Avatar Sozins Comet Should NOT Have Worked For The Firebenders

Avatar: Sozin’s Comet Should NOT Have Worked For The Firebenders

Avatar: The Last Airbender used Sozin’s Comet to make Firebenders even stronger, but that shouldn’t work since comets aren’t made of fire.

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Sozin’s Comet increases the power of Firebenders in Avatar: The Last Airbender, but it shouldn’t. Nickelodeon’s hit animated series has found an even bigger audience after coming to Netflix, leading more people to follow the story of Aang, the last Airbender. Aang begins Avatar: The Last Airbender emerging from a 100-year hibernation to discover the Fire Nation has spread its power without the Avatar around.

The Fire Nation and its Firebenders are the villains of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Aang learns early on that they will become even more powerful in just a few months when Sozin’s Comet arrives. When the comet comes close to Earth’s atmosphere, Firebenders can draw from it to become as powerful as a hundred suns. Fire Lord Sozin originally used the comet to begin the 100 Year War and wipe out the Air Nomads. When the comet returns a century later, Fire Lord Ozai plans to use the power to wage war against the rest of Earth. But, none of this should be possible.

Avatar: The Last Airbender depicts Sozin’s Comet as a giant fireball that passes Earth every century, but the truth is that comets aren’t made of fire at all. Comets are mostly a collection of ice, dust, and space rock. Their brightness isn’t connected to fire either, as the visible coma is the result of releasing gases and dust. Scientifically speaking, there is no way that Sozin’s Comet could grant power to Firebenders (who otherwise get power from the sun). But, since The Last Airbender is a fictional world with flying bison, bending powers, and more, maybe comets have different scientific properties than real ones.

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If comets in Avatar: The Last Airbender are identical to the ones in real life, then Sozin’s Comet would actually be an event Firebenders would fear. The idea that the comet makes benders who use elements associated with it more powerful should benefit Waterbenders and Earthbenders instead of Firebenders. The ice and rock elements of a comet give Waterbenders and Earthbenders a better reason to benefit from a passing comet. Instead, Waterbenders become extra powerful in the show during a full moon, due to the moon’s relationship with water tides, while there is no known enhancement for Earthbenders.

Since science doesn’t support Firebenders becoming more powerful by a comet, the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender would be a very different place if the show’s science worked the same way. Sozin wouldn’t be able to start the 100 Year War in the same way, possibly keeping the Air Nomads from becoming nearly extinct. The presence of more Airbenders could’ve helped Aang once he returned. Meanwhile, Ozai wouldn’t be anywhere close to Aang’s power level during the end of the series without the help of Sozin’s Comet, which would’ve limited what became one of Avatar: The Last Airbender’s best fights.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avatar-last-airbender-sozin-comet-not-fire-ice/

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