10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

10 Best Sci-Fi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly


Grab your lover and nerd out to these sci-fi romance movies that do a superb job of blending the two film genres.

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10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Some people think that men are more interested in watching action films and sci-fi stories while women prefer romantic films (also known as chic flicks) or family movies. That’s a gross generalization since each person has a different taste in films, and their gender isn’t the defining factor.

But let’s just pretend that you want to watch a movie as a couple and one of you would prefer sci-fi while the other one is more into romance. Luckily, there are a lot of films that do an excellent job of combining these two genres into one coherent whole. Let’s take a look at the top 10 best sci-fi romances.

10 The Darkest Minds

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

The 2018 film The Darkest Minds is based on a successful young-adult sci-fi book of the same name written by Alexandra Bracken. It brings its viewers into a less than perfect world in which young people have special powers, and are hunted and persecuted because of it. The level of your powers presents the difference between life and death in many cases since some powers are simply deemed as too dangerous. The main heroine Ruby discovers her powers and she goes on a run where she meets a group of young people, including a handsome guy Liam. The romance doesn’t have much space here but it still feels natural.

9 Passengers

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

The 2016 film offers an interesting story, and not one or two, but three great actors – Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, and Michael Sheen – but a lot of people weren’t so excited about it because Chris Pratt’s character does something really bad at one point of the film and it could be argued it diminishes the effect of the romance the two main characters experience. This point aside, Passengers is certainly an original movie with a lot of great moments and the chemistry between Lawrence and Pratt sells their love story convincingly, even if its beginning is far from perfect. If people push aside their judgment, it’s actually easy to enjoy the film.

8 Time After Time

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Films and TV shows about time travel often work with actual characters (for example, Doctor Who is filled with real historical figures, like William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens or Winston Churchill), but they don’t always put real people into the leading role. Well, this film does. The well-known science-fiction writer H. G. Wells travels through time in order to capture the infamous Jack the Ripper. And while he’s in the future, he also falls in love, but he still has to fight Jack to save his love from a terrible fate. Malcolm McDowell excels as Wells and this 1979 film deserves more recognition than it got.

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7 The Time Traveler’s Wife

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Another sci-fi romance based on a successful novel is this 2009 film with Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams. As its title suggests, it also works with time travel like Time After Time, but in a different, far less controlled way. Henry has the ability to jump through time, but at random times and places and he doesn’t really control when he’d end up.

He meets Claire on his journeys and they fall in love and even get married later but can you have a real relationship with someone who can disappear at any time? The actors are brilliant and the film will make more sensitive viewers easily cry.

6 Never Let Me Go

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Third time’s the charm, people like to say, so here’s another film inspired by a novel. Unlike some other entries on this list, Never Let Me Go may not feel like a romance story at first and the sci-fi subject is less obvious at the beginning, but it will all become clear in the end. This British-American 2010 film focuses more on its characters than special effects, which gives the main actors – Keira Knightley, Andrew Garfield, and especially Carey Mulligan – a chance to shine. It might make you feel sad but it’s still definitely worth it, thanks to the film’s unique atmosphere.

5 Womb

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Speaking of a unique atmosphere… Are you in the mood for a truly special film you won’t forget for a long time? Then this 2010 film is the right one for you. Similarly to Never Let Me Go, it’s not easy to watch at times, but even more so than the above-mentioned film, since the main characters’ romance is… well, strange. Not to give you unnecessary spoilers, but the main heroine played amazingly by Eva Green decides to clone her dead lover when he dies… and things get even more complicated from there. This film is probably the least known-one on this list but it definitely deserves more attention.

4 Starman

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Let’s go back into the good old 80s for a moment. The American director John Carpenter has created many great science-fiction films but the 1984 Starman belongs to one of his best. Jeff Bridges plays an alien who crashed on Earth and took on the body of Karen Allen’s late husband. The two go on a journey in order to run from the government and grow closer in the meantime.

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The film is touching, sad, filled with bittersweet moments, occasional humor and it also contains more than one action scene. Plus, Bridges and Allen are excellent in their parts.

3 Back To The Future

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

Another classic from the eighties and early nineties offers its viewers not one, but three great films. The Back to the Future trilogy hasn’t aged a single day since the release of the first film in 1985. In case you haven’t seen, its main hero is Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) who travels through time thanks to the invention of his best friend, a brilliant scientist Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd). The film is full of humor, romance, and action. It’s then difficult to decide which part is the most romantic one – whether the first one in which Marty has to help his parents to fall in love or the third one in which Doc Brown falls in love.

2 Deadpool

10 Best SciFi Romance Movies That Blend The Genres Perfectly

The 2016 film Deadpool about the merc with a mouth isn’t the first film you might imagine when someone says romance. But as Deadpool himself says in the film, this is, primarily, a love story. Deadpool gets his special powers in the story but he also falls in love, and that motivates him to undergo the experimental treatment which turns him from Wade Wilson to Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds does an amazing job and Wade and Vanessa are a couple to die for (mind you, not literally… unless you’re Deadpool, of course). Plus, if you didn’t like the song Careless Whisper by George Michael before, you’ll love it after watching this film.

1 Superman

Or maybe you’re in the mood for a more classical superhero slash sci-fi slash romance? Well, then you should definitely check out the original Superman film from 1978 with Christopher Reeve as the Man of Steel. Of course, Superman has to fight Lex Luthor in the film and stop him from executing his super evil plan. But when he’s not fighting villains, he’s equally busy trying to woo the reporter Lois Lane… who’s impressed by Superman, but far less by Clark Kent (don’t worry, she’ll change her mind… eventually). Some of the best moments of the film capture the interaction between these two, and whether Christopher Reeve is your favorite Superman or not, this film is justifiedly a classic.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/best-sci-fi-romance-movies-superman-deadpool-passengers/

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