Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

Black Widow: Biggest Plot Holes


Black Widow is one of the MCU’s best cinematic outings to date, but it still has its fair share of plot holes. Here are the biggest ones.

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Warning! SPOILERS for Black Widow.

The MCU has finally returned to the big screen with Black Widow, and while the film has been widely heralded as one of the franchise’s best entries yet, it isn’t without its own share of plot holes and confusing moments. The new movie is a relatively self-contained story as MCU films go, but it still ties into the rest of the franchise in ways that don’t always make complete sense. There are also a number of details within Black Widow’s own plot that don’t quite add up, though they don’t detract significantly from the overall fun and excitement of the film.

Set between the events of Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, Black Widow has two different kinds of continuity to keep – loyalty to what’s been previously established about Natasha’s backstory, and consistency with what happens in the films set afterwards. There are some fun nods in both directions throughout the movie, such as an elaboration on Natasha and Hawkeye’s Budapest mission and an origin story for Natasha’s Infinity War vest. However, there are also some parts of Black Widow’s story that are a bit harder to understand.

When movies deal with supervillains, global conspiracies, flying fortresses, and mind control, there will inevitably be instances where audiences are asked to suspend their disbelief and simply accept what’s playing out in front of them. Black Widow has its share of those moments, as well as some broader MCU continuity inconsistencies.

Click here to watch Black Widow: Plot Holes That Make No Sense on YouTube.

How Did Dreykov Survive The Explosion?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

Early on in Black Widow, Yelena reveals that General Dreykov, the leader of the Red Room who Natasha believed she killed years before, is actually still alive. But how exactly is that possible? A flashback scene shows that explosion that was meant to kill him and his daughter Antonia – an explosion rigged by S.H.I.E.L.D., who aren’t exactly known for sloppy work. When Antonia is revealed later in the movie, she has extensive scarring and injuries from the attempt on her father’s life. And yet, Dreykov himself has no such mark, not a single scar from Natasha’s attack. The film makes no attempt to explain how he managed to survive unscathed, likely because doing so convincingly would have been very difficult.

Why Does Alexei Think He Fought Captain America?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

Repeatedly throughout Black Widow, Red Guardian mentions his confrontations with Captain America – confrontations that are clearly impossible. Alexei is too young to have been fighting as the Red Guardian during World War II, and Steve Rogers from frozen solid from before the end of the war until the events of The Avengers. When Alexei boasts of his victory of Cap in prison, it’s easy to write it off as a simple lie driven by ego. But later, when he asks Natasha if Steve Rogers ever mentioned him, it seems like he might actually believe he and Captain America met. It’s possible that the Red Guardian is simply asking about this reputation, and that his rivalry with Captain America existed purely in Cold War propaganda, but Black Widow’s lack of detail on the topic makes it seem all the more curious.

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How Did Red Guardian Get His Superpowers?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

Another big question Black Widow leaves hanging is how Red Guardian actually obtained his superpowers. Alexei says that he was the Soviet Union’s first and only super soldier, which means that whatever procedure imbued him with his strength wasn’t replicable. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier revealed that there were many attempts in the late 1940s and 1950s to duplicate the Captain America serum, so the most likely explanation is that the Soviets acquired some variant – possibly from H.Y.D.R.A., or by stealing it from the U.S. government. Because the MCU has introduced so many super soldiers recently, it’s relatively easy to explain Alexei’s powers, but there are still some details that don’t quite add up.

How Did Alexei Know About Melina’s Red Room Work?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

After Natasha and Yelena rescue Alexei from prison, he tells them that he knows nothing about the modern Red Room, but that Melina might. He then shares her exact location and explains the work she does for Dreykov in some detail. But how does Alexei know all of this when he’s been in prison since the mid-1980s? He finds his old Red Guardian suit in Melina’s house, which means she must have lived there before he went to prison, but that doesn’t explain how he knows she’s still there or that she’s still working for the Red Room.

Why Are Natasha And Yelena Okay With Killing Innocent People?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

Natasha and Yelena’s prison break of Alexei is one of the main action set pieces of Black Widow, and it’s an incredibly fun one to watch. However, the sequence does present a bit of a plot hole in how many innocent people are injured and likely killed during the escape. The film makes sure to show many of the guards running into a bunker before the avalanche Yelena causes envelops the facility, and Natasha isn’t shown killing anyone without a doubt. But the scene’s violence, from all three main characters present, is on par with their attacks on the Red Room itself. It seems highly unlikely that everyone made it out of the prison attack okay, and since none of those guards were tied to the actual villains, Natasha and Yelena’s jokey ease around that fact seems a bit off.

How Does The Red Room’s Mind Control Actually Work?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

Since Natasha left the Red Room, Dreykov’s methods of human control became far more powerful and despicable. Using advanced microchips, he is able to alter brain functions within his soldiers and influence their behavior, even compelling them to kill themselves if he chooses. It’s gross and horrific, but it also requires a big suspension of disbelief. Melina gives a brief explanation of why only Dreykov has the technology, but there are a lot of other things about the Red Room’s mind control that don’t add up. What exactly does the red spray do? Are the widows’ true selves unconscious when under the influence of the chips? And if not, how does the spray change them so completely so quickly?

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How Do Taskmaster’s Mimicry Powers Work?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

One of the biggest mysteries of Black Widow is the identity of Taskmaster – the fearsome soldier deployed by Dreykov who can mimic any other person’s fighting moves perfectly. In the film’s final act, it’s revealed that Taskmaster is none other than Dreykov’s own daughter, Antonia, and that he’s been controlling her using one of his microchips. While an interesting twist, the Antonia reveal doesn’t give any real explanation of Taskmaster’s powers. Dreykov mentions in passing that his daughter can copy anyone’s moves, but he doesn’t explain how. Was she augmented? Born naturally gifted? The comics version of Taskmaster simply had an inherent talent for mimicry, and Antonia could be the same way. However, without any further explanation, the fact that Dreykov’s daughter just happens to be the one person on the planet with the mimicry power seems awfully convenient.

How Does Natasha Escape From Ross?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

At the end of Black Widow, after bringing down the Red Room for good, Natasha chooses to give herself up to Secretary Ross rather than continuing to run. However, the next scene, set just two weeks later, shows Natasha free as a bird. Given her skills, it’s pretty believable that she could escape, but it’s odd that the film offers no explanation as to how. Why doesn’t she leave with Yelena and the other widows if her plan was always just to escape again? And how was she able to get away when many of her fellow Avengers couldn’t?

Why Does Yelena Believe Hawkeye Caused Black Widow’s Death?

Black Widow Biggest Plot Holes

In Black Widow’s post-credits scene, Yelena is approached after the events of Endgame by Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, who has a curious mission for the former widow – killing Hawkeye, who Val says is responsible for Natasha’s death. Any fan who saw Endgame will know this is a lie, but shouldn’t Yelena know it too? Most characters in the Marvel universe seem to know what went on in Endgame as if it’s common knowledge, and Yelena’s heard Natasha talk plenty of times about how she and Hawkeye are friends. It seems skeptical that she would be so quick to accept Val’s story as truth, but that decision could be explained further in future MCU movies and shows.

Where Are Yelena And The Widows In Infinity War And Endgame?

Perhaps the biggest continuity question posed by Black Widow is where Yelena, Melina, Alexei and the widows are during the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. The massive battles at the end of both of those film bring in pretty much every ally the Avengers have ever had, so it seems particularly odd that none of Natasha’s family come to back her up. Obviously, this can be attributed to Black Widow not existing at the time those movies were made, but it still feels a bit odd. Fortunately, like most of the plot holes or unanswered questions in Black Widow, this error doesn’t take much away from the overall success of the film.

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