Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Bleach: 10 Strongest Female Characters, Ranked


Bleach features a huge cast of powerful characters. That includes many prominent women, too.

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Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Bleach stands as one of the “big three” of its generation and it’s returning in October 2022 with a brand-new season highlighting the Thousand-Year Blood War story arc. During its lengthy run, Bleach introduced a dazzling variety of characters, from the inhabitants of Karakura Town to noble Soul Reapers and villainous Hollows.

Bleach’s protagonist is Ichigo Kurosaki, and he’s met dozens of powerful friends, rivals, and enemies during his journey. As a shonen story, Bleach designed most of these characters as males, such as the brutish Kenpachi Zaraki and the bookish Uryu Ishida — but the story also features plenty of powerful heroic and villainous women who can be ranked according to battle strength and abilities.

10 Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi Is Surprisingly Strong

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi of Squad 12 is a quiet and docile person who follows every order that her boss and creator, Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi, gives her. Nemu may seem meek, but she’s far from defenseless. Mayuri engineered her to be a real powerhouse.

Nemu boasts formidable physical strength, speed, and endurance for her size, and she can even drill through solid rock by rotating her hand. In battle, Nemu tends to use melee combat rather than a zanpakuto, and she might even grab and restrain the enemy so Mayuri can finish them off.

9 Bambietta Basterbine Can Blow Anyone Up

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Most of the villainous Sternritter roughly rival a Captain in strength or even surpass them, and Sternritter E Bambietta Basterbine is on par with the weaker Captains. “E” stands for The Explosion, meaning Bambietta can turn any item or person into an explosive and set them off.

Bambietta’s explosions are highly destructive and difficult to avoid since anything can become one of her bombs at a moment’s notice. She can also use Quincy bows and arrows, and even carries around a sword as a backup weapon — not to mention her medallion.

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8 Rukia Kuchiki Now Has A Bankai

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Rukia Kuchiki was introduced in Bleach’s first season as a Soul Reaper officer on duty. At the time, she seemed rather weak. She couldn’t even take down Fishbone-D on her own, but after the Soul Society arc, Rukia proved what she can really do.

Rukia has a shikai called Sode no Shirayuki, which features three different dances — or modes — that create ice. She later acquired a bankai called Hakke no Togame, but her bankai still needs a lot of work. Rukia is also quite skilled at performing kido spells.

7 Kirio Hikifune Is A Culinary Master

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Kirio Hikifune of the Royal Guard unit has yet to appear in the Bleach anime, but fans of the Bleach manga know exactly what she is capable of. Kirio once belonged to Squad 12 until she was promoted to squad 0 for inventing artificial souls, a historic accomplishment.

Kirio doesn’t fight much in Bleach but it’s still clear how talented she is. This Soul Reaper can create the Cage of Life, a spiritually charged tree that can block nearly any spiritual attack from Soul Reapers or Quincy. She can also perform the flash step to outmaneuver her foes.

6 Senjumaru Shutara Can Sew Anything

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Senjumaru Shutara is another member of squad 0 who’s known for her six mechanical arms and fondness for tailoring. She can wield fabric and sewing needles with astonishing speed and skill, being able to transform a person’s garments in mere seconds.

That’s impressive enough, but Senjumaru can do more. Her six arms allow her to grab and lift people, and she can use her sewing needles to stab an opponent to death before they even know what’s happening. She can also attack people via their clothing, similar to Best Jeanist in My Hero Academia.

5 Nelliel’s Adult Form Is Worthy Of The Espadas

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

It’s not easy to gauge Nelliel Tu Odelschwank’s power since her rank of 3 is outdated by modern Espada standards and she switches back and forth between her child and adult forms. Still, her fight with Nnoitora Gilga made it clear how powerful she really is.

Nelliel is a friendly ex-Espada who fought hard to defend Ichigo during the Hueco Mundo story arc, boasting astonishing speed, strength, martial arts, and swordplay. Her released form, Gamuza, turns her into a centaur lancer whose spear can even punch through Nnoitora’s hardened defenses.

4 Captain Soi Fon Delivers A Deadly Sting

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Captain Soi Fon commands Squad 2, which is no ordinary platoon. Every member of Squad 2 is a trained assassin and infiltrator, like a team of Hollow-slaying ninjas, and Soi Fon is the best ninja of them all. She also has a shikai that delivers instant death.

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Soi Fon’s shikai is Suzumebachi. If it stings a foe twice in the same spot, the target drops dead, regardless of their defenses. She also has a destructive, cannon-like bankai and formidable martial arts and speed, including her use of wind-based shunko.

3 Yoruichi Shihoin Wrote The Book On Martial Arts

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

In decades past, the noblewoman Yoruichi Shihoin was stronger than many Squad Captains, and she still is. Yoruichi can’t deliver instant death, but she makes up for it with some of Bleach’s best martial arts, including the ultimate version of shunko, a technique Yoruichi invented herself.

Yoruichi is nearly untouchable in battle as a martial arts ninja and she doesn’t even need her zanpakuto to take down Espadas and Sternritter. She can also avoid a mortal blow with Bleach’s own version of the substitution jutsu by using a piece of her clothing, such as a coat.

2 Halibel Is The New #3 Espada

Bleach 10 Strongest Female Characters Ranked

Halibel is the lone woman among the Espadas, and she has most of them beat with her water-based technique and shark-themed weapons. Halibel is also noted to be a top-tier swordswoman, easily keeping pace with the child prodigy Toshiro Hitsugaya. Halibel also combines her sword with powerful cero blasts, a move no other Arrancar has ever used.

In addition to her extreme speed, swordplay, and cero blasts, Halibal can blow her foes away with her released form, Tiburon, which is even stronger than Ulquiorra’s own. She can summon and control vast amounts of water to crush the opposition. At one point, she took on three powerful foes, including two masked Visords, all by herself and fought evenly with them.

1 Yachiru Unohana Was The First Kenpachi

One thousand years ago, Yamamoto created the Gotei 13 as a band of sword-slinging antiheroes. Among them was Yachiru Unohana, a frighteningly powerful woman who has never met her match, with the sole exception of Kenpachi Zaraki. Under that motherly facade lies a true monster.

Captain Unohana is a bloodthirsty and devastating warrior who can demolish anyone with ease. Her bankai, Minazuki, very nearly killed Kenpachi — which says a lot. In addition, she has remarkable control over her spiritual energy and can use all kinds of medical kido spells, among other talents.

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