Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie


Whenever a famous sports athlete makes a cameo in a TV show or movie, they bring something great to the scene. Here are the best cameos by athletes.

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Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Throughout the years, athletes have been wowing their fans with their skills on the field, on the court, or on the course, but for some famous faces, they are talented beyond their sport … or at least they try to be. Viewers have spotted them on shows like Saturday Night Live, making fun of themselves, and while some of them are funny, others should probably stick to their sport.

Athletes have been appearing in television shows and movies for decades, whether it’s because they want to feel what it’s like on the silver screen, or because they have the talent. Out of the blue, some of the most beloved athletes will appear on a show or a movie and completely elevate it, just because they show up and show their mug.

10 Ken Griffey Jr.: The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

George Kenneth Griffey Jr. is a former American professional baseball player who was a part of the MLB for 22 years. He’s one of the most beloved baseball players in history, so it makes sense that the directors of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air would want him to make an appearance in one of the episodes.

From 1990 to 1996, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air doled out classic episodes, but Ken Griffey Jr. appeared in the episode, “Love Hurts.” When Will and Carlton are at the local carnival, Ken Griffey Jr. shows up and Carlton being Carlton shouts at him, not knowing it’s him. Ken ends up throwing a few baseballs at the booth Carlton is running while tossing a perfectly-timed jab at Will.

9 Brett Favre: There’s Something About Mary

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Even though Brett Favre wasn’t the first choice to play Cameron Diaz’s boyfriend in There’s Something About Mary, it was still a surprise that he made an appearance. According to Favre, the experience was one of the few times where he felt like a rookie, but really, it didn’t appear that way.

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Even though it was a short scene, it was Favre’s first movie appearance, but when looking at the overall popularity and reviews of the movie, Favre might’ve had a little to do with its success.

8 Lee Trevino: Happy Gilmore

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Golf fans know that Lee Trevino, an American retired professional golfer, is one of the greatest players in history. He has a lot of success under his belt, and when he was asked to play a minor role as himself in the classic Happy Gilmore, he agreed.

Unfortunately, after seeing the movie and the choice language, he regretted the decision, but golf fans have to enjoy his brief appearances throughout the film. If comedy fans need another reason to watch or re-watch this movie, funny man Ben Stiller also makes one of his many cameos in Happy Gilmore, as well.

7 Shaquille O’Neal: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Throughout the years, there have been quite a few guest stars on Curb Your Enthusiasm, but in season two, Shaquille O’Neal made his cameo. The episode is named “Shaq,” after the man himself, showing just how excited the Curb Your Enthusiasm team was to have him guest star.

When Larry David scores floor seats to a Laker game, he’s having a good time and gets a little too comfortable and stretches his legs out onto the court. He accidentally trips Shaquille O’Neal, who ends up injuring his knee. This is a fan’s worst nightmare, and luckily, it was all just for show.

6 Lawrence Taylor: The Waterboy

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Being one of the best football movies of all time, The Waterboy was bound to have a famous face or two. In particular, Lawrence Taylor, nicknamed L.T., is a former American football player who became legendary during his career.

Bobby Boucher (Adam Sandler) visits a youth football team, where he’s asked about the game. After Bobby’s bumbling description of how he plays the game of football, L.T.’s enthusiasm overshadows his slight dig at Bobby, which was a great addition to the already hilarious movie.

5 Dan Marino: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Marino’s cameo didn’t happen organically, though, because a bit of persuasion from a Hollywood legend was needed. According to an interview Marino did with Miami Herald, it was Jim Carrey who persuaded him to take the role. Even though Marino was initially known for his football career, many people, nowadays, know him more for his role in Ace Ventura.

4 Mike Tyson: The Hangover

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Since its release in 2009, The Hangover remains an incredibly popular comedy movie that stars A-listers Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, and Heather Graham. It has hilarious moments throughout the movie and one, in particular, involves former pro boxer, Mike Tyson.

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About halfway through the movie, Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms), and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) stumble into their hotel and realize two strange men are already there. It ends up being Tyson and his bodyguard, who doesn’t have time for funny business. Words were exchanged, Phil Collins was commemorated, and a swift punch to Alan’s face made the guys realize how serious Tyson was in getting his precious tiger back. Of all of Tyson’s movie and TV appearances throughout the years, his cameo in The Hangover was one of his best.

3 The Green Bay Packers: Pitch Perfect 2

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

Pitch Perfect 2 is one of those movies that is fun to re-watch over and over while singing along to the amazing tunes. Of course, Pitch Perfect was the first movie about high school acapella groups, but Pitch Perfect 2 included several appearances the viewers probably weren’t expecting.

When The Bellas decide to join a Riff-Off that includes some of the best covers in the series, out of nowhere, The Green Bay Packers come out of the shadows to sing “Bootylicious” by Beyoncé. Juxtaposing their huge muscular presence with their questionable singing voices, this makes for an odd but hilarious cameo.

2 Kobe Bryant: Modern Family

Best Famous Athlete Cameos In A TV Show Or Movie

In the episode, “Family Portrait,” the late Kobe Bryant makes an iconic appearance and was a true natural in front of the camera. He appeared as himself, getting ready to do what he did best: play basketball. When it was his time to shine, Phil Dunphy (Ty Burrell) and some of his family wave at him, not thinking he’d interact with them at all.

Shockingly, he spotted them and like his true personality in real life, he smiled and acknowledged them. Even though this was for the cameras, it was a short, but heartwarming, moment that was funny and surprising.

1 Michael Jordan: Space Jam

If any movie from the 1990s has an incredible lineup of cameos, it’s definitely Space Jam. Cameos were made by athletic superstars Larry Bird, Charles Barkley, and Patrick Ewing, which would be hard to beat … but the director did. From the height of his career to the present day, Michael Jordan is recognized as one of the top basketball players in the world, all while having a major cameo in Space Jam.

Jordan helps the Looney Tunes earn their freedom while doing what he does best. Other notable cameos include Bill Murray, Larry Johnson, and Shawn Bradley, and even if viewers weren’t fans of basketball, they probably were before the movie ended.

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