Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Batman: 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)


Nightwing learned a ton from his mentor Batman and used it in his career as a vigilante. However, he also avoided some lessons and is better for it.

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Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Every lesson that Batman passed down to Dick Grayson when he was Robin was a bit of a double-edged sword. While Nightwing has put what Batman taught him to good use, Dick took those teachings and incorporated his sense of joy and charm as opposed to his mentor’s stoic brooding.

With that being said, there are also a lot of lessons that Bruce Wayne passed down to the future Nightwing that were completely ignored, with Dick being all the better for it. Much of what Batman taught Dick was well retained, but a few things happened to fall to the wayside.

10 Learned: How To Be A Detective

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Considered by many in The DC Universe to be The World’s Greatest Detective, it should come as no surprise that Batman taught Dick how to be a detective. Whether it be mere training or The Dynamic Duo tracking down the likes of The Joker, Dick was getting lessons in detective skills left and right.

As soon as Nightwing moved to Blüdhaven, he joined the city’s police department to put his detective skills to good use. Though Tim Drake may be a better detective than he is, Dick Grayson’s sleuthing abilities are certainly admirable.

9 Avoided: Taking Part In Toxic Relationships

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Nightwing is pretty famous for being a ladies’ man, with the character having a long list of women that he’s been in relationships with. Though the character dislikes being tied down to one person, his core romances tend to be far less toxic than The Dark Knight’s.

While he’s had many romantic interests, Nightwing tends to be romantically linked with Barbara Gordon and Starfire, with both women having solid relationships with him. Meanwhile, Batman’s relationships with the likes of Catwoman and Talia Al Ghul almost feel doomed to fail.

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8 Learned: To Smile Genuinely

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Most of the time when Batman smiles, it’s when criminals should really be nervous. Otherwise, Batman’s mouth is usually contorted into a soul-crushing grimace that is sure to ruin the day of even the most optimistic individual.

By contrast, Dick Grayson’s smile elicits warmth and the assurance that everything is going to be OK. Even in the darkest moments when it seems that there isn’t a shred of hope left, Nightwing’s smile gives the people of Blüdhaven and Gotham a glimmer of light his mentor couldn’t provide.

7 Avoided: Pushing People Away

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Batman’s friends, especially the Bat-Family, seem to be stuck in a cycle. Not too long after he patches things up with them, he either lies to them or pushes them out of his life. Meanwhile, Nightwing’s more open nature allows him to maintain his friendships.

Not only does Nightwing establish relationships with the people in his life but he strives to keep them. Though he isn’t able to keep every friend, he’s far less quick to push them out of his life than Batman tends to be.

6 Learned: How To Be A Good Leader

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

To be fair to Batman, he is an excellent leader. Whether it be one of the times he is in charge of The Justice League or simply leading the members of The Bat-Family into combat, Batman’s leadership talent is one of his best qualities.

As the leader of The Teen Titans, Dick Grayson uses the lessons in leadership taught to him by The Caped Crusader in order to protect the world. However, he manages to balance being a good leader and a good friend, something Batman struggles with.

5 Avoided: Being Paranoid

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

Something that has rarely been depicted in a lot of Batman-related media is his paranoia. Most famously on display in the JLA story “Tower of Babel,” Batman’s abundance of contingency plans and paranoid worries is a real character flaw.

On the other hand, Nightwing is far more well-adjusted, rarely showing any signs of paranoia. In fact, Batman’s paranoia has proven to really bother Dick Grayson, with The Dark Knight’s former ward occasionally trying to make him see sense.

4 Learned: That Superman Is A Good Friend

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

The relationship between Batman and Superman is rocky, but Batman would be quick to admit that Clark is one of his friends. Superman’s involvement in the life of Batman means that Nightwing also has a friendship with The Man of Steel.

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That said, he has a very different friendship with Superman than Batman does, as Nightwing and Superman are fairly similar in terms of personality. In fact, some continuities see Superman inspiring Dick to become Nightwing, as another character named Nightwing is a legend in Kryptonian history.

3 Avoided: Being A Terrible Parent

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

If one were to look at Bruce Wayne’s parenting style objectively, they would find that a lot of Batman’s actions towards the various Robins could be considered child abuse. Batman puts children into bright costumes that will draw enemy fire, puts them in dangerous situations, and doesn’t really go out of his way to relate to them emotionally.

This could explain why Dick Grayson works alone, rarely taking people under his wing. When given the opportunity to do so, he is a far better parent than Bruce, with his relationship with Batman’s son Damian being a far more stable one than Bruce’s.

2 Learned: To Conquer His Grief

Batman 5 Things Nightwing Learned From Him (& 5 He Avoided)

When Batman’s parents were killed, he didn’t really have an outlet to exercise the guilt and grief that came from their murder. He had to go it alone, with only Alfred to serve as a shoulder for Bruce to cry on.

Regardless of how poor of a parent Batman is, no one can deny that if he didn’t step in, all of the Robins would have grown to do wrong. One of the reasons Nightwing is so well adjusted is because Batman gave him the opportunity to avenge his parents’ murder and move beyond it.

1 Avoided: Relying On Fear

Part of the reason that Bruce Wayne dresses as a bat is to terrify criminals. It’s something that works for Batman, but Dick Grayson isn’t the kind of person to do that kind of thing, so when he separated from Bruce Wayne, he needed to establish an identity similar to his mentor, while nowhere near as terrifying.

Dick Grayson is his own man, using the mantle of Nightwing to be a beacon of hope rather than a symbol of fear. It is also clear that Dick Grayson and Nightwing are the same people, whereas fans still debate as to whether or not Bruce Wayne is just a disguise for Batman.

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