Zelda Wind Waker In Unreal Engine Looks Like a Pixar Movie

Zelda: Wind Waker In Unreal Engine Looks Like a Pixar Movie

An artist recently demonstrated what Zelda: Wind Waker might look like if it was made in Unreal Engine and created something that resembles Pixar.

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A talented artist recently demonstrated what The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker might look like if it was made in Unreal Engine and the result resembles something akin to a Pixar film. The tenth installment for the Zelda franchise originally launched for the GameCube at the end of 2002 into 2003 and received an HD remake for the Wii U back in 2013.

While Wind Waker retained the 3D graphics of predecessor Nintendo 64 releases Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, the GameCube title’s art direction took a dramatic shift from realistic to cartoon. At the time, this decision baffled many fans especially after a video depicting a realistic duel between Link and Ganondorf was shown as part of a Nintendo tech demo. The fanbase ended up being split over Wind Waker and as a result, the game did not perform as well as its developer had hoped. Despite not living up to Nintendo’s expectations, Wind Waker developed a strong fanbase and today it seems to be held in much higher regard earning an official HD remake along the way.

Recently a talented Brazilian artist by the name of Vitor Maccari pushed Wind Waker into new graphical territory by showing off what the title might look like in Unreal Engine. As reported by Nintendo Life, this was Maccari’s first personal project using the game engine and it reused animations and assets from a short film the creator made a few months back. Maccari said that the main reasons for this tackling this endeavor were education with Unreal Engine and fun.

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The short clip shows Link sailing across the Great Sea in the King of Red Lions and while all of the visuals have been enhanced seemingly through custom exterior assets, Maccari chose to use the audio files from the actual game. Altogether it makes an end result that elevates the original art style to something that looks Pixar-like, giving a unique aesthetic to the GameCube classic.

There seems to be a growing trend amongst artists and designers to personally remake or demake popular video game titles. While Maccari’s short clip is not technically a game, it does paint a vivid picture of the possibilities the future of gaming could hold. There are rumors of yet another Wind Waker remake in the works and though it may not necessarily look like Maccari’s work, it is exciting to know that the possibility is there.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/zelda-wind-waker-pixar-remake-nintendo/

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