10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman


There are plenty of games that might have Batman and Superman in them, but DC’s best-known heroes aren’t always the focus of these games.

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10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

If there’s one problem with the DC Universe, it can be that there are two characters that take up so much of the spotlight. In first place since his movie in ’89 is Batman, while in second place these days is Superman. Though these two might be the World’s Finest, it’s hard not to want to see other characters within the DC Universe.

And while video games could do a much better job of showing there are more characters than just those two, they’ve done alright so far. As games have been around for decades now, there are plenty of games that might have Batman and Superman in them, but they don’t give them all of the focus.

10 The Flash On Sega Master System Sees Flash Battle Against The Trickster To Save Central City

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

Surprisingly, there was a Flash game published by SEGA in 1993. It launched for the Sega Master System, but only in Europe. Though Wally West was the Flash in the comics at this point, the game was based on the television series and so its protagonist was Barry Allen. In this game, Flash’s job is to try and catch the Trickster, oneof the few comic book villains to appear in the 1990s television series. The game featured multiple “episodes” that had two levels each, and in the second level Flash had to fight the Trickster in his Trickstermobile, which gained new abilities each time.

9 Justice League Heroes Is An Action-RPG Featuring The Justice League Paired Off In Duos

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

In 2006, DC wanted their own answer to Marvel’s series of successful action RPGs. And thanks to the developers at Snowblind Studios, they got it with Justice League Heroes. Justice League Heroes saw the Justice League dealing with a series of threats starting with Brainiac and ending with the big boss, Darkseid. Players would take two heroes from a roster of Justice League heroes that included characters like Flash, Zatanna, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman. Of course, Batman and Superman were there as well, but no one plays a Justice League game just to play as the guys who are in every game.

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8 Teen Titans Traps The Team Inside Of A Video Game

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

In 2003, the DC Animated Universe was on its way out, as shows like The Batman and Teen Titans found their way to cartoon channels. And by 2006, Teen Titans had established itself as a major cartoon, one that the kids of the 2000s look back on fondly to this day. Never one to let an opportunity slip by, DC Comics teamed up with developer Artificial Mind and Movement to release a Teen Titans game for the Game Boy Advance.

The game features the classic five members of the Teen Titans working together after they get transported inside of a video game. The stages have them battling against nearly all of their old villains, re-created by the game. Though this game wasn’t amazing, it was a fun experience with a neat twist ending.

7 Mortal Kombat VS. The DC Universe Combines Two Universes That Had Nothing In Common

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was one of the most baffling crossover decisions in all of video games. Marvel vs. Capcom was quirky but fun, but these two universes mashing together made no sense. The Mortal Kombat universe was dark and brutal while the DC Universe at the time was comparatively light-hearted. Most fans wondered how Mortal Kombat’s popular Fatality system would stick around, and to the credit of NetherRealm, they did allow the Mortal Kombat and DC villains to retain them. The heroes meanwhile stuck to “heroic brutalities” to keep their moral center.

6 DC Universe Online Allows Players To Build Their Own Heroes

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

Daybreak Game Company had a task ahead of them when they decided to work on an MMO for DC Comics. And considering it’s been over a decade since DC Universe Online launched and the game is still going strong, it’s safe to say it was a massive success. The game asks players to create their own character, who will become either a hero or villain within the DC Universe and work with iconic DC heroes and villains. Over the years, there have been multiple new episodes that add new powers, enemies, and storylines to the universe. Though it can feel a bit dated, this is still the gold standard for MMOs involving superheroes.

5 Gotham City Impostors Was Full Of People Pretending To Be Batman And Joker

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

Gotham City Impostors is certainly one of the most creative ideas a developer has ever had to take advantage of an IP. Developed by Monolith Productions, the game doesn’t actually feature anyone from the Batman universe.

Instead, Gotham City Impostors is a multiplayer game that features two groups of teams, each dressed up like either Batman or Joker. The players battle against one another to see who can kill the other team first. To the company’s credit, the characters are at least customizable in everything from weapons to armor.

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4 Infinite Crisis Had Heroes From Across The Multiverse Battling One Another

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

In the early 2010s, it briefly felt like MOBAs were going to become the dominant new genre. That is until one or two took over everything and no one else seemed interested in any newer ones. But DC wanted to put their own spin on things and worked with Turbine to put out a MOBA of their own. Entitled Infinite Crisis after the popular comic book series, the goal was to have two teams battling against each other. Each team would feature DC heroes and villains from across the multiverse, meaning there were multiple versions of many characters. Unfortunately, this game was released in early 2015 and was canceled by August 2015.

3 The Wolf Among Us Challenges Bigby To Find The Truth Behind Fabletown

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

Fables: Wolf Among Us was one of the last big successes of Telltale Games. Based on the Vertigo series Fables, the title launched in 2013 and was an episodic narrative game starring the sheriff of Fabletown, Bigby. Within the game, Bigby is charged with discovering the truth behind the murder of several characters within Fabletown. The narrative unfolds over five chapters until it eventually wrapped up in 2014. The game was largely praised by fans of the Fables comic book series and gamers alike, and it’s fortunate they finally announced The Wolf Among Us 2 is happening.

2 Lego DC Super-Villains Focuses On All The Villains Of The DC Universe

10 Best DC Games Not About Batman Or Superman

Traveller’s Tales has created some pretty great games based on DC Comics over the years. Though they started with LEGO Batman, they’ve expanded multiple times over since then. LEGO DC Super-Villains shifted from focusing on the heroes of the DC Universe to focusing on all the bad guys. This game isn’t afraid to dig deep with its characters–everyone from the Legion of Doom to the Crime Syndicate of Earth-3 are all present and accounted for. The player takes the role of “The Rookie”, a new supervillain who has the ability to absorb other people’s powers.

1 DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power Focuses On The Biggest Women In The DC Universe

Ever wanted to team up Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Jessica Cruz on the same team? DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power takes some of the biggest women from across the DC Universe and sets them loose in the city of Metropolis. The goal? Stop the evil Toyman. The fun part about this game is that it balances being a superhero with being a regular teenager, as the player can switch between their superhero version and secret identity. They also get to level up their characters and put them in cool outfits, and to be honest, isn’t that why everyone plays superhero games?

Link Source : https://www.cbr.com/best-dc-games-not-about-batman-or-superman/

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