her final life. To that end, she spent her time gathering mutant leaders and informing them of the battle to come, leading to Mister Sinister’s mutant cloning project, and the chimera known as Rasputin.

Chimeras are genetically designed to possess the powers of multiple mutants, and the comics imply Rasputin has the abilities of psychic rebel Kid Omega, steel-skinned Colossus, mutant phaser Kate Pryde, current Wolverine Laura Kinney, and classic villain Unus the Untouchable. While Rasputin dies in Powers of X #3, she’s successful in obtaining the information Moira needs to try and save mutants one more time, and could one day be created again in the current timeline. Surprisingly, it turns out Sinister isn’t the only person capable of creating Rasputin, as body paint artist Melissa Croft showcased her own version of the hero on Twitter, retweeted and praised by R.B. Silva (who responded, “Awesome!!!!!!! I LOVED it!”) – the co-creator of Rasputin (along with writer Jonathan Hickman.)

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👏THIS👏IS👏BODY👏PAINT👏 Rasputin IV (Earth-TRN756)@RB_Silva pic.twitter.com/p7UWTlZsAB

Croft nails Rasputin’s organic steel skin, and depicts the character holding the Soulsword of Illyana Rasputin – Colossus’ sister and the Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo. The weapon is capable of taking down even the Silver Surfer, and was constructed out of Illyana’s life force, sometimes passed on to her brother and other heroes in Marvel’s many potential futures. A warrior designed to meet the armies of the villainous Nimrod head on, Rasputin is one of mutantkind’s most important heroes, even though few know her name – if her dark future is averted, it will only be because she fought tooth and nail to make it so.

It has to be any cosplayer’s dream for a character’s creator to express admiration for a costume, and the level of detail and contrasting materials created through the medium of body paint shows Croft’s immense skill. Hopefully, Rasputin will eventually return to X-Men comics, as Melissa Croft’s awesome cosplay proves that even mutants who only appear for a handful of issues can make a big impression.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/x-men-cosplay-rasputin-iv-body-paint-comics/

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