10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films


Many DC Comics fans think that Tim Burton’s Batman movies are the best. They would have loved to see the director’s distinct take on these Big Bads.

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10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Christopher Nolan’s Batman films are beloved and plenty of fans are excited for Matt Reeves’ take on the character. But there are still many who think Tim Burton’s version of the Caped Crusader is the best.

With 1989’s Batman and 1992’s Batman Returns, Burton not only gave fans a badass Batman but he also brought some iconic villains to the big screen. Batman has some of the best comic book antagonists of all time, and as memorable as Burton’s Joker and Penguin were, there were plenty of other baddies fans would have loved to see brought to life with Burton’s unique vision.

10 Black Mask

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Black Mask recently made his live-action debut in Bird of Prey, played by Ewan McGregor. While the character was fun in that film, Burton could have really embraced the comic book take on Black Mask and delivered a memorable bad guy.

The real thrill would be seeing how the director pulls off the character’s iconic mask. The unsettling and creepy look seems like something that is right up his alley. Also, the character’s gangster nature totally fits the feel of Burton’s films.

9 Two-Face

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

By now, even casual Batman fans know the story of Harvey Dent’s transformation into Two-Face thanks to his appearances in a couple of live-action films. Tommy Lee Jones gave a very over-the-top, campy version of the character in Batman Forever while Aaron Eckhart was a more grounded and tragic Two-Face in The Dark Knight.

But Burton seemed like he was close to bringing the character to life as well, with Billy Dee Williams cast as Harvey Dent in Batman. Sadly, that storyline never got to be fulfilled and fans were robbed of likely a very new take on the character.

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8 Harley Quinn

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Given how much fun Jack Nicholson’s Joker was in Burton’s Batman, it’s hard not to imagine what he would have done Joker’s right-hand lady, Harley Quinn. It’s easy to picture her appearing alongside Nicholson’s Joker as his main enforcer.

The character of Harley Quinn actually didn’t debut until after Burton had made his last Batman film. But she is such a wild and memorable character, she could have added a lot of fun to a Burton Batman movie.

7 Hugo Strange

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Hugo Strange is a villain who has yet to pop up in any of the Batman films thus far. That could be because he doesn’t pose as much of a physical threat as some of the other villains, but he is still an fascinating character to explore.

Strange is a madman psychiatrist and one of the main villains to learn Batman’s true identity. Strange’s distinct look and his “mind game” approach to fighting Batman could have made for a really entertaining film in Burton’s hands.

6 Man-Bat

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Burton really embraced the gothic elements of the Batman universe, which gave his films a totally engrossing feel. He managed to bring the horror elements out of a villain like Penguin, so it would be great to see how he would handle an already frightening villain like Man-Bat.

Man-Bat is actually Robert Langstrom, a scientist whose experiments transform him into a giant bat. The idea of Keaton’s Batman fighting a half-man, half-bat in the skies of Gotham sounds amazing and Burton would have had a lot of fun with it.

5 Killer Croc

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Killer Croc is another monstrous villain who feels right at home in Burton’s take on Batman. Especially after seeing what he did with Penguin’s sewer-dwelling persona in Batman Returns, Killer Croc could have fit perfectly in as Penguin’s main henchman.

It’s hard to say how Burton would pull off the look of the character given what would have been available at the time. But his character designs for this film and his creature designs in others suggest he could have delivered a great Killer Croc.

4 The Riddler

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

If Burton had made a third Batman film, the rumors were that he would have introduced a new villain in the form of the Riddler. Jim Carrey would eventually play the role in Batman Forever and Paul Dano will be playing the role in the upcoming The Batman.

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What makes Burton’s take on the Riddler so exciting is that he was looking to cast Robin Williams in the part. Burton did a great job highlighting the funny and scary side of Joker, and he could have done the same with this take on the Riddler.

3 Clayface

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Clayface is one of the most famous Batman villains who have yet to appear in a live-action movie. The grotesque nature of the character suggests that his best opportunity to make it to the movies could have been with Burton.

Clayface is a character who can take the form of other people thanks to his clay-like body. This could have allowed for some fun impersonations in the film. However, Clayface can also grow into an intimidating clay monster and shape his arms into weapons, which would have made for some fun action sequences.

2 Mr. Freeze

10 Batman Villains We Wish Appeared In The Tim Burton Films

Mr. Freeze was an obscure villain who gained more notoriety in a revamp of the character in Batman: The Animated Series. Freeze was a cryogenics expert searching for a cure for the illness that put his wife in a coma. After suffering a lab accident, he is turned into the sub-zero villain who will do anything to cure his wife.

The new changes were incorporated into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s portrayal of the character in Batman & Robin, but the goofiness outweighed the tragic backstory. Burton could have delivered a more serious take on the complex villain that would still have been chilling — pun intended.

1 Scarecrow

Burton is great at infusing horror elements into his films. Even his more kid-friendly work tends to have a creepy element. The aesthetic worked very well for his Batman films, and it seems like the ideal villain to fit this vibe would be Scarecrow.

Dr. Jonathan Crane is another mad scientist who invents a toxin that causes people to hallucinate their biggest fears. Burton could have run wild with this idea and created a version of Scarecrow that would have haunted the nightmares of audiences.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dc-comics-batman-villains-fans-wish-appeared-tim-burton-films/

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