Back 4 Blood What Are the Ridden

Back 4 Blood: What Are the Ridden?

Zombie games have to work hard to create interesting lore for their infection or outbreak, Back 4 Blood has taken a slightly different route.

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Back 4 Blood What Are the Ridden

Zombies are one of the most popular enemies that have ever been placed in video games. They are easy to program, and players rarely feel anything about killing them in droves. For the most part, they are simply fodder, and the reason for their condition is rarely ever considered. However, recent games have tried to delve deeper into the reasoning behind their undead enemies.

Right out the gate, Back 4 Blood makes the decision not to call its enemies zombies. Instead, they are known as the Ridden. For the most part, they follow the same trends. They are slow-moving and don’t show much intelligence unless they are one of the evolved forms. The game doesn’t reveal much at the outset and instead leaves several clues for the players to find if they feel inclined to. If players take the time to explore the lore of the game, they will find some fascinating information on the origins of the Ridden.

Back 4 Blood What Are the Ridden

One of the main aspects of any zombie story is how the zombies are made. Originally the concept had to do with magic, and then it became a result of more natural causes. For instance, the zombies in The Last Of Us were the result of the Cordyceps fungus infecting humans. This fungus is a natural part of our world and its adaption to affect humans isn’t a huge leap in logic. This allows the player to understand the basic idea of what they are dealing with and adds a certain terror to the situation.

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Back 4 Blood has a similar infection, but an entirely unlikely one. The Ridden are infected with a strange, extraterrestrial parasite known as the Devil Worm that takes control of the host. The Ridden are named as such because the hosts are completely controlled by the parasite and are little more than a method of transportation and attack for the worms. As such, players are given carte blanche to lay waste to Ridden with no concern for the humans the worms have infected, as they’re long gone.

When the worms were originally found, they were gathered together. Eventually, they managed to break out and spread across the entire planet. This invasion became known as the Collapse, and its aftermath is where players are dropped into the story. The Ridden that the player encounters are fully infected with the worms and can even be seen in some of the cutscenes and when a Ridden is blown apart. Over time, the worms began to change the physical form of some of the infected to fit their purposes better. These variations are considerably more deadly than the other infected and should become the focal point for any attack. This adaptive biology could indicate a greater intelligence for the worms and the potential for some form of a hive mind.

Zombie games have to work to separate their infected humans from every other game. Back 4 Blood takes a slightly fantastical route, but it is simple for the player to understand. However, this simplicity allows the player to understand what they are dealing with and not dwell too much on what they are fighting. It also allows the characters of the game to lack the knowledge about what they are fighting and discover it at the same time as the player. Hopefully, Turtle Rock takes the time to expand on their lore over the years, and the worms get the chance to show how terrifying they can be.

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