Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

Attack On Titan: 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming


Attack on Titan may be an action-packed anime, but part of what makes it such a compelling story is its friendships. Here are some surprising ones.

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Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

The anime, Attack on Titan, may be plot-driven and action-packed, but part of what makes it such a compelling story is its roster of characters and their relationships with one another. It’s difficult to avoid becoming invested in the lives of the Survey Corps, even the members who aren’t as prominent as the show’s main trio or Captain Levi Ackerman. The friendships they develop over the course of four seasons help raise the stakes when it comes to the main plot and the action – and not all of those friendships are ones fans were expecting.

As with any series that boasts a relatively large cast of characters, Attack on Titan sees its characters’ relationships transforming as it continues. Duos that didn’t previously speak or get along wind up becoming friends, sometimes in unexpected ways.

10 Eren And Jean: A Rivalry That’s Cooled

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

Eren Yeager and Jean Kirstein start off on a bad foot, and their relationship with one another is never exactly what one would describe as chummy. However, despite their rocky start, these two do develop a begrudging respect for one another. When you’re fighting against a common enemy, that’s just how things go.

By the time viewers reach Season 4, they’ll notice that the rivalry between Eren and Jean has cooled. The two no longer get into petty arguments or make a show of their dislike for each other, even when they disagree. During the flashbacks, Eren even includes Jean in the group of people he wants to live long, happy lives. Similarly, Jean seems just as distraught by Eren’s betrayal as the rest of the group. At the very least, these two had come to trust one another somewhere between Season 1 and Season 4.

9 Armin And Annie: A Deeper Understanding

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

From the very beginning, Armin Arlert and Annie Leonhart have little in common. Armin is arguably one of the most compassionate and kind members of the Survey Corps, while Annie is aloof and somewhat hostile toward her comrades. This, of course, has everything to do with her true identity: a Warrior from Marley and the Female Titan.

Even with their differences, though, Armin and Annie seem to develop an understanding of and respect for one another during Attack on Titan’s first season. Annie spares Armin’s life while attacking the Survey Corps as the Female Titan, and even when Armin exposes her true identity, the conversation between the two suggests there’s more going on there than first meets the eye. When Armin inherits the Colossal Titan later on, he begins visiting Annie while she’s frozen in the ice, venting his frustrations to her in his belief that she’ll understand.

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8 Armin And Hitch: An Unexpectedly Fun Dynamic

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

Armin’s relationship with Hitch Dreyse is nearly as unexpected as his friendship with Annie, though whether that’s because fans didn’t expect to see Hitch again or because the two simply don’t seem like they’d get along is anyone’s guess.

A member of the Military Police, Hitch only appears a few times throughout the series, and her matter-of-fact, no-nonsense personality doesn’t necessarily seem like it’d mesh well with Armin’s more welcoming, easygoing disposition. However, the two actually have a fairly fun dynamic when Hitch catches him speaking to a frozen Annie, and they actually seem to have each other’s backs.

7 Eren And Historia: A Like-Minded Pair

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

When Historia Reiss is first introduced, she proves herself a kind-hearted, easygoing character – somewhat opposite to Eren, who is constantly consumed with rage and focuses in on his self-proclaimed purpose to kill all the Titans. Given their opposing personalities, the two don’t interact much in the first season of the anime – and when they finally do, it’s surprising how much they actually relate to one another.

As more and more pressure is placed on Eren to save Paradis Island from the Titans, Historia undergoes a similar transformation: finding out she’s royalty and taking up the Reiss family legacy. The two realize they have similar motivations during this time period, and they eventually come to count on and protect one another, forming an unexpected bond in the process.

6 Mikasa And Historia: Hot And Cold

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

Mikasa Ackerman is another character that doesn’t interact much with Historia during Attack on Titan’s early episodes, and their later run-ins aren’t always upbeat and friendly. From Mikasa threatening to kill Ymir to Historia flirting with Eren, there are plenty of events that cause these two to get on each other’s nerves. In spite of it all, they still seem fond of one another.

In fact, when Mikasa and Historia are reunited in Season 4’s flashbacks, the latter seems positively thrilled to see her former comrade. The manga also suggests that Historia goes out of her way to protect Mikasa and their friends following the story’s final battle. Clearly, the Survey Corps bonds go deeper than most viewers realize.

5 Levi And Hange: A Well-Balanced Pair

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

When Levi Ackerman and Hange ZoĆ« come onto the Attack on Titan scene, they’re both high-ranking members of the Scouts Regiment, but they seem closer to their other comrades than they are with each other. As the group becomes smaller and smaller, however, it becomes clear that these two have a pretty powerful bond – and that their starkly different personalities actually make them a well-balanced pair.

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After Commander Erwin’s departure in Season 3, Levi and Hange work together closely to uphold his legacy and save what’s left of the Survey Corps. Opposites attract certainly applies here; the pair’s strengths and weaknesses play well off of each other when it comes to strategizing.

4 Floch And Eren: The Enemy Of My Enemy

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

Floch Forster doesn’t become an important Attack on Titan character until the tail end of Season 3, when he returns as the lone survivor of Commander Erwin’s suicide charge against the Beast Titan. This event leads Floch down a rabbit hole of rage and resentment that makes him an unlikely ally for Eren. Come Season 4, he’s more or less Eren’s right-hand man.

It’s unclear if Eren is truly fond of Floch or simply using him to create dissent within Paradis Island’s military. Either way, this is a team-up most people wouldn’t have imagined a season ago. How quickly things change.

3 Gabi And Kaya: A Lesson Learned

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

From the moment Gabi Braun is introduced, it’s obvious her hatred for Eldians runs deep. Sure, it’s mostly fueled by brainwashing from those living in Marley, but the animosity is enough that fans would never expect her to befriend anyone from Paradis Island. Yet that’s exactly what happens when Gabi and Falco wind up staying with the Braus family and the children they’ve taken in.

Despite Gabi’s hostility, one of those children befriends her and Falco and keeps their secrets for them. Gabi actually comes to understand Kaya and her perspective – a significant turning point in her character arc – but sadly, once Kaya discovers she’s responsible for killing Sasha, the friendship is short-lived. Still, even their brief relationship served a purpose: It helped Gabi to see her “enemies” as human beings.

2 Niccolo And Sasha: Friendship Forged Through Food

Attack On Titan 10 Friendships Nobody Saw Coming

Niccolo is another character who doesn’t automatically take to the Eldians on Paradis Island, so it’s surprising he develops a bond with Sasha as quickly as he does. Granted, it’s basically impossible to dislike Sasha. (And she complimented his cooking!)

Even knowing Sasha’s vibrant personality, however, this development does appear to come out of left field at first. When Niccolo is heartbroken at Sasha’s death, it’s a somewhat jarring moment – at least until the flashbacks reveal the bond they formed through food.

1 Reiner And Jean: Not Broken Beyond Repair

Jean feels as betrayed as the rest of his comrades after discovering Reiner and Bertolt’s true identities, but the revelation that Reiner was responsible for Marco’s death appeared to put their friendship beyond the point of repair.

However, manga fans know that they eventually move past all of the betrayals – something that seemed impossible just one arc earlier. It’s somewhat surprising that Jean manages to forgive him, but the bonds forged within the 104th Cadet Corps do always seem to prevail.

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