Arrowverse 2018 Crossover Event Officially Titled Elseworlds

Arrowverse 2018 Crossover Event Officially Titled Elseworlds


The 2018 DC TV Arrowverse crossover on The CW featuring Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Batwoman is confirmed to be titled ‘Elseworlds’.

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Arrowverse 2018 Crossover Event Officially Titled Elseworlds

The 2018 Arrowverse crossover has an official title: Elseworlds. The CW has created a vast universe on the small screen with its DC heroes over the last several years, with shows including Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl. Over the last two years, they’ve upped the connectivity of the universe by having built-in crossover events around the midway points of each season. This is going to be the case again later this year, although the Legends team will be sitting this one out. In their absence, the crossover is bringing in some other major players.

Ruby Rose will debut as Batwoman in the three-night crossover prior to potentially getting a series of her own. They’ve also announced that Tyler Hoechlin will return as Superman, while Elizabeth Tulloch has been cast as Lois Lane. The details surrounding all of the DC heroes uniting again are still scarce, but the crossover finally has a title.

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DC announced that the three night Arrowverse crossover is titled “Elseworlds.” This is the title of a brand of DC comics that take place outside the main continuity, which could have major implications for the event itself. Check out some promo art and the “Elseworlds” crossover logo below:

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Without any synopsis for the crossover itself and just teases about a character-focused story, titling it “Elseworlds” will instantly make the minds of fans race. If this title implies that the crossover is a single, standalone moment of continuity, then it could result in completely different characterizations of the heroes. It could also mean that nothing that happens in the crossover will actually connect to the larger seasons. But, whether it is DC or Marvel, adaptations of storylines or ideas from the comics are simply that and the creators usually have the freedom to simply draw inspiration from them and change what they feel is necessary. This could mean the entire Elseworlds concept is different, resulting in a continued state of mystery for the crossover. However, ArrowTwitter’s producer Marc Guggenheim confirmed on that this is not the case and “Elseworlds” will take place in the current continuity and timeline.

As seen in the graphic, the “Elseworlds” crossover begins December 9th with The Flash, as it is switching its standard release slot with Supergirl. With the premiere nearing, there should continue to be more news on the crossover and what it will contain. Casting is still in progress with Cassandra Jean Amell joining as Mr. Freeze’s wife. Meanwhile, LOST’s Jeremy Davies joined as an Arkham Asylum doctor. Since we already know the main group of heroes set to appear, filling out some more antagonist roles could be all that’s left for the Arrowverse crossover.

MORE: What Elseworlds Means For The Arrowverse & Batwoman

Season 7 of Arrow premieres October 7, followed by season 5 of The Flash on October 9, and season 4 of Supergirl on October 14.

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Source: DC

Cooper Hood is a news and feature writer for Screen Rant. He joined Screen Rant in late 2016 following a year-long stint with MCU Exchange, which came after first developing an MCU blog of his own. He graduated college in 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Media & Public Communication, with a minor in Media Production. Cooper’s love for movies began by watching Toy Story and Lion King on repeat as a child, but it wasn’t until The Avengers that he took an invested interest in movies and the filmmaking process, leading him to discover the world of film journalism. Every year Cooper looks forward to seeing the latest blockbusters from the likes of Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, but also loves the rush to catch up on Oscar films near the end of the year. When he isn’t writing about or watching new releases, Cooper is a fantasy football obsessive and looking to expand his Blu-Ray collection – because physical media is still king! Follow Cooper on Twitter @MovieCooper.

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