Avowed Likely Playable In First & ThirdPerson Like The Elder Scrolls Games

Avowed Likely Playable In First & Third-Person Like The Elder Scrolls Games

A job listing for Obsidian Entertainment suggests that the massive open world RPG Avowed could allow players to choose between first and third person.

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Avowed Likely Playable In First & ThirdPerson Like The Elder Scrolls Games

There’s a good chance that Obsidian Entertainment’s Avowed will be even more like The Elder Scrolls than initially thought: the game will likely be playable from both first and third-person points of view. Obsidian previously proved it could handle open-world RPGs, notably with Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds. Now with Obsidian developing under the Microsoft Studios banner, the studio has new resources and a bigger budget to work with, so it’s no surprise that it’s going all out with this new title.

The first trailer for Avowed wowed its audience at Microsoft’s recent Xbox Games Showcase, leaving many players drooling all over themselves about its potential. Although set in the world of Pillars of Eternity, Avowed is probably Obsidian’s biggest project yet. Recent rumors suggest that it will be even bigger than Skyrim, with a larger and denser world map. But the trailer also raised a lot of questions about Avowed and what it would entail, most notably what gameplay might resemble.

In the Avowed trailer, there is only one small scene hinting at gameplay, and it is from a first-person perspective. However, a new job listing on LinkedIn for Obsidian suggests it will be playable from both first and third person perspectives. The job listing is for a Combat Animator, who can “create high-quality, first-person and third-person combat animations for characters and creatures.”

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The job listing, though, does not explicitly mention Avowed, or any other title. The position might be for something else, especially now that Obsidian probably has a lot of new games in the works for Microsoft. But it is also highly likely it is for Avowed, especially given the title’s similarities to The Elder Scrolls games, which also offered both first person and third person perspectives during gameplay. If it is true, this is good news for those players who suffer from motion sickness while playing first person games, giving them the option to choose how to experience gameplay.

Whatever the case, Avowed is continuing to become more like the Skyrim sequel players are still longing for. Any similarities to The Elder Scrolls franchise are much appreciated by fans of these kinds of massive RPGs. It’s even likely that Avowed will launch much sooner than expected, and that’s good news to gamers who have been waiting for the next big RPG to sink their teeth into. Having both first person and third person gameplay will just sweeten the pot.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/avowed-likely-playable-in-first-third-person-like-the-elder-scrolls-games/

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