Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

Inside Job: Every Real-Life Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer


Netflix’s Inside Job season 1 trailer contains a plethora of conspiracy theory references. Here is each conspiracy theory reference, explained.

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Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

Netflix has released the trailer for its newest animated series, Inside Job, and it’s loaded with references to various conspiracy theories. Whether they’re mentioned outright or subtly slipped into the background, the Inside Job trailer is packed full of conspiracies, from cryptids to aliens to government secrets. Here is a complete list of every conspiracy theory in the Inside Job trailer, explained.

From the creators of Gravity Falls and The Regular Show, Inside Job takes a humorous look at what happens behind the scenes of the United States government. Cognito Inc., a secret government agency, orchestrates the country’s secrets, and it’s up to one woman to keep them a secret. Reagan Ripley is a socially awkward tech genius who works as a crisis manager for Cognito Inc., doing her best to keep the government’s top secrets from being revealed to the general public. Her coworkers are a little unusual for the average office, with a supersoldier human-dolphin hybrid in charge of the arsenal, a Mothman who runs meetings in Inhuman Resources, and a psychic mushroom who is really just in the office to be a jerk.

In Inside Job, there’s no conspiracy theory that isn’t true. In less than three minutes, the Inside Job trailer references a plethora of conspiracy theories, ranging from common folklore to theories you’ll only find on niche Reddit boards. Cryptids and ancient mysteries all make up an average day’s work for Reagan. Some of the references are more subtle while others are more obvious, but there’s something new to find with every rewatch of the trailer.

The Deep State

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

The theory of the deep state is at the heart of Inside Job’s premise. There is a growing faction of conspiracy theorists—especially those who subscribe to the QAnon theories—who believe that a secret body of government composed of famous actors secretly runs the United States. In actuality, a “deep state” is just any secret or unauthorized body of power that operates independently from the state; and while they have existed before, they don’t involve the Hollywood elite. The theory was popularized by Donald Trump and his political allies, and according to a 2017 ABC News/Washington Post poll, almost 50% of the country believes in its existence. The theory has been disputed multiple times over, but a shockingly high portion of the U.S. population still believes it to be true.

The Illuminati

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

The Illuminati is one of the most classic conspiracy theories. The Illuminati, like the Freemasons, is a secret society that has, supposedly, existed for centuries. Conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati is responsible for much of the country’s, if not the world’s, political decisions. Plenty of famous and inspirational people have been tied to the Illuminati throughout the years, ranging from Kanye West to Queen Elizabeth to Henry Kissinger. The Illuminati is frequently tied to the imagery of pyramids, triangles, and the all-seeing eye; all things that can be found all over the Inside Job trailer.

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Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

Bigfoot — also known as the Sasquatch, the Skunk Ape, and other regional nicknames — is a staple cryptid of the United States. Bigfoot is supposedly a massive, humanoid ape who lives deep in the woods of America. Though it goes by different names across the country, there are a few characteristics that always remain: shaggy fur, a nearly-human face, and as the name suggests, big feet. Believers have dedicated themselves to hunting down the Bigfoot, spending their lives hoping for a single piece of evidence. While some claim to have evidence — ranging from video footage of Bigfoot to an actual Bigfoot body — no concrete proof of the creature’s existence has been found.

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Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

Mothman is another well-known cryptid of American folklore. Sighting claims of a giant, humanoid moth began in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in the 1960s. From there, the story of the Mothman exploded into popular culture, spawning books, movies, and merchandise. Mothman is well-loved by the internet, but no one loves it like Point Pleasant; the small town has a Mothman museum, a Mothman statue, and even a yearly Mothman festival. Claims of a sighting continue to pop up. While some believe they’re harbingers of doom or aliens, others think the sightings are really just barn owls.

Easter Island Aliens

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

The head statues of Easter Island are one of the greatest mysteries of ancient human history. No one knows exactly why and how the giant stone statues were created. The common consensus is that the statues were part of religious practice, but others have a different idea — that the statues were created by aliens. Their unique characteristics and advanced craftsmanship for their age have led many to believe that extraterrestrials have had their hand in creating the Easter Island heads. A brief glance at an Easter Island head in the Inside Job trailer (featured above) even includes a very similar-looking alien on the lefthand top floor.

Lizard People

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

The Reptilian Conspiracy Theory, which has its roots in science fiction, explains that a race of shapeshifting, humanoid lizards take on human appearances in order to gain political power and run society. The theory was popularized by conspiracy theorist David Icke in the late 90s but has recently been adopted by QAnon followers, who accuse politicians like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton of secretly being lizards. Icke and his Reptilian Conspiracy Theory have strong ties to anti-Semitism, as his writings greatly reflect old anti-Semitic theories that the world is secretly run by blood-drinking Jews.

Cryogenically Frozen Celebrities

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

Celebrities having their bodies cryogenically frozen isn’t a new conspiracy theory. Stories of Walt Disney being cryogenically frozen have circulated for years. Fans of Elvis have denied his death for decades, believing that he’s gone into hiding or has frozen himself until he could safely return. A more modern theory revolves around Avril Lavigne, who occupies one of the chambers in Inside Job. A portion of Avril’s fanbase actually believes that the pop singer died in 2003 and has since been replaced with a clone or a body double. Another cryo-chamber in Inside Job contains the body of John F. Kennedy, whose death has been surrounded by conspiracies for decades.

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The Moon Landing Was Faked

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

One of the most iconic conspiracy theories is that the moon landing was faked. A man named Bill Kaysing is convinced that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin never walked on the moon in 1969, citing his belief that the U.S. didn’t possess the technology to pull it off. In a 1976 pamphlet titled “We Never Went To The Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle,” Kaysing theorized that the moon landing was really filmed in a TV studio in Hollywood. Despite no concrete proof, the theory remains popular with modern conspiracy theorists around the world.

JFK Clones

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

The assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963 has spurred endless conspiracy theories. On top of being cryogenically frozen, there are those who believe JFK faked his death or that the government organized the assassination. When JFK’s brain went missing from the National Archives in 1966, most concluded that it was his brother, Robert Kennedy, who took the brain material to prevent it from being displayed. Others, however, believe the genetic material was taken for more nefarious purposes — to clone the 35th President of the United States.

Crop Circles

Inside Job Every RealLife Conspiracy Theory Referenced In Season 1 Trailer

Crop circles are part of humanity’s fascination with alien life. Typically left in large crop fields — hence the name — mysterious shapes and symbols are cut into the landscape in awe-inspiring scales, which has led many to believe crop circles are messages left from intelligent life in the universe. Some crop circles have been debunked as hoaxes, but true believers stand by their opinion that these symbols could not have been made by a human’s hand. Whether crop circles were made by alien or human hands, these large-scale pieces of art are beautiful to behold.

Subliminal Messaging

Subliminal messages are, ultimately, messages directed at our subconscious mind to influence the way we think. Sometimes, they come in the form of flashing words and images in videos, distorted and backward audio, and subtle imagery. Though they’re often employed in advertisements, there are some who believe the government has employed them to modify our behavior, from influencing citizens to enlist in the army to persuading them to vote for a certain candidate. While experts have yet to agree on the effectiveness of subliminal messages, conspiracy theorists—especially QAnon followers—believe they’re everywhere. A few subliminal messages appear throughout the Inside Job trailer, including a spoof of the Pentagon Papers and a recruitment phone number for the deep state.

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