Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Black Widow: 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)


Marvel villains get costume changes all the time, from comics to movies to video games, and Taskmaster has both good and bad looks under his belt.

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Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

In the world of Marvel antagonists, there is obviously a fair share of great costumes among them. One of the more underrated villains whose costume is typically pushed from the conversation is Taskmaster. Tony Masters’ popularity has, however, skyrocketed over the past year, especially since his appearance in the Spider-Man PlayStation game.

Taskmaster will have a busy 2020, being featured in both the Black Widow MCU film as well as the Marvel’s Avengers video game. With so many different iterations of the famed villain coming to light, let’s take a look at five incredible Taskmaster suits we loved, as well as five that should’ve been left in the drawing-room.

10 Love: Classic Suit

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

It only makes sense to kick things off with Taskmaster’s most iconic costume. Since his introduction to Marvel Comics almost forty years ago, Tony Masters is typically found in some type of exterior armor laced beautifully with blue and orange. That armor is nearly always accompanied by a white hood covering his iconic skull-inspired mask.

There’s always been something aesthetically pleasing about the combination of blue and orange, and Taskmaster certainly showcases that in his classic suit. Forget the arsenal of weapons and gadgets that come with his costume, the suit itself ranks among some of the best villain attire Marvel has to offer.

9 Hate: Udon Suit

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Like most Marvel characters, Taskmaster has his own set of alternate costumes. One of his most popular suits aside from the classic is one titled the “Udon” suit. This costume isn’t awful by any means, but it undoubtedly loses some of the flavor you get from his classic suit. Instead of utilizing the blue, orange, and white in a different way, it simply opts to go with just black and white. Even though the mask of it keeps the same villainous beauty as the original, it’s hard to get past the fact that he has unnecessary exterior pads all the way up each leg.

8 Love: Ultimate Taskmaster

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Sticking in the trend of other Marvel characters, Taskmaster has plenty of alternate versions of himself throughout the multiverse. This time we look to the Ultimate Universe for a new take on Anthony Masters’ iconic suit.

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This time we’re given a sort of post-apocalyptic version of the Taskmaster suit fitted with much less armor and more of a removable mask than usual. It’s definitely one of the more simplistic versions of his suit, but there’s still plenty of beauty to be found in it.

7 Hate: Heroes United Suit

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Taskmaster is no stranger to his inclusion in other forms of Marvel media, especially certain animated series. In Iron Man and Captain America: Heroes United, we get a rare animated look at Tony Masters’ suit with a number of different spins on it.

In this version, he again goes with the black and white color scheme and is completely decked out in armor. The costume as a whole seems much more like a suit fit for Crossbones and doesn’t take any real inspiration from the original suit. As fun as it is to watch Taskmaster go toe-to-toe with Captain America, this suit places among the worst we’ve ever seen him in.

6 Love: Spider-Men II

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

If you’re a fan of the dynamic between Peter Parker and Miles Morales as Spider-Man, you’ll probably love the Spider-Men II storyline. Not only do we see that relationship fully at play, but we also get a brand new take on the Taskmaster suit. All together the suit is fairly similar to the original, but this version sees Masters don a beautiful orange chest piece with white draping his legs similar to his iconic white hood. It’s a great new take on his costume that still pays homage to the best parts of his classic suit.

5 Hate: Ultimate Spider-Man

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Turning back to Taskmasters’ animated appearances, we run into another not-so-great version of his suit. This one, once again, features the two-tone black and white look. Taskmaster was a big-time player in the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series, and aside from his lackluster suit is a great supporting character.

It’s unfortunate that some attempts at the Taskmaster suit, while keeping the basic foundations of it, completely neglect the great color scheme the classic suit brought to life. If there were to be any sort of hint at either the blue or orange of his original suit, his appearance in Ultimate Spider-Man really wouldn’t be that bad.

4 Love: MCU Suit

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Much of Taskmaster’s recent resurgence into popularity can be credited to his long-awaited inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We’ll finally get a live-action look at Tony Masters in the upcoming Black Widow film, and so far we’ve only gotten small glimpses as to what he’ll look like on the big screen.

In the trailer we see him rocking his traditional armor laced with blue and orange just like his comic book suit, completed with the iconic hood. The real difference in this suit is that instead of a mask, it looks like he’ll wear a full helmet fitted with a skull-ish mouth and a set of some sort of high tech lenses on it. To no surprise, much of the response to Taskmaster’s MCU looks has not been well recieved. But considering they’re bringing a character with a sword, cape, and skull mask to a live-action film, they’ve done a pretty solid job here.

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3 Hate: Marvel’s Avengers (Game)

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Taskmaster’s second 2020 appearance will come through Marvel’s Avengers, a video game created by the brilliant minds at Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montréal, and Square Enix. It’ll be his second time appearing in a video game over the past two years, and it looks like he’ll be one of the villains the Avengers go up against early in the game.

We’ll start by saying that the skeleton mask that defines much of Taskmaster’s look is one of the best parts of his suit in the game. Seriously, if you put the mask of this version of Taskmaster with the MCU suit, people wouldn’t be complaining nearly as much. Other than that, his suit for this game just doesn’t have any real grabbing aspects to it.

2 Love: Spider-Man PS4

Black Widow 5 Taskmaster Costumes We Love (& 5 We Hate)

Since we’ve already trashed one of Taskmaster’s video game appearances, we might as well praise the other. Last year, we were all blessed with the arrival of the Spider-Man video game courtesy of Sony and with that, a new and improved look at Taskmaster.

There’s really nothing bad to say about this version of the suit. From the white hood to the gorgeous blue and orange armor, to the iconic mask, Sony presented a nearly flawless interpretation of Taskmaster. The suit combined with his demeanor and skills that make him such a formidable opponent make him one of the most underrated elements of the entire game.

1 Hate: “Age of Ultron” Suit

Okay, well maybe the last two weren’t his only appearances in video games. Since 2013, Marvel Heroes has been a free-to-play action role-playing game that lets Marvel fans to play as all their favorite characters. Although the game was eventually shut down in 2017, it did give us several new Taskmaster costumes to play with, and arguably one of the worst we’ve ever seen.

Based around a world-ending event at the hands of Ultron, Taskmaster was fitted with a spin on his classic costume. Obviously, we’ve prefaced that including the blue and orange scheme of his classic suit usually makes a suit better, but that isn’t the case here. Instead, they really overdid it on the orange and for some reason gave him a neon green backpack. It’s hard to say what the idea behind this costume was, but it’s easily one of the weirdest and weakest we’ve ever seen him in.

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