Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

Avatar: Every Power Airbenders Have


Able to harness the power of the skies, the airbenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender are among the most formidable. Here’s each power they have.

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Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel series, The Legend of Korra, both feature a wide array of airbending powers. Ranging from destructive blasts and many defensive countermeasures, airbending takes its place as one of the universe’s most useful and powerful manifestations of bending.

Partially due to the near extinction of the peaceful Air Nomads, which precedes the events of The Last Airbender, the evolution of airbending skills has been slower than other bending styles, which all offer up additional special abilities. Certain waterbenders like Katara are shown to possess powerful healing abilities or tap into horrific bloodbending. Firebenders like Zuko and Mako are also seen to access lightning, channeling it through their bodies before firing it toward their target. Earthbending has also expanded beyond earlier depictions, as some characters in The Legend of Korra are shown to bend metal and even lava with ease. And while airbending lacks similar specialties, the bending art makes up for it with its incredible versatility.

Avatar: Every Power Aang Had In The Last Airbender

Throughout the course of both Avatar series, fans have watched airbenders and Avatars such like Aang, Korra, Tenzin, Zaheer, and Jinora manipulate the wind in ways almost too enumerable to count. Should an airbender find themselves in trouble, here are all of the various airbending abilities impressive enough to blow any adversary away.

General Offense

Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

Using concussive blasts of compressed air, trained airbenders are able to focus their abilities for destructive ends. Originating from the hands, feet, or mouth, offensive airbending moves have been shown to knock back objects, sometimes shattering or slicing them. Aang is seen early in Avatar: The Last Airbender to have such a strong handle over his airbending that he reduces a large fiery projectile to rubble with a well-placed air kick. In spinoff series The Legend of Korra, a seemingly de-powered Avatar Korra unleashes a series of kicks and punches directed toward the villainous Amon, knocking him off his feet and to a several story fall. Similarly, Avatars Aang and Roku display the ability to channel focused jets of air through their mouths, attacking enemies with a breath of wind. Perhaps most devastating of all, “Air Bombs” can be utilized by powerful airbenders, creating a powerful outward blast when landing on the ground, typically after a long fall.

Notably, these offensive moves are not exactly in line with the Air Nomads more pacifistic leanings and while these abilities can prove fatal, such aggression is rarely used. Throughout both The Last Airbender and Korra, most airbenders are displayed using more defensive methods of bending.

General Defense

Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

No doubt inspired by their devout spiritual origins, airbenders use their powers for protection (of themselves and others) far more frequently than for inflicting damage. Creating and focusing compressed “walls” of air, airbenders are able to cushion falls, making it possible for them to recover quickly after being hit. Powerful benders are also able to create a force field of sorts, forming a sphere with the air around them in order to absorb oncoming attacks or to travel safely underwater. These air spheres also have the ability to trap enemies within them, leaving them unable to move or bend. Defensive moves are crucial to the art of airbending and often depend on quick-thinking, focus, and a sense of imagination.

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Travel Powers

Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

Airbenders are able to get around with far more ease than other benders. Since many ancient airbending techniques originate from the sky Bison, most Air Nomads are able to domesticate and ride the majestic creatures, who are able to fly with ease and carry heavy loads. But even without their own personal Appa, many airbenders are able to use their powers for travel. By manipulating air currents, many young airbenders are taught to skim the air via glider, like Aang used throughout The Last Airbender. Ancient airbenders mastered the ability to create hover board-like clouds, which came in handy for travel and for collecting out-of-reach food while foraging. Aang took air travel to a new level by creating his famous air scooter, a spinning ball of air that he rides – Aang’s creation of this particular ability is what led to his induction as an Air Master.

However, even more advanced forms of travel-based airbending have been revealed throughout the progression of the two series. Air spouts (similar to their waterbending counterpart) allow for a cyclone-like cylinder of wind to transport able airbenders. Master Tenzin is shown as having updated his father’s air scooter technique with his “air wheel,” which uses a large wheel of air to skim quickly over the ground while providing a some cover from oncoming attacks. But it is perhaps the evil Zaheer who displays the most impressive airbending technique in the franchise: flight. Staying airborne for long periods of time requires freeing oneself completely from earthly attachments and is incredibly rare.

Suction & Breathbending

Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

Unlike the previously mentioned offensive abilities, most of which push bursts of air outward, airbenders are also able to redirect the wind, creating suction. With an effect similar to telekinesis, the suction is able to pull objects toward the airbender, as seen when a hungry Appa steals cabbages while captured. Using the same ability, Aang pulls Professor Zei out of the line of fire during the gang’s time in Wan Shi Tong’s Library.

However, this bending ability can be corrupted for one of the most sinister applications. In season 3 of The Legend of Korra, Zaheer murders the Earth Queen by sucking the air from her very lungs and encircling her head with an oxygen-free bubble, ultimately suffocating and killing her. This cruel technique and subversion of what is typically regarded as the most passive of the four bending arts, breathbending is rivaled only by bloodbending in terms of its violence and sadism.

Tornadoes & Cyclones

Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

Creating vortexes of harsh wind, airbenders are able to create tornadoes and cyclones of all sizes. While powerful benders are capable of creating large funnels of air on their own, groups of benders are also able to coordinate and create powerful storms meant able to inflict great devastation, as seen in The Legend of Korra season 3 when members of the newly rebuilt Air Nation come to Korra’s defense, ultimately saving her from Zaheer. Aang is seen creating his own cyclone at notable points in the series. During his duel with Bumi, Aang’s twister is seen redirecting a large boulder launched at him. Aang also uses the ability on a smaller scale, creating a small funnel-like cyclone and shooting projectiles toward his enemies by feeding rocks through the rapidly spinning air.

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Enhanced Speed & Agility

Avatar Every Power Airbenders Have

The least combative of the bending styles, airbending compensates with its users’ enhanced mobility and evasive fighting style. Aided by the air around them, airbenders are able to jump to great heights, allowing the wind to cushion them as they fall. Conserving their energy while their enemies attack, dodging and quick-footed airbenders use a technique similar to Jeet Kune Do, created by the legendary Bruce Lee. The fighting style emphasizes evasive measure and waiting to attack opponents as they are winding up to attack, catching them off guard.

While running, gliding, hovering, or flying, airbenders are able to manipulate air currents to their benefit, slowing down and speeding up at will by adjusting the resistance of the air around them. In The Legend of Korra, airbenders are shown to go through the particularly tricky Airbending Gates and encouraged to “move like the wind” – and only with great focus and finding the path of least resistance will lead to success.

Meditation & Spiritual Projection

Thanks to their peaceful and introspective culture, many airbenders’ meditation practices lead to helpful additions to their power sets. By utilizing proper breathing techniques, airbenders are able to stay warm even in the most wintery of conditions, as demonstrated with Aang early in his journey while visiting the Northern Water Tribe.

Perhaps due to their nomadic tradition and meditative practices, but certain airbenders show a proclivity for entering the spirit world at will, sending astral projections of themselves across space. The spiritually enlightened benders are able to read the energies of others and are capable of tracking that energy, particularly when the the energy is familiar to the bender. Embodied most fully in Jinora, Tenzin’s daughter and Avatar Aang’s granddaughter manages to use her formidable spiritual powers to assist Korra in defeating Unalaq and Vaatu.

Able to harness the power of the skies, the airbenders within the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are among the most formidable. With access to a wide arsenal of offensive and defensive moves, as well as a strong spiritual background, airbending is perhaps the most versatile and dynamic of the bending arts. With more adventures set in the universe, including the much-talked-about Avatar live-action series, hopefully fans will continue to see airbenders using their powers in new, inventive, and powerful ways.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-airbenders-powers-techniques/

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