10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU


Whether it’s anti-heroes like Harley Quinn or clear-cut superheroes like Superman, the DCEU has developed its characters well in many cases.

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10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

The DC Extended Universe has received a fair amount of criticism for rushing into its storylines, but there are many reasons to think otherwise. Chief among them is the franchise’s flair for character development, as most of the major protagonists have changed considerably during their adventures.

Whether it’s anti-heroes like Harley Quinn or clear-cut superheroes like Superman, the DCEU has developed its characters well in many cases. With The Suicide Squad continuing the overall franchise arc, it’s worth taking a deeper analysis of this aspect. It also goes to show that teams like Justice League and Task Force X can be just as instrumental in ushering a change in character quality as solo hero adventures can.

10 Steve Trevor

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Steve held fast toward his mission throughout Wonder Woman and died for this cause, but his development came over how he achieved his goal. Starting out, Steve humored Diana’s belief in Ares to take advantage of her abilities and was fine with lying if it benefitted him.

After realizing Diana was right all along, Steve matured enough to acknowledge that he wasn’t supposed to be the hero of the story. In Wonder Woman 1984, he developed further by overcoming his former penchant for lying when he encouraged Diana to be honest with herself and reclaim her powers by renouncing her wish to keep him resurrected.

9 Rick Flag

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Having been a one-note personality in the first Suicide Squad, Rick Flag’s experiences with Task Force X turned him into a different person. Where he started out being no-nonsense and relatively boring, Flag mellowed into a funnier role and was willing to admit when he was wrong.

Flag has also been extremely loyal to Amanda Waller, willing to die for her and considering Waller’s words to be absolute. His final act of development in The Suicide Squad showed that Flag realized he needed to think for himself after learning of Waller’s knowledge of the government’s illicit activities.

8 Cyborg

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Although Cyborg’s general intention to help people has remained the same, the way he’s gone about it has changed. Things like changing his friend’s college grades were well-meant but naive, and Cyborg realized he could do real good by embracing his transformation to help out the poor.

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His most major change had to do with the relationship with his father, as Cyborg started out craving attention and acted out when he didn’t achieve it. Eventually, he came to see that his father had loved him all along. This was due to his sacrifice ushering in a positive development for Cyborg to allow him to understand that he didn’t need external validation.

7 Deadshot

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Deadshot’s arc in Suicide Squad was to learn to think for people other than himself. His only concern was for personal gain and providing for his daughter at the beginning of the movie, with Deadshot ultimately realizing he can do more than just be an assassin.

It was through his dynamic with Harley that Deadshot started to change, as he saw that her absolute devotion toward The Joker was comparable to how he wanted to be with his daughter. Deadshot also gained enough maturity to realize that he couldn’t have it all and settled for seeing his daughter in prison.

6 Aquaman

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

For a man who wanted to be left alone, becoming the leader of a whole kingdom is certainly a big change. Arthur was initially consumed by rage and resentment toward the Atlanteans for breaking his parents apart, while he similarly attempted to push the Justice League away as well.

His change in personality began when he assisted in taking down Steppenwolf, realizing that having powers such as his gave him a responsibility toward helping people. He eventually learned he was wrong to judge his mother for leaving since he didn’t know her side of the story. Along with that, Aquaman embraced his role as king by accepting that this was the fate he was born to.

5 Clark Kent

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

More than Superman, it’s the Clark Kent persona who’s changed significantly. As a youth, Clark became convinced he was special, only to learn from his father’s sacrifice that he had to be mentally prepared for the burden it carried and that being a hero wasn’t just about having powers.

Clark got another dose of reality in Dawn of Justice that he had to accept that many had unpopular opinions about what Superman stood for, meaning he had to stop forcing people to acknowledge him. Overall, Clark’s character development has seen him keep his human identity and role as Superman hand in hand.

4 Wonder Woman

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Wonder Woman represents the many ways the DCEU has changed since Man of Steel. Her arc of development has been about accepting loss and that life is supposed to go on. Having started out being naive enough to think she could end all evil, Wonder Woman has grown to acknowledge that people have to work on themselves.

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She’s developed further than that, as Diana went so far in her attempt to stay low that she overlooked all the good she could still do to help people. It was in Justice League that Wonder Woman came to the conclusion that she needed to live her life to honor Steve’s sacrifice and could do so while remaining a superhero in the public eye.

3 Billy Batson

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Billy felt the only way he could experience love and acceptance was by finding his mother. Over the course of Shazam!, he underwent both positive and negative developments. While Billy learned how to be a superhero, he was too immature to see that his foster family genuinely loved him.

This paved the way for his arc to be completed, as the rejection from his birth mother led to Billy realizing the error of his ways. By the end, Billy was content with having people who accepted him and understood that being a superhero wasn’t to be used for personal glory.

2 Bruce Wayne

10 Biggest Character Developments In The DCEU

Fans have enjoyed this incarnation of the beloved superhero as Ben Affleck’s Batman has many memorable DCEU moments that tie into his character development. Bruce was shown to be a hardened personality through 20 years of fighting crime and had let go of his morality by Dawn of Justice.

After witnessing Superman’s sacrifice, Bruce decided to act on faith for once, which empowered him to assemble the Justice League and rid himself of the demons of his past. Bruce has gone from a cynical and bitter person to a man hopeful for the future who has learned to place his trust in people other than himself.

1 Harley Quinn

It turned out to be a good thing that Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn isn’t comic-book accurate, as this has brought about a new level of creativity for the character. She is much more than a sidekick obsessively in love with the Joker. Harley has developed into being her own person who realizes the importance of self-worth.

Harley was once The Joker’s accessory due to her need for love, but her experience in protecting Cassandra Cain made her see how much better it is to fight for something bigger than herself. Her return to Task Force X in The Suicide Squad ended with Harley accepting more into her circle of trust as she continues her journey of self-discovery.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/dceu-best-character-developments/

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